Gaiscioch Select Chapter


Helldivers II
Once Human
Camelot Unchained
Ashes of Creation
Chrono Odyssey
Dune Awakening
Light No Fire
Elder Scrolls Online
Royal Quest Online
Final Fantasy XIV
Destiny 2
- Full List -
Chapter 8:
Conqueror's Blade (2019)
Chapter 7:
New World (2021)
Chapter 6:
World of Warcraft: Classic (2019)
Chapter 5:
Elder Scrolls Online (2014)
Chapter 4:
Guild Wars 2 (2012)
Chapter 3:
RIFT (2011)
Chapter 2:
Warhammer Online (2008)
Chapter 1:
Dark Age of Camelot (2001)


138 Tuatha Guilds:
9,109 Members:
13,758 Characters:
11,709 Items:

Gaiscioch Weaponsmithing Store

Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Lump of Mithrillium Materials 0 450 1,988
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Mighty Bronze Axe (Simple) One Hand 5 0 52
Mighty Bronze Axe One Hand 10 0 74
Malign Bronze Axe One Hand 10 0 74
Resilient Bronze Axe One Hand 15 25 74
Precise Bronze Axe One Hand 15 25 74
Vital Bronze Axe One Hand 10 0 74
Healing Bronze Axe One Hand 15 25 74
Charr Cleaver of Force One Hand 20 50 112
Resilient Bronze Axe One Hand 20 50 135
Vital Bronze Axe One Hand 20 50 135
Mighty Bronze Axe One Hand 20 50 135
Healing Bronze Axe One Hand 20 50 135
Malign Bronze Axe One Hand 20 50 135
Precise Bronze Axe Main Hand 20 50 135
Strong Iron Axe One Hand 30 100 168
Vigorous Iron Axe One Hand 25 75 168
Honed Iron Axe One Hand 30 100 168
Hearty Iron Axe One Hand 30 100 168
Rejuvenating Iron Axe One Hand 30 100 168
Ravaging Iron Axe One Hand 25 75 168
Rejuvenating Steel Axe Main Hand 45 175 227
Hearty Steel Axe Main Hand 45 175 227
Honed Steel Axe Main Hand 45 175 227
Strong Steel Axe Main Hand 45 175 227
Ravaging Steel Axe Main Hand 40 150 227
Vigorous Steel Axe Main Hand 40 150 227
Godskull Sickle One Hand 65 275 279
Carrion Krait Battleaxe One Hand 80 375 293
Cleric's Krait Battleaxe One Hand 80 375 293
Knight's Krait Battleaxe One Hand 80 375 293
Rampager's Krait Battleaxe One Hand 80 375 293
Valkyrie Krait Battleaxe One Hand 80 375 293
Berserker's Mithril Axe One Hand 80 350 293
Carrion Mithril Axe One Hand 80 350 293
Cleric's Mithril Axe One Hand 80 375 293
Knight's Mithril Axe One Hand 80 350 293
Rampager's Mithril Axe One Hand 80 350 293
Valkyrie Mithril Axe One Hand 80 350 293
Berserker's Krait Battleaxe One Hand 80 375 293
Apothecary's Krait Battleaxe Main Hand 80 375 296
Knight's Darksteel Axe Main Hand 55 225 302
Valkyrie Darksteel Axe Main Hand 55 225 302
Carrion Darksteel Axe One Hand 55 225 302
Rampager's Darksteel Axe One Hand 60 250 302
Berserker's Darksteel Axe One Hand 60 250 302
Vigorous Iron Axe One Hand 35 125 317
Ravaging Iron Axe One Hand 35 125 317
Hearty Iron Axe Main Hand 35 125 317
Honed Iron Axe Main Hand 35 125 317
Rejuvenating Iron Axe Main Hand 35 125 317
Strong Iron Axe Main Hand 35 125 317
Hearty Steel Axe Main Hand 50 200 419
Honed Steel Axe Main Hand 50 200 419
Ravaging Steel Axe Main Hand 50 200 419
Rejuvenating Steel Axe Main Hand 50 200 419
Strong Steel Axe Main Hand 50 200 419
Vigorous Steel Axe Main Hand 50 200 419
Ravaging Bandit Cleaver One Hand 35 125 507
