Gaiscioch Select Chapter


Dune Awakening
Once Human
Camelot Unchained
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen
Elder Scrolls Online
Black Desert
Guild Wars
Pax Dei
- Full List -
Chapter 8:
Conqueror's Blade (2019)
Chapter 7:
New World (2021)
Chapter 6:
World of Warcraft: Classic (2019)
Chapter 5:
Elder Scrolls Online (2014)
Chapter 4:
Guild Wars 2 (2012)
Chapter 3:
RIFT (2011)
Chapter 2:
Warhammer Online (2008)
Chapter 1:
Dark Age of Camelot (2001)


138 Tuatha Guilds:
9,134 Members:
13,976 Characters:
11,709 Items:

Gaiscioch Component Store

Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Bronze Helmet Casing Materials 0 25 7
Bronze Chain Boot Lining Materials 0 0 9
Bronze Chain Glove Lining Materials 0 0 9
Bronze Pauldron Lining Materials 0 50 9
Bronze Chain Glove Panel Materials 0 0 13
Bronze Pauldron Casing Materials 0 50 13
Bronze Chain Chest Lining Materials 0 0 14
Bronze Chain Legging Lining Materials 0 0 14
Bronze Helmet Lining Materials 0 25 15
Iron Scale Boot Lining Materials 0 75 18
Iron Scale Armguard Lining Materials 0 75 18
Iron Pauldron Lining Materials 0 75 18
Bronze Chain Boot Panel Materials 0 0 19
Iron Casque Casing Materials 0 75 19
Steel Splint Helmet Casing Materials 0 150 22
Bronze Chain Legging Panel Materials 0 0 25
Steel Splint Pauldron Lining Materials 0 150 27
Steel Splint Gauntlet Lining Materials 0 150 27
Steel Splint Boot Lining Materials 0 150 27
Iron Scale Chest Padding Materials 0 75 28
Iron Scale Legging Lining Materials 0 75 28
Iron Casque Lining Materials 0 75 30
Bronze Chain Chest Panel Materials 0 0 32
Simple Armorsmith's Tools Materials 0 0 32
Mithril Helmet Casing Materials 0 300 32
Darksteel Pauldron Lining Materials 0 225 35
Darksteel Guantlet Lining Materials 0 225 35
Darksteel Boot Lining Materials 0 225 35
Iron Scale Boot Panel Materials 0 75 38
Iron Scale Armguard Panel Materials 0 75 38
Iron Pauldron Casing Materials 0 75 38
Darksteel Helmet Casing Materials 0 225 38
Orichalcum Helmet Casing Materials 0 400 38
Steel Splint Legging Lining Materials 0 150 42
Steel Splint Chestplate Padding Materials 0 150 42
Steel Splint Pauldron Casing Materials 0 150 43
Steel Splint Gauntlet Plates Materials 0 150 43
Steel Splint Boot Casing Materials 0 150 43
Mithril Pauldron Lining Materials 0 300 44
Mithril Gauntlet Lining Materials 0 300 44
Mithril Boot Lining Materials 0 300 44
Steel Splint Helmet Lining Materials 0 150 45
Orichalcum Boot Lining Materials 0 400 53
Orichalcum Pauldron Lining Materials 0 400 53
Orichalcum Gauntlet Lining Materials 0 400 53
Darksteel Legging Lining Materials 0 225 55
Darksteel Chestplate Padding Materials 0 225 55
Darksteel Helmet Lining Materials 0 225 60
Mithril Pauldron Casing Materials 0 300 63
Mithril Gauntlet Plates Materials 0 300 63
Mithril Boot Casing Materials 0 300 63
Mithril Legging Lining Materials 0 300 69
Mithril Chestplate Padding Materials 0 300 69
Orichalcum Gauntlet Plates Materials 0 400 75
Orichalcum Boot Casing Materials 0 400 75
Iron Scale Legging Panel Materials 0 75 75
Darksteel Pauldron Casing Materials 0 225 75
Darksteel Guantlet Plates Materials 0 225 75
Darksteel Boot Casing Materials 0 225 75
Mithril Helmet Lining Materials 0 300 75
Orichalcum Pauldron Casing Materials 0 400 75
Orichalcum Chestplate Padding Materials 0 400 83
Orichalcum Legging Lining Materials 0 400 83
Steel Splint Legging Panel Materials 0 150 85
Orichalcum Helmet Lining Materials 0 400 90
Iron Scale Chest Panel Materials 0 75 94
Sturdy Armorsmith's Tools Materials 0 75 94
Steel Splint Chestplate Panel Materials 0 150 107
Practical Armorsmith's Tools Materials 0 150 107
Mithril Legging Panel Materials 0 300 125
Darksteel Legging Panel Materials 0 225 150
Orichalcum Legging Panel Materials 0 400 150
Ornate Armorsmth's Tools Materials 0 300 157
Mithril Chestplate Panel Materials 0 300 157
Gossamer Patch Materials 0 400 180
Orichalcum Chestplate Panel Materials 0 400 188
Intricate Armorsmith's Tools Materials 0 275 188
Elegant Armorsmith's Tools Materials 0 400 188
Darksteel Chestplate Panel Materials 0 225 188
Deldrimor Steel Helmet Casing Materials 0 500 5,604
Deldrimor Steel Pauldron Lining Materials 0 500 7,812
Deldrimor Steel Chestplate Padding Materials 0 500 7,812
Deldrimor Steel Gauntlet Lining Materials 0 500 7,812
Deldrimor Steel Legging Lining Materials 0 500 7,812
Deldrimor Steel Boot Lining Materials 0 500 7,812
Deldrimor Steel Pauldron Casing Materials 0 500 10,383
Deldrimor Steel Gauntlet Plates Materials 0 500 10,383
Deldrimor Steel Boot Casing Materials 0 500 10,383
Deldrimor Steel Helmet Lining Materials 0 500 14,648
Deldrimor Steel Legging Panel Materials 0 500 19,940