Gaiscioch Select Chapter


Dune Awakening
Once Human
Camelot Unchained
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen
Elder Scrolls Online
Black Desert
Guild Wars
Pax Dei
- Full List -
Chapter 8:
Conqueror's Blade (2019)
Chapter 7:
New World (2021)
Chapter 6:
World of Warcraft: Classic (2019)
Chapter 5:
Elder Scrolls Online (2014)
Chapter 4:
Guild Wars 2 (2012)
Chapter 3:
RIFT (2011)
Chapter 2:
Warhammer Online (2008)
Chapter 1:
Dark Age of Camelot (2001)


138 Tuatha Guilds:
9,134 Members:
13,976 Characters:
11,709 Items:

Gaiscioch Jeweler Store

Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Amber Copper Stud of Festering Ear 10 0 36
Garnet Copper Stud of Might Ear 10 0 38
Tiger's Eye Copper Stud of Precision Ear 15 25 38
Malachite Copper Stud of Resilience Ear 15 25 38
Pearl Copper Stud of Compassion Ear 15 25 38
Turquoise Copper Stud of Vitality Ear 10 0 39
Amber Copper Ring of Festering Ring 10 0 44
Owl Amulet Neck 20 50 44
Malachite Copper Ring of Resilience Ring 15 25 45
Garnet Copper Ring of Might Ring 10 0 45
Pearl Copper Ring of Compassion Ring 15 25 45
Tiger's Eye Copper Ring of Precision Ring 15 25 45
Turquoise Copper Ring of Vitality Ring 10 0 46
Amber Copper Amulet of Festering Neck 20 50 51
Tiger's Eye Copper Amulet of Precision Neck 20 50 52
Pearl Copper Amulet of Compassion Neck 20 50 52
Garnet Copper Amulet Neck 20 50 52
Malachite Copper Amulet of Resilience Neck 20 50 52
Turquoise Copper Amulet of Vitality Neck 20 50 53
Amber Copper Stud of Festering Ear 20 50 57
Garnet Copper Stud Ear 20 50 58
Pearl Copper Stud of Compassion Ear 20 50 58
Tiger's Eye Copper Stud of Precision Ear 20 50 58
Malachite Copper Stud of Resilience Ear 20 50 58
Turquoise Copper Stud of Vitality Ear 20 50 59
Amber Copper Ring of Festering Ring 20 50 64
Garnet Copper Ring Ring 20 50 65
Malachite Copper Ring of Resilience Ring 20 50 65
Pearl Copper Ring of Compassion Ring 20 50 65
Tiger's Eye Copper Ring of Precision Ring 20 50 65
Turquoise Copper Ring of Vitality Ring 20 50 66
Amethyst Silver Earring of Vigor Ear 25 75 69
Topaz Silver Earring of Ravaging Ear 25 75 69
Carnelian Silver Stud of Strength Ear 30 100 70
Lapis Silver Earring of Heartiness Ear 30 100 70
Peridot Silver Earring of Honing Ear 30 100 70
Spinel Silver Earring of Rejuvenation Ear 30 100 70
Amber Copper Amulet of Festering Neck 20 50 71
Garnet Copper Amulet of Might Neck 20 50 72
Malachite Copper Amulet of Resilience Neck 20 50 72
Tiger's Eye Copper Amulet of Precision Neck 20 50 72
Pearl Copper Amulet of Compassion Neck 20 50 72
Turquoise Copper Amulet of Vitality Neck 20 50 74
Amethyst Silver Band of Vigor Ring 25 75 84
Topaz Silver Band of Ravaging Ring 25 75 84
Lapis Silver Ring of Heartiness Ring 30 100 86
Carnelian Silver Ring of Strength Ring 30 100 86
Peridot Silver Ring of Honing Ring 30 100 86
Spinel Silver Ring of Rejuvenation Ring 30 100 86
Deldrimor Ring Replica Ring 25 75 94
Amethyst Silver Pendant of Vigor Neck 25 100 99
Topaz Silver Pendant of Ravaging Neck 25 75 99
Carnelian Silver Amulet of Strength Neck 30 100 100
Peridot Silver Amulet of Honing Neck 30 100 100
Lapis Silver Amulet of Heartiness Neck 30 100 100
Spinel Silver Amulet of Rejuvenation Neck 30 100 100
Amethyst Gold Earring Of Vigor Ear 40 150 106
Topaz Gold Earring Ear 40 150 106
Amethyst Silver Earring of Vigor Ear 35 125 107
Topaz Silver Earring of Ravaging Ear 35 125 107
Amethyst Silver Earring of Vigor Ear 35 125 107
Spinel Gold Earring of Rejuvenation Ear 45 175 108
Peridot Gold Earring of Honing Ear 45 175 108
Lapis Gold Earring of Heartiness Ear 45 175 108
Carnelian Silver Stud of Strength Ear 35 125 108
Lapis Silver Earring of Heartiness Ear 35 125 108
Peridot Silver Earring of Honing Ear 35 125 108
Spinel Silver Earring of Rejuvenation Ear 35 125 108
Peridot Silver Earring of Honing Ring 35 125 108
Lapis Silver Earring of Heartiness Ear 35 125 108
Carnelian Earring of Strength Ear 45 175 108
Amethyst Silver Ring of Vigor Ring 35 125 123
Amethyst Silver Band of Vigor Ring 35 125 123