Ravaging Dredge Bonehewer One Hand 50 200 675
Rampager's Ogre Cleaver One Hand 65 275 979
Carrion Pearl Reaver One Hand 80 400 2,244
Cleric's Pearl Reaver One Hand 80 400 2,244
Knight's Pearl Reaver One Hand 80 400 2,244
Rampager's Pearl Reaver One Hand 80 400 2,244
Valkyrie Pearl Reaver One Hand 80 400 2,244
Berserker's Pearl Reaver One Hand 80 400 2,917
Carrion Primordus Axe Main Hand 80 400 4,792
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Bronze Shield Boss Materials 0 0 13
Bronze Shield Backing Materials 0 0 13
Bronze Dagger Hilt Materials 0 0 13
Bronze Sword Hilt Materials 0 0 19
Bronze Sword Blade Materials 0 0 19
Bronze Spear Head Materials 0 0 19
Bronze Mace Head Materials 0 0 19
Bronze Hammer Head Materials 0 0 19
Bronze Greatsword Hilt Materials 0 0 19
Bronze Greatsword Blade Materials 0 0 19
Bronze Dagger Blade Materials 0 0 19
Bronze Axe Blade Materials 0 0 19
Small Green Haft Materials 0 0 20
Large Green Haft Materials 0 0 20
Small Soft Haft Materials 0 75 38
Large Soft Haft Materials 0 75 38
Iron Shield Boss Materials 0 75 38
Iron Shield Backing Materials 0 75 38
Iron Dagger Hilt Materials 0 75 38
Steel Shield Boss Materials 0 150 43
Steel Shield Backing Materials 0 150 43
Steel Dagger Hilt Materials 0 150 43
Small Elder Haft Materials 0 300 46
Large Elder Haft Materials 0 300 46
Small Hard Haft Materials 0 225 50
Large Hard Haft Materials 0 225 50
Iron Sword Hilt Materials 0 75 57
Iron Sword Blade Materials 0 75 57
Iron Spear Head Materials 0 75 57
Iron Mace Head Materials 0 75 57
Iron Hammer Head Materials 0 75 57
Iron Greatsword Hilt Materials 0 75 57
Iron Greatsword Blade Materials 0 75 57
Iron Dagger Blade Materials 0 75 57
Iron Axe Blade Materials 0 75 57
Small Seasoned Haft Materials 0 150 58
Large Seasoned Haft Materials 0 150 58
Mithril Shield Boss Materials 0 300 63
Mithril Shield Backing Materials 0 300 63
Mithril Dagger Hilt Materials 0 300 63
Steel Sword Hilt Materials 0 150 64
Steel Sword Blade Materials 0 150 64
Steel Spear Head Materials 0 150 64
Steel Mace Head Materials 0 150 64
Steel Hammer Head Materials 0 150 64
Steel Greatsword Hilt Materials 0 150 64
Steel Greatsword Blade Materials 0 150 64
Steel Dagger Blade Materials 0 150 64
Steel Axe Blade Materials 0 150 64
Darksteel Shield Boss Materials 0 225 75
Darksteel Shield Backing Materials 0 225 75
Darksteel Dagger Hilt Materials 0 225 75
Orichalcum Shield Boss Materials 0 400 75
Orichalcum Shield Backing Materials 0 400 75
Orichalcum Dagger Hilt Materials 0 400 75
Mithril Sword Hilt Materials 0 300 94
Mithril Sword Blade Materials 0 300 94
Mithril Spear Head Materials 0 300 94
Mithril Mace Head Materials 0 300 94
Mithril Hammer Head Materials 0 300 94
Mithril Greatsword Hilt Materials 0 300 94
Mithril Greatsword Blade Materials 0 300 94
Mithril Dagger Blade Materials 0 300 94
Mithril Axe Blade Materials 0 300 94
Darksteel Sword Hilt Materials 0 225 113
Darksteel Sword Blade Materials 0 225 113
Darksteel Spear Head Materials 0 225 113
Darksteel Mace Head Materials 0 225 113
Darksteel Hammer Head Materials 0 225 113
Darksteel Greatsword Hilt Materials 0 225 113
