Yeah, Sekk, I did not put that it flags the whole account in my PvP thing - I just listed the levels that we know it happens at based on war or no war. Jace in proved if you weren't 35 and at war, you could run around in the area and not get hurt at all. Kind of an interesting insight on that one as a lower than 35 can run around playing scout and not get pummeled. Well, if they leave it that way, that is.
Anyway, this game is awesome for five man teams to go grind mobs and get a few levels in short order. Red mobs are the best to get as noted above. You can have Kennocha in the crew as long as everything is red to the other 4 who must be within 6 levels of lowest to highest level. Better if even closer in range to make sure everyone is seeing red on the mob names. A group did it last night and tested out places to go for 37-41 range.
Most things are done unscheduled based on people just grouping up and doing them. Please get on Discord as it helps get people cross guild working together. Like yesterday Teaghlach did a knowledge run and there was some hiccups getting GSCH people only due to trying to get communication cross guild for those NOT in Discord. We are getting better at sharing information, but it still is interesting and would be even crazier without Discord.
Anyway, if someone wants to group in my level range and I know I won't be interrupted for awhile, I'm game.