Amethyst Silver Band of Vigor Ring 35 125 123
Peridot Silver Ring of Honing Ring 35 125 124
Lapis Silver Ring of Heartiness Ring 35 125 124
Carnelian Silver Ring of Strength Ring 35 125 124
Lapis Silver Ring of Heartiness Ring 35 125 124
Perdot Silver Ring of Honing Ring 35 125 124
Spinel Silver Ring of Rejuvenation Ring 35 125 124
Peridot Silver Ring of Honing Ring 35 125 124
Topaz Gold Ring of Ravaging Ring 40 150 129
Amethyst Gold Ring Of Vigor Ring 40 150 129
Spinal Gold Ring of Rejuvenation Ring 45 175 131
Spinel Gold Ring of Rejuvenation Ring 45 175 131
Peridot Gold Ring of Honing Ring 45 175 131
Lapis Gold Ring of Heartiness Ring 45 175 131
Carnelian Band of Strength Ring 45 175 131
Topaz Silver Earring of Ravaging
Usable on: Accessory
Ear 35 125 132
Topaz Silver Pendant of Ravaging Neck 35 125 137
Amethyst Silver Pendant of Vigor Neck 35 125 137
Amethyst Silver Pendant of Vigor Neck 35 125 137
Topaz Silver Pendant of Ravaging Neck 35 125 137
Carnelian Silver Amulet of Strength Neck 35 125 138
Peridot Silver Pendant of Honing Neck 35 125 138
Lapis Silver Amulet of Heartiness Neck 35 125 138
Carnelian Silver Amulet of Strength Neck 35 125 138
Spinel Silver Amulet of Rejuvenation Neck 35 125 138
Lapis Silver Amulet of Heartiness Neck 35 125 138
Peridot Silver Pendant of Honing Neck 35 125 138
Spinel Silver Amulet of Rejuvenation Neck 35 125 138
Lapis Gold Amulet of Heartiness Neck 50 200 142
Spinel Gold Amulet of Rejuvenation Neck 50 200 142
Beryl Platnium Earring of the Valkyrie Ear 55 225 150
Emerald Platinum Earring of the Knight Ear 55 225 150
Chrysocola Platinum Earring of Carrion Ear 55 225 150
Coral Platinum Earring of the Rampager Ear 60 250 150
Ruby Platinum Earring of the Berserker Ear 60 250 150
Sapphire Platinum Earring of the Cleric Ear 60 250 150
Topaz Gold Amulet of Ravaging Neck 40 150 150
Amethyst Gold Amulet of Vigor Neck 40 150 150
Spinel Gold Amulet of Rejuvenation Neck 45 175 153
Carnelian Pendant of Strength Neck 45 175 153
Peridot Gold Amulet of Honing Neck 45 175 153
Lapis Gold Amulet of Heartiness Neck 45 175 153
Topaz Gold Earring of Ravaging Ear 50 200 164
Amethyst Gold Earring of Vigor Ear 50 200 164
Amethyst Gold Earring of Vigor Ear 50 200 164
Lapis Gold Earring of Heartiness Ear 50 200 167
Peridot Gold Earring of Honing Ear 50 200 167
Spinel Gold Earring of Rejuvenation Ear 50 200 167
Carnelian Gold Earring of Strength Ear 50 200 167
Carnelian Gold Earring of Strength Ear 50 200 167
Lapis Gold Earrings of Heartiness Ear 50 200 167
Peridot Gold Earrings of Heartiness Ear 50 200 167
Spinel Gold Earring of Rejuvenation Ear 50 200 167
Beryl Platnium Ring of the Valkyrie Ring 55 225 180
Emerald Platinum Ring of the Knight Ring 55 225 180
Chrysocola Platinum Ring of Carrion Ring 55 225 180
Sapphire Platinum Ring of the Cleric Ring 60 250 180
Beryl Mithril Earring of the Valkyrie Ear 70 300 184
Chrysocola Mithril Earring of Carrion Ear 70 300 184
Emerald Mithril Earring of the Knight Ear 70 300 184
Amethyst Gold Ring of Vigor Ring 50 200 186
Amethyst Gold Ring of Vigor Ring 50 200 186
Topaz Gold Ring of Ravaging Ring 50 200 186
Topaz Gold Ring of Ravaging Ring 50 200 186
Lapis Gold Ring of Heartiness Ring 50 200 190
Peridot Gold Ring of Honing Ring 50 200 190
Carnelian Gold Band of Strength Ring 50 200 190
Ruby Mithril Earring of the Berserker Ear 75 325 190
Sapphire Mithril Earring of the Cleric Ear 75 325 190
Coral Mithril Earring of the Rampager Ear 75 325 190
Spinel Gold Ring of Rejuvenation Ring 50 200 190
Peridot Gold Ring of Honing Ring 50 200 190
Lapis Gold Ring of Heartiness Ring 50 200 190
Carnelian Gold Band of Strength Ring 50 200 190
Spinel Gold Ring of Rejuvenation Ring 50 200 190
Amethyst Gold Amulet of Vigor Neck 50 200 208
Topaz Gold Earring of Ravaging Ear 50 200 208
Topaz Gold Amulet of Ravaging Neck 50 200 208
Amethyst Gold Amulet of Vigor Neck 50 200 208
Topaz Gold Amulet of Ravaging Neck 50 200 208
Sapphire Platinum Amulet of the Cleric Neck 60 250 210
Coral Platinum Amulet of the Rampager Neck 60 325 210