Darksteel Greatsword Blade Materials 0 225 113
Darksteel Dagger Blade Materials 0 225 113
Darksteel Axe Blade Materials 0 225 113
Small Ancient Haft Materials 0 400 113
Orichalcum Sword Hilt Materials 0 400 113
Orichalcum Sword Blade Materials 0 400 113
Orichalcum Spear Head Materials 0 400 113
Orichalcum Mace Head Materials 0 400 113
Orichalcum Hammer Head Materials 0 400 113
Orichalcum Greatsword Hilt Materials 0 400 113
Orichalcum Greatsword Blade Materials 0 400 113
Orichalcum Dagger Blade Materials 0 400 113
Orichalcum Axe Blade Materials 0 400 113
Large Ancient Haft Materials 0 400 113
Apothecary's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription Materials 80 400 2,407
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Mighty Bronze Dagger (Simple) One Hand 5 0 43
Resilient Bronze Dagger One Hand 15 25 62
Precise Bronze Dagger One Hand 15 25 62
Vital Bronze Dagger One Hand 10 0 65
Mighty Bronze Dagger One Hand 10 0 65
Malign Bronze Dagger One Hand 10 0 65
Healing Bronze Dagger One Hand 15 25 65
Charr Dagger of Force One Hand 20 50 105
Mighty Bronze Dagger One Hand 20 50 127
Vital Bronze Dagger One Hand 20 50 127
Precise Bronze Dagger One Hand 20 50 127
Malign Bronze Dagger One Hand 20 50 127
Healing Bronze Dagger One Hand 20 50 127
Honed Iron Dagger One Hand 30 100 168
Hearty Iron Dagger One Hand 30 100 168
Rejuvenating Iron Dagger One Hand 30 100 168
Strong Iron Dagger One Hand 30 100 168
Vigorous Iron Dagger One Hand 25 75 168
Ravaging Iron Dagger One Hand 25 75 168
Vigorous Steel Dagger One Hand 40 150 208
Ravaging Steel Dagger One Hand 40 150 208
Rejuvenating Steel Dagger One Hand 45 175 208
Honed Steel Dagger One Hand 45 175 208
Strong Steel Dagger One Hand 45 175 208
Hearty Steel Dagger One Hand 45 175 208
Valkyrie Mithril Dagger One Hand 70 300 270
Knight's Mithril Dagger One Hand 70 300 270
Carrion Mithril Dagger One Hand 70 300 270
Berserker's Mithril Dagger One Hand 75 325 270
Godskull Kris One Hand 65 275 310
Carrion Krait Ripper One Hand 80 375 314
Berserker's Krait Ripper One Hand 80 375 314
Berserker's Mithril Dagger One Hand 80 350 314
Carrion Mithril Dagger One Hand 80 350 314
Cleric's Mithril Dagger One Hand 80 350 314
Knight's Mithril Dagger One Hand 80 350 314
Rampager's Mithril Dagger One Hand 80 350 314
Valkyrie Mithril Dagger One Hand 80 350 314
Cleric's Krait Ripper One Hand 80 375 314
Knight's Krait Ripper One Hand 80 375 314
Valkyrie Krait Ripper One Hand 80 375 314
Rampager's Krait Ripper One Hand 80 375 314
Apothecary's Krait Ripper Main Hand 80 375 316
Honed Iron Dagger One Hand 35 125 317
Ravaging Iron Dagger One Hand 35 125 317
Vigorous Iron Dagger One Hand 35 125 317
Rampager's Darksteel Dagger One Hand 60 250 333
Cleric's Darksteel Dagger One Hand 60 250 333
Valkyrie Darksteel Dagger One Hand 55 225 333
Knight's Darksteel Dagger One Hand 55 225 333
Carrion Darksteel Dagger One Hand 55 225 333
Berserker's Darksteel Dagger One Hand 60 250 333
Strong Steel Dagger Main Hand 50 200 400
Ravaging Bandit Shiv One Hand 35 125 507
Strong Bandit Shiv One Hand 35 125 507
