Gaiscioch Select Chapter


Helldivers II
Once Human
Camelot Unchained
Ashes of Creation
Chrono Odyssey
Dune Awakening
Light No Fire
Elder Scrolls Online
Royal Quest Online
Final Fantasy XIV
Destiny 2
- Full List -
Chapter 8:
Conqueror's Blade (2019)
Chapter 7:
New World (2021)
Chapter 6:
World of Warcraft: Classic (2019)
Chapter 5:
Elder Scrolls Online (2014)
Chapter 4:
Guild Wars 2 (2012)
Chapter 3:
RIFT (2011)
Chapter 2:
Warhammer Online (2008)
Chapter 1:
Dark Age of Camelot (2001)


138 Tuatha Guilds:
9,109 Members:
13,758 Characters:
11,709 Items:

Gaiscioch Armorsmithing Store

Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
8 Slot Reinforced Bronze Box Bag 0 0 63
8 Slot Equipment Box Bag 0 25 70
8 Slot Safe Box Bag 0 0 70
10 Slot Iron Box Bag 0 75 203
10 Slot Safe Box Bag 0 100 218
10 Slot Equipment Box Bag 0 100 218
12 Slot Steel Box Bag 0 150 230
12 Slot Safe Box Bag 0 175 253
18 Slot Mithril Box Bag 0 300 313
18 Slot Safe Box Bag 0 325 350
18 Slot Equipment Box Bag 0 325 350
20 Slot Orichalcum Box Bag 0 400 375
15 Slot Darksteel Box Bag 0 225 395
20 Slot Equipment Box Bag 0 400 420
20 Slot Safe Box Bag 0 400 420
15 Slot Safe Box Bag 0 250 425
15 Slot Equipment Box Bag 0 250 425
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Bronze Helmet Casing Materials 0 25 7
Bronze Chain Boot Lining Materials 0 0 9
Bronze Chain Glove Lining Materials 0 0 9
Bronze Pauldron Lining Materials 0 50 9
Bronze Chain Glove Panel Materials 0 0 13
Bronze Pauldron Casing Materials 0 50 13
Bronze Chain Chest Lining Materials 0 0 14
Bronze Chain Legging Lining Materials 0 0 14
Bronze Helmet Lining Materials 0 25 15
Iron Scale Boot Lining Materials 0 75 18
Iron Scale Armguard Lining Materials 0 75 18
Iron Pauldron Lining Materials 0 75 18
Bronze Chain Boot Panel Materials 0 0 19
Iron Casque Casing Materials 0 75 19
Steel Splint Helmet Casing Materials 0 150 22
Bronze Chain Legging Panel Materials 0 0 25
Steel Splint Pauldron Lining Materials 0 150 27
Steel Splint Gauntlet Lining Materials 0 150 27
Steel Splint Boot Lining Materials 0 150 27
Iron Scale Chest Padding Materials 0 75 28
Iron Scale Legging Lining Materials 0 75 28
Iron Casque Lining Materials 0 75 30
Bronze Chain Chest Panel Materials 0 0 32
Simple Armorsmith's Tools Materials 0 0 32
Mithril Helmet Casing Materials 0 300 32
Darksteel Pauldron Lining Materials 0 225 35
Darksteel Guantlet Lining Materials 0 225 35
Darksteel Boot Lining Materials 0 225 35
Iron Scale Boot Panel Materials 0 75 38
Iron Scale Armguard Panel Materials 0 75 38
Iron Pauldron Casing Materials 0 75 38
Darksteel Helmet Casing Materials 0 225 38
Orichalcum Helmet Casing Materials 0 400 38
Steel Splint Legging Lining Materials 0 150 42
Steel Splint Chestplate Padding Materials 0 150 42
Steel Splint Pauldron Casing Materials 0 150 43
Steel Splint Gauntlet Plates Materials 0 150 43
Steel Splint Boot Casing Materials 0 150 43
Mithril Pauldron Lining Materials 0 300 44
Mithril Gauntlet Lining Materials 0 300 44
Mithril Boot Lining Materials 0 300 44
Steel Splint Helmet Lining Materials 0 150 45
Orichalcum Boot Lining Materials 0 400 53