Chrysocola Platinum Amulet of Carrion Neck 55 225 210
Ruby Platinum Amulet of the Berserker Neck 60 250 210
Emerald Platinum Amulet of the Knight Neck 55 225 210
Beryl Platinum Amulet of the Valkyrie Neck 55 225 210
Carnelian Gold Pendant of Strength Neck 50 200 212
Lapis Gold Amulet of Heartiness Neck 50 200 212
Peridot Gold Amulet of Heartiness Neck 50 200 212
Spinel Gold Amulet of Rejuvenation Neck 50 200 212
Peridot Gold Amulet of Honing Neck 50 200 212
Carnelian Gold Pendant of Strength Neck 50 200 212
Chrysocola Mithril Ring of Carrion Ring 70 300 221
Emerald Mithril Ring of the Knight Ring 70 300 221
Coral Mithril Ring of the Rampager Ring 75 325 227
Ruby Mithril Ring of the Berserker Ring 75 325 227
Sapphire Mithril Ring of the Cleric Ring 75 325 227
Beryl Platinum Earring of the Valkyrie Ear 65 275 228
Emerald Platinum Earring of the Knight Ear 65 275 228
Coral Platinum Earring of the Rampager Ear 65 275 228
Ruby Platinum Earring of the Berserker Ear 65 275 228
Sapphire Platinum Earring of the Cleric Ear 65 275 228
Chrysocola Platinum Earring of Carrion Ear 65 275 228
Coral Platinum Earring of the Rampager Ear 65 275 228
Beryl Platinum Ring of the Valkyrie Ring 65 275 258
Chrysocola Platinum Ring of the Carrion Ring 65 275 258
Emerald Platinum Ring of the Knight Ring 65 275 258
Ruby Platinum Ring of the Berserker Ring 65 275 258
Sapphire Platinum Ring of the Cleric Ring 65 275 258
Beryl Mithril Amulet of the Valkyrie Neck 70 300 258
Emerald Mithril Amulet of the Knight Neck 70 300 258
Coral Platinum Ring of the Rampager Ring 65 275 258
Chrysocola Mithril Amulet of Carrion Neck 70 300 258
Ruby Mithril Amulet of the Berserker Neck 75 325 264
Coral Mithril Amulet of the Rampager Neck 75 325 264
Sapphire Mithril Amulet of the Cleric Neck 75 325 264
Chrysocola Mithril Earring of Carrion Ear 80 350 281
Emerald Mithril Earring of the Knight Ear 80 350 281
Beryl Mithril Earring of the Valkyrie Ear 80 350 281
Emerald Platinum Amulet of the Knight Neck 65 275 288
Coral Platinum Amulet of the Rampager Neck 65 275 288
Chrysocola Platinum Amulet of Carrion Neck 65 275 288
Coral Mithril Earring of the Rampager Ear 80 350 288
Ruby Mithril Earring of the Berserker Ear 80 350 288
Sapphire Mithril Earring of the Cleric Ear 80 350 288
Coral Platinum Amulet of the Rampager Neck 65 275 288
Ruby Platinum Amulet of the Berserker Neck 65 275 288
Chrysocola Mithril Ring of Carrion Ring 80 350 318
Emerald Mithril Ring of the Knight Ring 80 350 318
Coral Mithril Ring of the Rampager Ring 80 350 326
Ruby Mithril Ring of the Berserker Ring 80 350 326
Sapphire Mithril Ring of the Cleric Ring 80 350 326
Beryl Mithril Amulet of the Valkyrie Neck 80 350 356
Emerald Mithril Amulet of the Knight Neck 80 350 356
Chrysocola Mithril Amulet of Carrion Neck 80 350 356
Coral Mithril Amulet of the Rampager Neck 80 350 363
Ruby Mithril Amulet of the Berserker Neck 80 350 363
Sapphire Mithril Amulet of the Cleric Neck 80 350 363
Beryl Mithril Earring of the Valkyrie Ear 80 375 425
Sapphire Mithril Earring of the Cleric Ear 80 375 432
Ruby Mithril Earring of the Berseker Ear 80 400 432
Coral Mithril Earring Accessory 80 375 432
Beryl Mithril Ring Ring 80 375 462
Coral Mithril Ring of the Rampager Ring 80 375 470
Beryl Mithril Amulet Neck 80 375 500
Chrysocola Mithril Amulet Neck 80 375 500
Coral Mithril Amulet Neck 80 375 507
Beryl Orichalcum Earring of the Valkyrie Ear 80 400 566
Chrysocola Orichalcum Earring of Carrion Ear 80 400 566
Sapphire Orichalcum Earring of the Cleric Ear 80 400 566
Emerald Orichalcum Earring of the Knight Ear 80 400 566
Coral Orichalcum Earring of the Rampager Ear 80 400 566
Ruby Orichalcum Earring of the Berserker Accessory 80 400 566
Beryl Orichalcum Ring of the Valkyrie Ring 80 400 611
Coral Orichalcum Ring of the Rampager Ring 80 400 611
Ruby Orichalcum Ring of the Berserker Ring 80 400 611
Chrysocola Orichalcum Ring of Carrion Ring 80 400 611
Sapphire Orichalcum Ring of the Cleric Ring 80 400 611
Emerald Orichalcum Ring of the Knight Ring 80 400 611