Honed Bandit Shiv One Hand 35 125 507
Valkyrie Darksteel Dagger One Hand 65 275 629
Rampager's Darksteel Dagger One Hand 65 275 629
Knight's Darksteel Dagger One Hand 65 275 629
Cleric's Darksteel Dagger One Hand 65 275 629
Carrion Darksteel Dagger One Hand 65 275 629
Berserker's Darksteel Dagger One Hand 65 275 629
Ravaging Dredge Bloodletter One Hand 50 200 657
Strong Dredge Bloodletter One Hand 50 200 657
Valkyrie Ogre Dirk One Hand 65 275 1,010
Berserker's Ogre Dirk One Hand 65 275 1,010
Cleric's Pearl Carver One Hand 80 400 2,197
Knight's Pearl Carver One Hand 80 400 2,197
Rampager's Pearl Carver One Hand 80 400 2,197
Valkyrie Pearl Carver One Hand 80 400 2,197
Carrion Pearl Carver One Hand 80 400 2,197
Berserker's Pearl Carver One Hand 80 400 2,869
Apothecary's Pearl Carver One Hand 80 400 3,244
Carrion Destroyer Dagger One Hand 80 400 4,744
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Mighty Bronze Greatsword (Simple) Two Handed 5 0 50
Malign Bronze Greatsword Two Handed 10 0 73
Healing Bronze Greatsword Two Handed 15 25 73
Mighty Bronze Greatsword Two Handed 10 0 73
Vital Bronze Greatsword Two Handed 10 0 73
Resilient Bronze Greatsword Two Handed 15 25 73
Precise Bronze Greatsword Two Handed 15 25 73
Charr Greatsword of Force Two Handed 20 50 124
Resilient Bronze Greatsword Two Handed 20 50 134
Mighty Bronze Greatsword Two Handed 20 50 134
Strong Iron Greatsword Two Handed 30 100 168
Ravaging Iron Greatsword Two Handed 25 75 192
Hearty Iron Greatsword Two Handed 30 100 192
Vigorous Iron Greatsword Two Handed 25 75 192
Honed Iron Greatsword Two Handed 30 100 192
Rejuvenating Steel Greatsword Two Handed 45 175 234
Honed Steel Greatsword Two Handed 45 175 234
Strong Steel Greatsword Two Handed 45 175 234
Ravaging Steel Greatsword Two Handed 40 150 234
Vigorous Steel Greatsword Two Handed 40 150 234
Carrion Darksteel Greatsword Two Handed 55 225 239
Vigorous Iron Greatsword Two Handed 35 125 340
Ravaging Iron Greatsword Two Handed 35 125 340
Carrion Krait Slayer Two Handed 80 375 351
Berserker's Krait Slayer Two Handed 80 375 351
Cleric's Krait Slayer Two Handed 80 375 351
Knight's Krait Slayer Two Handed 80 375 351
Rampager's Krait Slayer Two Handed 80 375 351
Valkyrie Krait Slayer Two Handed 80 375 351
Berserker's Mithril Greatsword Two Handed 80 350 351
Carrion Mithril Greatsword Two Handed 80 350 351
Cleric's Mithril Greatsword Two Handed 80 350 351
Knight's Mithril Greatsword Two Handed 80 350 351
Rampager's Mithril Greatsword Two Handed 80 350 351
Valkyrie Mithril Greatsword Two Handed 80 350 351
Apothecary's Krait Slayer Two Handed 80 375 353
Godskull Slayer Two Handed 65 275 358
Knight's Darksteel Greatsword Two Handed 55 225 380
Valkyrie Darksteel Greatsword Two Handed 55 225 380
Hearty Steel Greatsword Two Handed 50 200 427
Strong Bandit Sunderer Two Handed 35 125 530
Honed Dredge Sunderer Two Handed 50 200 683
Strong Dredge Sunderer Two Handed 50 0 683
Rampager's Pearl Broadsword Two Handed 80 400 2,244
Cleric's Pearl Broadsword Two Handed 80 400 2,244
Carrion Pearl Broadsword Two Handed 80 400 2,244