Orichalcum Pauldron Lining Materials 0 400 53
Orichalcum Gauntlet Lining Materials 0 400 53
Darksteel Legging Lining Materials 0 225 55
Darksteel Chestplate Padding Materials 0 225 55
Darksteel Helmet Lining Materials 0 225 60
Mithril Pauldron Casing Materials 0 300 63
Mithril Gauntlet Plates Materials 0 300 63
Mithril Boot Casing Materials 0 300 63
Mithril Legging Lining Materials 0 300 69
Mithril Chestplate Padding Materials 0 300 69
Orichalcum Gauntlet Plates Materials 0 400 75
Orichalcum Boot Casing Materials 0 400 75
Iron Scale Legging Panel Materials 0 75 75
Darksteel Pauldron Casing Materials 0 225 75
Darksteel Guantlet Plates Materials 0 225 75
Darksteel Boot Casing Materials 0 225 75
Mithril Helmet Lining Materials 0 300 75
Orichalcum Pauldron Casing Materials 0 400 75
Orichalcum Chestplate Padding Materials 0 400 83
Orichalcum Legging Lining Materials 0 400 83
Steel Splint Legging Panel Materials 0 150 85
Orichalcum Helmet Lining Materials 0 400 90
Iron Scale Chest Panel Materials 0 75 94
Sturdy Armorsmith's Tools Materials 0 75 94
Steel Splint Chestplate Panel Materials 0 150 107
Practical Armorsmith's Tools Materials 0 150 107
Mithril Legging Panel Materials 0 300 125
Darksteel Legging Panel Materials 0 225 150
Orichalcum Legging Panel Materials 0 400 150
Ornate Armorsmth's Tools Materials 0 300 157
Mithril Chestplate Panel Materials 0 300 157
Gossamer Patch Materials 0 400 180
Orichalcum Chestplate Panel Materials 0 400 188
Intricate Armorsmith's Tools Materials 0 275 188
Elegant Armorsmith's Tools Materials 0 400 188
Darksteel Chestplate Panel Materials 0 225 188
Deldrimor Steel Helmet Casing Materials 0 500 5,604
Deldrimor Steel Pauldron Lining Materials 0 500 7,812
Deldrimor Steel Chestplate Padding Materials 0 500 7,812
Deldrimor Steel Gauntlet Lining Materials 0 500 7,812
Deldrimor Steel Legging Lining Materials 0 500 7,812
Deldrimor Steel Boot Lining Materials 0 500 7,812
Deldrimor Steel Pauldron Casing Materials 0 500 10,383
Deldrimor Steel Gauntlet Plates Materials 0 500 10,383
Deldrimor Steel Boot Casing Materials 0 500 10,383
Deldrimor Steel Helmet Lining Materials 0 500 14,648
Deldrimor Steel Legging Panel Materials 0 500 19,940
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Mighty Chain Gauntlets (Simple) Arms 5 0 30
Mighty Chain Shoes (Simple) Feet 5 0 38
Mighty Chain Gauntlets Arms 10 0 45
Vital Chain Helm Head 15 25 45
Resilient Chain Helm Head 15 25 45
Precise Chain Helm Head 15 25 45
Mighty Chain Helm Head 15 25 45
Malign Chain Helm Head 15 25 45
Healing Chain Helm Head 15 25 45
Vital Chain Pauldrons Shoulders 20 50 45
Mighty Chain Pauldrons Shoulders 20 50 45
Malign Chain Pauldrons Shoulders 20 50 45
Resilient Chain Pauldrons Shoulders 20 50 45
Precise Chain Pauldrons Shoulders 20 50 45
Healing Chain Pauldrons Shoulders 20 50 45
Malign Chain Gauntlets Arms 10 0 45
Mighty Chain Legs (Simple) Legs 5 0 52
Vital Chain Boots Feet 0 10 53
Resilient Chain Boots Feet 15 25 53
Healing Chain Boots Feet 15 0 53
Precise Chain Boots Feet 15 0 53
Malign Chain Boots Feet 10 0 53
Mighty Chain Boots Feet 10 0 53