Emerald Orichalcum Amulet of the Knight Neck 80 400 656
Ruby Orichalcum Amulet of the Berserker Neck 80 400 656
Sapphire Orichalcum Amulet of the Cleric Neck 80 400 656
Beryl Orichalcum Amulet of the Valkyrie Neck 80 400 656
Coral Orichalcum Amulet of Coral Neck 80 400 656
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Xunlai Electrum Ingot Materials 0 400 3,423
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Copper Setting Materials 0 0 13
Copper Hook Materials 0 0 13
Copper Filigree Materials 0 50 13
Copper Band Materials 0 0 19
Copper Chain Materials 0 50 25
Silver Setting Materials 0 75 25
Silver Hook Materials 0 75 25
Silver Filigree Materials 0 100 25
Simple Jeweler's Tools Materials 0 0 32
Silver Band Materials 0 75 38
Gold Setting Materials 0 150 38
Gold Hook Materials 0 150 38
Gold Filigree Materials 0 175 38
Silver Chain Materials 0 75 50
Platinum Setting Materials 0 225 50
Platinum Hook Materials 0 225 50
Platinum Filigree Materials 0 250 50
Gold Band Materials 0 150 57
Sturdy Jeweler's Tools Materials 0 75 63
Mithril Setting Materials 0 300 63
Mithril Hook Materials 0 300 63
Mithril Filigree Materials 0 325 63
Gold Chain Materials 0 150 75
Platinum Band Materials 0 225 75
Orichalcum Setting Materials 0 400 75
Orichalcum Hook Materials 0 400 75
Orichalcum Filigree Materials 0 400 75
Practical Jeweler's Tools Materials 0 150 94
Mithril Band Materials 0 300 94
Platinum Chain Materials 0 225 100
Orichalcum Band Materials 0 400 113
Intricate Jeweler's Tools (Rare) Materials 0 275 125
Mithril Chain Materials 0 300 125
Orichalcum Chain Materials 0 400 150
Ornate Jeweler's Tools (Exotic) Materials 0 300 157
Elegant Jeweler's Tools (Exotic) Materials 0 400 188
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Pile of Coarse Sand Materials 0 400 12
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Glass Mug Trophy 0 400 312
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Adorned Amber Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 0 50 21
Adorned Garnet Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 0 50 22
Adorned Tiger's Eye Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 0 50 22
Adorned Malachite Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 0 50 22
Adorned Pearl
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 0 50 22
Adorned Turquoise Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 0 50 23
Intricate Topaz Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 20 100 39
Intricate Amethyst Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 20 100 39
Intricate Sunstone Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 20 100 39
Embellished Intricate Topaz Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 20 125 39
Embellished Intricate Sunstone Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 20 125 39
Embellished Intricate Amethyst Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 20 125 39
Intricate Spinel Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 20 100 40
Intricate Peridot Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 20 100 40
Intricate Carnelian Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 20 100 40
Intricate Lapis Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 20 100 40
Embellished Intricate Spinel Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 20 125 40
Embellished Intricate Peridot Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 20 125 40
Embellished Intricate Lapis Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 20 125 40
Embellished Intricate Carnelian Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 20 125 40
Gilded Amethyst Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 35 175 60
Embellished Gilded Topaz Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 35 200 60
Embellished Gilded Sunstone Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 35 200 60
Embellished Gilded Amethyst Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 35 200 60
Gilded Topaz Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 35 175 60