Knight's Pearl Broadsword Two Handed 80 400 2,244
Valkyrie Pearl Broadsword Two Handed 80 400 2,244
Berserker's Pearl Broadsword Two Handed 80 400 2,917
Assassin's Pearl Broadsword Two Handed 80 400 2,917
Carrion Destroyer Greatsword Two Handed 80 400 5,729
Apothecary's Destroyer Greatsword Two Handed 80 400 6,104
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Ley-Line Infused Tool Materials 0 400 128
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Mighty Bronze Hammer (Simple) Two Handed 5 0 52
Mighty Bronze Hammer Two Handed 10 0 74
Precise Bronze Hammer Two Handed 15 25 74
Healing Bronze Hammer Two Handed 15 25 74
Resilient Bronze Hammer Two Handed 15 25 74
Vital Bronze Hammer Two Handed 10 0 74
Mighty Bronze Hammer Two Handed 20 50 135
Resilient Bronze Hammer Two Handed 20 50 135
Ravaging Iron Hammer Two Handed 25 75 168
Strong Iron Hammer Two Handed 30 100 168
Honed Iron Hammer Two Handed 30 100 168
Rejuvenating Iron Hammer Two Handed 30 100 168
Vigorous Iron Hammer Two Handed 25 75 168
Honed Steel Hammer Two Handed 45 175 227
Rejuvenating Steel Hammer Two Handed 45 175 227
Ravaging Steel Hammer Two Handed 40 150 227
Vigorous Steel Hammer Two Handed 40 150 227
Hearty Steel Hammer Two Handed 45 175 227
Strong Steel Hammer Two Handed 45 175 227
Godskull Crusher Two Handed 65 275 279
Carrion Krait Warhammer Two Handed 80 375 293
Berserker's Mithril Hammer Two Handed 80 350 293
Carrion Mithril Hammer Two Handed 80 350 293
Cleric's Mithril Hammer Two Handed 80 350 293
Knight's Mithril Hammer Two Handed 80 350 293
Rampager's Mithril Hammer Two Handed 80 350 293
Valkyrie Mithril Hammer Two Handed 80 350 293
Berserker's Krait Warhammer Two Handed 80 375 293
Cleric's Krait Warhammer Two Handed 80 375 293
Knight's Krait Warhammer Two Handed 80 375 293
Rampager's Krait Warhammer Two Handed 80 375 293
Valkyrie Krait Warhammer Two Handed 80 375 293
Apothecary's Krait Warhammer Two Handed 80 375 296
Carrion Darksteel Hammer Two Handed 55 225 302
Knight's Darksteel Hammer Two Handed 55 225 302
Valkyrie Darksteel Hammer Two Handed 55 225 302
Vigorous Iron Hammer Two Handed 35 125 317
Rejuvenating Iron Hammer Two Handed 35 125 317
Hearty Steel Hammer Two Handed 50 200 419
Strong Dredge Pulverizer Two Handed 50 200 675
Dire Pearl Crusher Two Handed 80 400 1,220
Carrion Pearl Crusher Two Handed 80 400 2,244
Cleric's Pearl Crusher Two Handed 80 400 2,244
Knight's Pearl Crusher Two Handed 80 400 2,244
Rampager's Pearl Crusher Two Handed 80 400 2,244
Valkyrie Pearl Crusher Two Handed 80 400 2,244
Berserker's Pearl Crusher Two Handed 80 400 2,917
Carrion Destroyer Maul Two Handed 80 400 5,729
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Mighty Bronze Mace (Simple) One Hand 5 0 52
Healing Bronze Mace One Hand 15 25 74
Malign Bronze Mace One Hand 10 0 74
Resilient Bronze Mace One Hand 15 25 74
Mighty Bronze Mace Main Hand 10 0 74
Precise Bronze Mace Main Hand 15 25 74
Vigorous Iron Mace Main Hand 25 75 120
Mighty Bronze Mace Main Hand 20 50 135
Malign Bronze Mace Main Hand 20 50 135
Ravaging Iron Mace One Hand 25 75 168