Mighty Chain Coat (Simple) Chest 5 0 60
Water Filter Head 20 50 74
Mighty Chain Coat Chest 10 0 75
Malign Chain Gauntlets Arms 20 50 77
Resilient Chain Pauldrons Shoulders 20 50 77
Healing Chain Pauldrons Shoulders 20 50 77
Healing Chain Gauntlets Arms 20 50 77
Mighty Chain Gauntlets Arms 20 50 77
Precise Chain Gauntlets Arms 20 50 77
Resilient Chain Gauntlets Arms 20 50 77
Vital Chain Gauntlets Arms 20 50 77
Malign Chain Helm Head 20 50 77
Healing Chain Helm Head 20 50 77
Mighty Chain Helm Head 20 50 77
Precise Chain Helm Head 20 50 77
Resilient Chain Helm Head 20 50 77
Vital Chain Helm Head 20 50 77
Mighty Chain Pauldrons Shoulders 20 50 77
Precise Chain Pauldrons Shoulders 20 50 77
Malign Chain Pauldrons Shoulders 20 50 77
Precise Chain Boots Feet 20 50 84
Resilient Chain Boots Feet 20 50 84
Hearty Scale helm Head 30 100 97
Honed Scale Helm Head 30 100 97
Strong Scale Helm Head 30 100 97
Ravaging Scale Helm Head 25 75 97
Mighty Chain Legs Legs 20 50 98
Hearty Scale Boots Feet 30 100 105
Honed Scale Boots Feet 30 100 105
Rejuvenating Scale Boots Feet 30 100 105
Strong Scale Boots Feet 30 100 105
Hearty Scale Gauntlets Arms 30 100 105
Honed Scale Gauntlets Arms 30 100 105
Strong Scale Gauntlets Arms 30 100 105
honed Scale Pauldrons Shoulders 30 100 105
Strong Scale Pauldrons Shoulders 30 100 105
Ravaging Scale Boots Feet 25 75 105
Vigorous Scale Boots Feet 25 75 105
Ravaging Scale Gauntlets Arms 25 75 105
Vigorous Scale Gauntlets Arms 25 75 105
Ravaging Scale Pauldrons Shoulders 25 75 105
Vigorous Scale Pauldrons Shoulders 25 75 105
Vital Chain Coat Chest 20 50 107
Malign Chain Coat Chest 20 50 107
Healing Chain Coat Chest 20 50 107
Mighty Chain Coat Chest 20 50 107
Precise Chain Coat Chest 20 50 107
Resilient Chain Coat Chest 20 50 107
Honed Splint Helm Head 45 175 137
Rejuvenating Splint Helm Head 45 175 137
Strong Splint Helm Head 45 175 137
Hearty Splint Helm Head 45 175 137
Ravaging Splint Helm Head 40 150 137
Vigorous Splint Helm Head 40 150 137
Ravaging Splint Pauldrons Shoulders 40 150 140
Honed Splint Gauntlets Arms 45 175 140
Rejuvenating Splint Gauntlets Arms 45 175 140
Strong Steel Gauntlets Arms 45 175 140
Strong Splint Greaves Feet 45 175 140
Rejuvenating Splint Greaves Feet 45 175 140
Honed Splint Greaves Feet 45 175 140
Hearty Splint Greaves Feet 45 175 140
Hearty Splint Gauntlets Arms 45 175 140
Hearty Splint Pauldrons Shoulders 45 175 140
Rejuvenating Splint Pauldrons Shoulders 45 175 140
Ravaging Splint Greaves Feet 0 0 140
Vigorous Splint Greaves Feet 40 150 140
Ravaging Splint Gauntlets Arms 40 150 140
Vigorous Splint Gauntlets Arms 40 150 140
Ravaging Scale Helm Head 35 125 159
Hearty Scale Legs Legs 30 100 164
Honed Scale Leggings Legs 30 100 164
Rejuvenating Scale Legs Legs 30 100 164
Strong Scale Legs Legs 30 100 164
Ravaging Scale Legs Legs 25 75 164
Vigorous Scale Legs Legs 25 75 164
Hearty Scale Coat Chest 30 100 188
Honed Scale Coat Chest 30 100 188
Rejuvenating Scale Coat Chest 30 100 188
Strong Scale Coat Chest 30 100 188
Ravaging Scale Coat Chest 25 75 188
Vigorous Scale Coat Chest 25 75 188
Berserker's Reinforced Scale Helm Head 60 250 192