Gilded Sunstone Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 35 175 60
Embellished Gilded Spinel Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 35 200 63
Embellished Gilded Peridot Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 35 200 63
Embellished Gilded Lapis Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 35 200 63
Embellished Gilded Carnelian Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 35 200 63
Gilded Spinel Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 39 175 63
Gilded Peridot Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 35 175 63
Gilded Lapis Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 35 175 63
Gilded Carnelian Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 35 175 63
Ornate Sapphire Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 50 250 90
Ornate Opal Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 50 250 90
Ornate Ruby Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 50 250 90
Ornate Emerald Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 50 250 90
Ornate Coral Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 50 250 90
Ornate Chrysocola Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 50 250 90
Embellished Ornate Sapphire Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 50 275 90
Embellished Ornate Ruby Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 50 275 90
Embellished Ornate Opal Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 50 275 90
Embellished Ornate Emerald Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 50 275 90
Embellished Ornate Coral Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 50 275 90
Embellished Ornate Chysocola Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 50 275 90
Embellished Ornate Beryl Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 50 275 90
Ornate Beryl Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 50 250 90
Brilliant Emerald Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 65 325 108
Brilliant Chrysocola Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 65 325 108
Brilliant Beryl Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 65 325 108
Brilliant Sapphire Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 65 325 114
Brilliant Ruby Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 65 325 114
Brilliant Opal Jewl
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 65 325 114
Brilliant Coral Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 65 325 114
Embellished Brilliant Emerald Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 65 375 228
Embellished Brilliant Chrysocola Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 65 375 228
Embellished Brilliant Beryl Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 65 375 228
Embellished Brilliant Sapphire Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 65 375 234
Embellished Brilliant Ruby Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 65 375 234
Embellished Brilliant Opal Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 65 375 234
Embellished Brilliant Coral Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 65 375 234
Exquisite Passion Flower
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 80 400 249
Exquisite Sapphire Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 80 400 321
Exquisite Ruby Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 80 400 321
Exquisite Opal Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 80 400 321
Exquisite Emerald Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 80 400 321
Exquisite Beryl Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 80 400 321
Exquisite Chrysocola Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 80 400 321
Exquisite Coral Jewel
Usable on: Accessory
Consumable 80 400 321
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Silver Ingot Materials 0 75 10
Gold Ingot Materials 0 150 15
Platinum Ingot Materials 0 225 20
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Lump of Glass Materials 0 400 75