Strong Iron Mace Main Hand 30 100 168
Rejuvenating Iron Mace Main Hand 30 100 168
Vigorous Steel Mace Main Hand 40 150 227
Ravaging Steel Mace Main Hand 40 150 227
Strong Steel Mace Main Hand 45 175 227
Rejuvenating Steel Mace Main Hand 45 175 227
Honed Steel Mace Main Hand 45 175 227
Hearty Steel Mace Main Hand 45 175 227
Godskull Warclub One Hand 65 275 279
Valkyrie Mithril Mace Main Hand 70 300 286
Knight's Mithril Mace Main Hand 70 300 286
Carrion Mithril Mace Main Hand 70 300 286
Cleric's Mithril Mace Main Hand 75 325 286
Berserker's Mithril Mace Main Hand 80 350 293
Apothecary's Krait Morning Star Main Hand 80 375 296
Valkyrie Darksteel Mace Main Hand 55 225 302
Knight's Darksteel Mace Main Hand 55 225 302
Carrion Darksteel Mace Main Hand 55 225 302
Vigorous Iron Mace One Hand 35 125 317
Hearty Steel Mace Main Hand 50 200 419
Rejuvenating Bandit Mallet One Hand 35 125 507
Carrion Darksteel Mace Main Hand 65 275 598
Rejuvenating Dredge Flanged Mace Off Hand 50 200 675
Carrion Ogre Bludgeoner One Hand 65 275 979
Carrion Pearl Bludgeoner One Hand 80 400 2,917
Cleric's Pearl Bludgeoner One Hand 80 400 2,917
Knight's Pearl Bludgeoner One Hand 80 400 2,917
Rampager's Pearl Bludgeoner One Hand 80 400 2,917
Valkyrie Pearl Bludgeoner One Hand 80 400 2,917
Berserker's Pearl Bludgeoner One Hand 80 400 2,917
Carrion Destroyer Mace One Hand 80 400 4,792
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Rough Sharpening Stone Consumable 0 0 7
Simple Sharpening Stone Consumable 15 75 15
Standard Sharpening Stones Consumable 30 150 18
Potent Superior Sharpening Stone Consumable 80 400 25
Hardened Sharpening Stone Consumable 60 300 27
Quality Sharpening Stone Consumable 45 225 29
Simple Weaponsmith's Tools Materials 0 0 32
Superior Sharpening Stone Consumable 80 400 33
Sturdy Weaponsmith's Tools Materials 0 75 94
Practical Weaponsmith's Tools (Master) Materials 0 150 107
Ornate Weaponsmith's Tools (Exotic) Materials 0 300 157
Intricate Weaponsmith's Tools (Rare) Materials 0 275 188
Elegant Weaponsmith's Tools (Exotic) Materials 0 400 188
Toxic Sharpening Stone Consumable 80 450 560
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Mighty Bronze Shield (Simple) Off Hand 5 0 35
Healing Bronze Shield Off Hand 15 25 58
Resilient Bronze Shield Off Hand 15 25 58
Mighty Bronze Shield Off Hand 10 0 58
Vital Bronze Shield Off Hand 20 50 119
Mighty Bronze Shield Off Hand 20 50 119
Vigorous Iron Shield Off Hand 25 75 144
Hearty Iron Shield Off Hand 30 100 144
Ravaging Iron Shield Off Hand 25 75 144
Strong Iron Shield Off Hand 30 100 144
Rejuvenating Iron Shield Off Hand 30 100 144
Vigorous Steel Shield Off Hand 40 150 182
Ravaging Steel Shield Off Hand 40 150 182
Strong Steel Shield Off Hand 45 175 182
Rejuvenating Steel Shield Off Hand 45 175 182
Honed Steel Shield Off Hand 45 175 182
Hearty Steel Shield Off Hand 45 175 182
Valkyrie Mithril Shield Off Hand 70 300 233
Carrion Mithril Shield Off Hand 70 300 233
Cleric's Mithril Shield Off Hand 75 325 233
Godskull Targe Off Hand 65 275 263
Carrion Krait Shell Off Hand 80 375 276