Cleric's Reinforced Scale Helm Head 60 250 192
Rampager's Reinforced Scale Helm Head 60 250 192
Carrion Reinforced Scale Helm Head 55 225 192
Knight's Reinforced Scale Helm Head 55 225 192
Valkyrie Reinforced Scale helm Head 55 225 192
Rampager's Reinforced Scale Boots Feet 60 250 207
Cleric's Reinforced Scale Gauntlets Arms 60 250 207
Berserker's Reinforced Scale Pauldrons Shoulders 60 250 207
Rampager's Reinforced Scale Gauntlets Arms 60 250 207
Carrion Reinforced Scale Gauntlets Arms 55 225 207
Carrion Reinforced Scale Pauldrons Shoulders 55 225 207
Knight's Reinforced Scale Boots Feet 55 225 207
Beserker's Reinforced Scale Boots Feet 60 250 207
Berserker's Reinforced Scale Gauntlets Arms 60 250 207
Cleric's Reinforced Scale Boots Feet 60 250 207
Cleric's Reinforced Scale Pauldrons Shoulders 60 250 207
Knight's Reinforced Scale Gauntlets Arms 55 225 207
Knight's Reinforced Scale Pauldrons Shoulders 55 225 207
Valkyrie Reinforced Scale Boots Feet 55 225 207
Valkyrie Reinforced Scale Gauntlets Arms 55 225 207
Valkyrie Reinforced Scale Pauldrons Shoulders 55 225 207
Strong Splint Legs Legs 45 175 212
Rejuvenating Splint Legs Legs 45 175 212
Hearty Splint Legs Legs 45 175 212
Ravaging Splint Legs Legs 40 150 212
Cleric's Barbaric Boots Feet 75 325 220
Cleric's Barbaric Helm Head 75 325 220
Cleric's Barbaric Pauldrons Shoulders 75 325 220
Rampager's Barbaric Boots Feet 75 325 220
Rampager's Barbaric Gloves Arms 75 325 220
Rampager's Barbaric Helm Head 75 325 220
Rampager's Barbaric Pauldrons Shoulders 75 325 220
Carrion Barbaric Boots Feet 70 300 220
Carrion Barbaric Helm Main Hand 70 300 220
Carrion Barbaric Pauldrons Shoulders 70 300 220
Knight's Barbaric Boots Feet 70 300 220
Knight's Barbaric Helm Head 70 300 220
Berserker's Barbaric Boots Feet 75 325 220
Valkyrie Barbaric Boots Feet 70 300 220
Knight's Barbaric Pauldrons Shoulders 70 300 220
Valkyrie Barbaric Gloves Arms 70 300 220
Valkyrie Barbaric Helm Head 70 300 220
Valkyrie Barbaric Pauldrons Shoulders 70 300 220
Berserker's Barbaric Gloves Arms 75 325 220
Cleric's Barbaric Gloves Arms 75 325 220
Carrion Barbaric Gloves Arms 70 300 220
Knight's Barbaric Gloves Arms 70 300 220
Ravaging Scale Legs Legs 35 125 227
Honed Splint Helm Head 50 200 230
Strong Splint Greaves Feet 50 200 234
Strong Splint Gauntlets Arms 50 200 234
Ravaging Splint Greaves Feet 50 200 234
Rejuvenating Splint Greaves Feet 50 200 234
Vigorous Splint Greaves Feet 50 200 234
Vigorous Splint Gauntlets Arms 50 200 234
Ravaging Splint Coat Chest 40 150 239
Strong Splint Coat Chest 45 175 239
Hearty Splint Coat Chest 45 175 239
Honed Splint Coat Chest 45 175 239
Rejuvenating Splint Coat Chest 45 175 239
Vigorous Splint Coat Chest 40 150 239
Hearty Gladiator Helm Head 35 125 249
Ravaging Gladiator Helm Head 35 125 249
Rejuvenating Gladiator Helm Head 35 125 249
Honed Gladiator Helm Head 35 125 249
Strong Gladiator Helm Head 35 125 249
Vigorous Gladiator Helm Head 35 125 249
Hearty Gladiator Boots Feet 35 125 258
Hearty Gladiator Gauntlets Arms 35 125 258
Hearty Gladiator Pauldrons Shoulders 35 125 258