Beserker's Mithril Shield Off Hand 80 350 276
Cleric's Krait Shell Off Hand 80 375 276
Apothecary's Krait Shell Off Hand 80 375 279
Valkyrie Darksteel Shield Off Hand 55 225 285
Knight's Darksteel Shield Off Hand 55 225 285
Carrion Darksteel Shield Off Hand 55 225 285
Hearty Iron Shield Off Hand 35 125 293
Vigorous Iron Shield Off Hand 35 125 293
Carrion Darksteel Shield Off Hand 65 275 582
Rejuvenating Dredge Barricade Off Hand 50 200 630
Hearty Dredge Barricade Off Hand 50 200 630
Carrion Pearl Shell Off Hand 80 400 2,822
Cleric's Pearl Shell Off Hand 80 400 2,822
Knight's Pearl Shell Off Hand 80 400 2,822
Rampager's Pearl Shell Off Hand 80 400 2,822
Valkyrie Pearl Shell Off Hand 80 400 2,822
Berserker's Pearl Shell Off Hand 80 400 2,822
Carrion Destroyer Shield One Hand 80 400 4,228
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Minor Sigil of Benevolence
Usable on: Weapons
Consumable 0 125 34
Minor Sigil of Sanctuary (Weaponsmith)
Usable on: Weapon
Consumable 0 25 37
Minor Sigil of Destroyer Slayer (Weaponsmith)
Usable on: Weapon
Consumable 0 50 37
Minor Sigil of Strength (Weaponsmith)
Usable on: Weapon
Consumable 0 0 37
Major Sigil of Benevolence
Usable on: Weapons
Consumable 39 325 47
Major Sigil of Doom (Weaponsmith)
Usable on: Weapon
Consumable 39 375 47
Minor Sigil of Doom (Weaponsmith)
Usable on: Weapon
Consumable 0 75 49
Major Sigil of Strength (Weaponsmith)
Usable on: Weapon
Consumable 39 200 52
Major Sigil of Sanctuary (Weaponsmith)
Usable on: Weapon
Consumable 39 225 68
Major Sigil of the Destroyer Slayer (Weaponsmith)
Usable on: Weapon
Consumable 39 250 68
Superior Sigil of Destroyer Slaying
Usable on: Weapon
Consumable 60 400 257
Superior Sigil of Sanctuary
Usable on: Weapon
Consumable 60 400 257
Superior Sigil of Benevolence Consumable 60 400 257
Superior Sigil of Strength
Usable on: Weapons
Consumable 60 400 350
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Asuran Harpoon Aquatic 4 5 50
Mighty Bronze Spear (Simple) Aquatic 5 0 52
Mighty Bronze Spear Aquatic 10 0 74
Resilient Bronze Spear Aquatic 15 25 74
Charr Harpoon of Force Aquatic 20 50 112
Mighty Bronze Spear Two Handed 20 50 135
Vigorous Iron Spear Two Handed 25 75 168
Ravaging Iron Spear Two Handed 25 75 168
Strong Iron Spear Two Handed 30 100 168
Rejuvinating Iron Spear Two Handed 30 100 168
Strong Steel Spear Two Handed 45 175 227
Rejuventaing Steel Spear Two Handed 45 175 227
Honed Steel Spear Two Handed 45 175 227
Hearty Steel Spear Two Handed 45 175 227
Vigorous Steel Spear Two Handed 40 150 227
Ravaging Steel Spear Two Handed 40 150 227
Godskull Impaler Aquatic 65 275 279
Valkyrie Mithril Spear Two Handed 70 300 286
Carrion Mithril Spear Two Handed 70 300 286
Cleric's Mithril Spear Two Handed 75 325 286
Carrion Krait Pilum Two Handed 80 375 293
Valkyrie Darksteel Spear Two Handed 55 225 302
Knight's Darksteel Spear Two Handed 55 225 302
Carrion Darksteel Spear Two Handed 55 225 302
Vigorous Iron Spear Two Handed 35 125 317
Beserker's Mithril Spear Two Handed 80 350 573
Carrion Darksteel Spear Two Handed 65 275 598
Cleric's Pearl Impaler Two Handed 80 400 2,917