Ravaging Gladiator Boots Feet 35 125 258
Rejuvenating Gladiator Boots Feet 35 125 258
Honed Gladiator Boots Feet 35 125 258
Strong Gladiator Boots Feet 35 125 258
Vigorous Gladiator Boots Feet 35 125 258
Vigorous Gladiator Gauntlets Arms 35 125 258
Strong Gladiator Gauntlets Arms 35 125 258
Honed Gladiator Gauntlets Arms 35 125 258
Rejuvenating Gladiator Gauntlets Arms 35 125 258
Ravaging Gladiator Gauntlets Arms 35 125 258
Ravaging Gladiator Pauldrons Shoulders 35 125 258
Rejuvenating Gladiator Pauldrons Shoulders 35 125 258
Honed Gladiator Pauldrons Shoulders 35 125 258
Strong Gladiator Pauldrons Shoulders 35 125 258
Vigorous Gladiator Pauldrons Shoulders 35 125 258
Carrion Reinforced Scale Boots Feet 55 225 294
Ravaging Splint Legs Legs 50 200 305
Strong Splint Legs Legs 50 200 305
Hearty Gladiator Legplates Legs 35 125 317
Ravaging Gladiator Legplates Legs 35 125 317
Rejuvenating Gladiator Legplates Legs 35 125 317
Honed Gladiator Legplates Legs 35 125 317
Strong Gladiator Legplates Legs 35 125 317
Vigorous Gladiator Legplates Legs 35 125 317
Rampager's Reinforced Scale Helm Head 65 275 317
Rampager's Reinforced Scale Legs Legs 60 250 325
Carrion Reinforced Scale Legs Legs 55 225 325
Berserker's Reinforced Scale Legs Legs 60 250 325
Knight's Reinforced Scale Legs Legs 55 225 325
Valkyrie Reinforced Scale Legs Legs 55 225 325
Cleric's Barbaric Legplates Legs 75 325 329
Rampager's Barbaric Legplates Legs 75 325 329
Carrion Barbaric Legplates Legs 70 300 329
Knight's Barbaric Legplates Legs 70 300 329
Valkyrie Barbaric Legplates Legs 70 300 329
Carrion Reinforced Scale Boots Feet 65 275 332
Carrion Reinforced Scale Gauntlets Costume Arms 65 275 332
Knight's Reinforces Scale Gauntlets Arms 65 275 332
Valkyrie Reinforced Scale Pauldrons Shoulders 65 275 332
Berserker's Reinforced Scale Boots Feet 65 275 332
Berserker's Reinforced Scale Gauntlets Arms 65 275 332
Beserker's Reinforced Scale Pauldrons Shoulders 65 275 332
Knight's Reinforced Scale Boots Feet 65 275 332
Knight's Reinforced Scale Gauntlets Arms 65 275 332
Rampager's Reinforced Scale Boots Feet 65 275 332
Rampager's Reinforced Scale Pauldrons Shoulders 65 275 332
Rejuvenating Splint Coat Chest 50 200 333
Strong Gladiator Chestplate Chest 35 125 340
Hearty Gladiator Chestplate Chest 35 125 340
Honed Gladiator Chestplate Chest 35 125 340
Vigorous Gladiator Chestplate Chest 35 125 340
Ravaging Gladiator Chestplate Chest 35 125 340
Rejuvenating Gladiator Chestplate Chest 35 125 340
Strong Gladiator Helm Head 50 200 365
Honed Gladiator Helm Head 50 200 365
Hearty Gladiator Helm Head 50 200 365
Vigorous Gladiator Helm Head 50 200 365
Rejuvenating Gladiator Helm Head 50 200 365
Ravaging Gladiator Helm Head 50 200 365
Ravaging Gladiator Boots Feet 50 200 369
Strong Gladiator Boots Feet 50 200 369
Honed Gladiator Boots Feet 50 200 369
Hearty Gladiator Boots Feet 50 200 369
Vigorous Gladiator Boots Feet 50 200 369
Strong Gladiator Gauntlets Arms 50 200 369
Strong Gladiator Pauldrons Shoulders 50 200 369
Honed Gladiator Pauldrons Shoulders 50 200 369
Honed Gladiator Gauntlets Arms 50 200 369
Hearty Gladiator Pauldrons Shoulders 50 200 369
Hearty Gladiator Gauntlets Arms 50 200 369
Vigorous Gladiator Gauntlets Arms 50 200 369
Vigorous Gladiator Pauldrons Shoulders 50 200 369
Rejuvenating Gladiator Gauntlets Arms 50 200 369
Rejuvenating Gladiator Pauldrons Shoulders 50 200 369
Ravaging Gladiator Gauntlets Arms 50 200 369
Ravaging Gladiator Pauldrons Shoulders 50 200 369
Rampager's Barbaric Coat Chest 75 325 369
Carrion Barbaric Coat Chest 70 300 369
Knight's Barbaric Coat Chest 70 300 369
Cleric's Barbaric Coat Chest 75 325 369
Valkyrie Barbaric Coat Chest 70 300 369
Valkyrie Reinforced Scale Chest Chest 55 225 373
Berserker's Reinforced Scale Chest Chest 60 250 373
Rampager's Reinforced Scale Chest Chest 60 250 373
Carrion Reinforced Scale Chest Chest 55 225 373
Knight's Reinforced Scale Chest Chest 55 225 373
Carrion Barbaric Boots Feet 80 350 377
Rampager's Barbaric Boots Feet 80 350 377
Valkyrie Barbaric Boots Feet 80 350 377
Rampager's Barbaric Gloves Arms 80 350 377
Valkyrie Barbaic Gloves Arms 80 350 377
Rampager's Barbaric Helm Head 80 350 377
Valkyrie Barbaric Helm Head 80 350 377
Rampager's Barbaric Pauldrons Shoulders 80 350 377
Valkyrie Barbaric Pauldrons Shoulders 80 350 377
Box of Resilient Chain Armor Consumable 20 50 402
Box of Vital Chain Armor Consumable 20 50 402
Box of Healing Chain Armor Consumable 20 50 402
Box of Malign Chain Armor Consumable 20 50 402
Box of Mighty Chain Armor Consumable 20 50 402
Box of Precise Chain Armor Consumable 20 50 402
Vigorous Gladiator Legplates Legs 50 200 440
Hearty Gladiator Legplates Legs 50 200 440
Honed Gladiator Legplates Legs 50 200 440
Strong Gladiator Legplates Legs 50 200 440
Rejuvenating Gladiator Legplates Legs 50 200 440
Ravaging Gladiator Legplates Legs 50 200 440
Valkyrie Reinforced Scale Legs Legs 65 275 450
Strong Gladiator Chestplate Chest 50 200 468
Honed Gladiator Chestplate Chest 50 200 468
Hearty Gladiator Chestplate Chest 50 200 468
Vigorous Gladiator Chestplate Chest 50 200 468
Rejuvenating Gladiator Chestplate Chest 50 200 468
Ravaging Gladiator Chestplate Chest 50 200 468
Carrion Reinforced Scale Chest Chest 65 275 498
Rampager's Reinforced Scale Gauntlets Arms 65 275 519
Berserker's Gladiator Boots Feet 80 375 603
Knight's Gladiator Boots Feet 80 375 603
Box of Strong Chain Armor Consumable 100 0 603
Berserker's Gladiator Gauntlets Arms 80 375 603
Berserker's Gladiator Helm Head 80 375 603
Berserker's Gladiator Pauldrons Shoulders 80 375 603
Valkyrie Gladiator Boots Feet 80 375 603
Cleric's Gladiator Boots Feet 80 375 603
Cleric's Gladiator Gauntlets Arms 80 375 603
Cleric's Gladiator Helm Head 80 375 603
Cleric's Gladiator Pauldrons Shoulders 80 375 603
Rejuvenating Gladiator Boots Feet 50 200 610
Berserker's Gladiator Legplates Legs 80 375 712
Valkyrie Gladiator Legplates Legs 80 375 712
Cleric's Gladiator Chestplate Chest 80 375 752
Berserker's Gladiator Chestplate Chest 80 375 752
Cleric's Draconic Helm Head 80 400 973
Cleric's Draconic Pauldrons Shoulders 80 400 973
Berserker's Draconic Boots Feet 80 400 973
Berserker's Draconic Gauntlets Arms 80 400 973
Berserker's Draconic Helm Head 80 400 973