Berserker's Pearl Impaler Aquatic 80 400 2,917
Assassin's Pearl Impaler Aquatic 80 400 2,917
Knight's Pearl Impaler Two Handed 80 400 2,917
Apothecary's Pearl Impaler Aquatic 80 400 3,292
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Mighty Bronze Sword (Simple) One Hand 5 0 50
Wooden Sword One Hand 7 0 50
Vital Bronze Sword One Hand 10 0 73
Malign Bronze Sword One Hand 0 10 73
Healing Bronze Sword One Hand 15 25 73
Precise Bronze Sword One Hand 15 25 73
Mighty Bronze Sword One Hand 10 0 73
Resilient Bronze Sword One Hand 15 25 73
Charr Sword of Force One Hand 20 50 112
Malign Bronze Sword One Hand 20 50 134
Healing Bronze Sword One Hand 20 50 134
Precise Bronze Sword One Hand 20 50 134
Resilient Bronze Sword One Hand 20 50 134
Vital Bronze Sword One Hand 20 50 134
Mighty Bronze Sword One Hand 20 50 134
Honed Iron Sword One Hand 30 100 192
Strong Iron Sword One Hand 30 100 192
Rejuvenating Iron Sword One Hand 30 100 192
Vigorous Iron Sword One Hand 25 75 192
Ravaging Iron Sword One Hand 25 75 192
Hearty Iron Sword One Hand 30 100 192
Ravaging Steel Sword One Hand 40 150 234
Vigorous Steel Sword One Hand 40 150 234
Hearty Steel Sword One Hand 45 175 234
Honed Steel Sword One Hand 45 175 234
Rejuvenating Steel Sword One Hand 45 175 234
Strong Steel Sword One Hand 45 175 234
Hearty Iron Sword One Hand 35 125 340
Honed Iron Sword One Hand 35 125 340
Ravaging Iron Sword One Hand 35 125 340
Rejuvenating Iron Sword One Hand 35 125 340
Strong Iron Sword One Hand 35 125 340
Vigorous Iron Sword One Hand 35 125 340
Carrion Krait Machete One Hand 80 375 351
Rampager's Krait Machete One Hand 80 375 351
Berserker's Krait Machete One Hand 80 375 351
Apothecary's Krait Machete Main Hand 80 375 353
Godskull Edge One Hand 65 275 358
Hearty Steel Sword One Hand 50 200 358
Valkyrie Darksteel Sword Main Hand 25 225 380
Knight's Darksteel Sword Main Hand 55 225 380
Carrion Darksteel Sword Main Hand 55 225 380
Honed Steel Sword One Hand 50 200 427
Ravaging Steel Sword One Hand 50 200 427
Rejuvenating Steel Sword One Hand 50 200 427
Strong Steel Sword One Hand 50 200 427
Vigorous Steel Sword One Hand 50 200 427
Hearty Bandit Slicer One Hand 35 125 530
Honed Bandit Slicer One Hand 35 125 530
Rejuvenating Bandit Slicer One Hand 35 125 530
Vigorous Bandit Slicer One Hand 35 125 530
Strong Bandit Slicer One Hand 35 125 530
Ravaging Bandit Slicer One Hand 35 125 530
Hearty Dredge Edge One Hand 50 200 683
Honed Dredge Edge One Hand 50 200 683
Rejuvenating Dredge Edge One Hand 50 200 683
Strong Dredge Edge One Hand 50 200 683
Vigorous Dredge Edge One Hand 50 200 683
Ravaging Dredge Edge One Hand 50 200 683
Rampager's Ogre Scimitar One Hand 65 275 1,058
Knight's Ogre Scimitar One Hand 65 275 1,058
Magi's Pearl Sabre Main Hand 80 400 1,220
Carrion Pearl Sabre One Hand 80 400 2,244
Rampager's Pearl Sabre One Hand 80 400 2,917
Valkyrie Pearl Sabre One Hand 80 400 2,917
Cleric's Pearl Sabre One Hand 80 400 2,917
Knight's Pearl Sabre One Hand 80 400 2,917
Berserker's Pearl Sabre One Hand 80 400 2,917
Carrion Destroyer Sword One Hand 80 400 4,792