Berserker's Draconic Pauldrons Shoulders 80 400 973
Knight's Draconic Boots Feet 80 400 973
Knight's Draconic Gauntlets Arms 80 400 973
Knight's Draconic Helm Head 80 400 973
Knight's Draconic Pauldrons Shoulders 80 400 973
Cleric's Draconic Boots Feet 80 400 973
Cleric's Draconic Gauntlets Arms 80 400 973
Berserker's Draconic Legs Legs 80 400 1,104
Knight's Draconic Legs Legs 80 400 1,104
Cleric's Draconic Legs Legs 80 400 1,104
Berserker's Draconic Coat Chest 80 400 1,152
Knight's Draconic Coat Chest 80 400 1,152
Cleric's Draconic Coat Chest 80 400 1,152
Assassin's Draconic Gauntlets Arms 80 400 1,645
Assassin's Draconic Boots Feet 80 400 1,645
Carrion Draconic Boots Feet 80 400 1,645
Carrion Draconic Gauntlets Arms 80 400 1,645
Carrion Draconic Helm Head 80 400 1,645
Carrion Draconic Pauldrons Shoulders 80 400 1,645
Assassin's Draconic Helm Head 80 400 1,645
Assassin's Draconic Pauldrons Shoulders 80 400 1,645
Assassin's Draconic Legs Legs 80 400 1,777
Carrion Draconic Legs Legs 80 400 1,777
Carrion Draconic Coat Chest 80 400 1,824
Assassin's Draconic Coat Chest 80 400 1,824
Box of Cleric's Barbaric Armor Consumable 0 375 3,657
Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor Consumable 80 400 5,888
Box of Cleric's Draconic Armor Consumable 80 400 5,888
Box of Carrion Draconic Armor Consumable 80 400 9,923
Box of Knight's Draconic Armor Consumable 80 400 9,923
Box of Rampager's Draconic Armor Consumable 80 400 9,923
Box of Valkyrie Draconic Armor Consumable 80 400 9,923
Box of Assassin's Draconic Armor Bag 80 400 9,923
Box of Apothecary's Draconic Armor Consumable 80 400 12,173
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Minor Rune of the Guardian (Armorsmith)
Usable on: Armor
Consumable 0 0 37
Minor Rune of the Fighter (Armorsmith)
Usable on: Armor
Consumable 0 25 37
Minor Rune of Svanir (Armorsmith)
Usable on: Armor
Consumable 0 50 37
Minor Rune of the Krait (Armorsmithing)
Usable on: Armor
Consumable 0 50 37
Minor Rune of the Earth (Armorsmithing)
Usable on: Armor
Consumable 0 175 37
Minor Rune of the Warrior (Armorsmith)
Usable on: Armor
Consumable 0 0 39
Minor Rune of the Soldier (Armorsmith)
Usable on: Armor
Consumable 0 25 39
Major Rune of the Fighter (Armorsmith)
Usable on: Armor
Consumable 39 225 52
Superior Rune of the Krait (Armorsmith)
Usable on: Armor
Consumable 60 400 55
Major Rune of the Guardian (Armorsmith)
Usable on: Armor
Consumable 39 200 68
Major Rune of Svanir (Armorsmith)
Usable on: Armor
Consumable 39 250 68
Major Rune of the Fire (Armorsmith)
Usable on: Armor
Consumable 39 275 68
Major Rune of the Earth (Armorsmith)
Usable on: Armor
Consumable 39 275 68
Major Rune of the Soldier (Armorsmith)
Usable on: Armor
Consumable 39 225 78
Major Rune of the Krait (Armorsmith)
Usable on: Armor
Consumable 39 250 78
Superior Rune of the Fire (Armorsmith)
Usable on: Armor
Consumable 60 400 132
Superior Rune of the Earth
Usable on: Armor
Consumable 60 400 132
Superior Rune of the Soldier (Armorsmith)
Usable on: Armor
Consumable 60 400 147
Superior Rune of the Trooper
Usable on: Armor
Consumable 60 400 147