Gaiscioch Select Chapter


Dune Awakening
Once Human
Camelot Unchained
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen
Elder Scrolls Online
Black Desert
Guild Wars
Pax Dei
- Full List -
Chapter 8:
Conqueror's Blade (2019)
Chapter 7:
New World (2021)
Chapter 6:
World of Warcraft: Classic (2019)
Chapter 5:
Elder Scrolls Online (2014)
Chapter 4:
Guild Wars 2 (2012)
Chapter 3:
RIFT (2011)
Chapter 2:
Warhammer Online (2008)
Chapter 1:
Dark Age of Camelot (2001)


138 Tuatha Guilds:
9,134 Members:
13,976 Characters:
11,709 Items:

Guild Wars 2 Guild Quest Guides

Guild Missions 101

The Guild Wars 2 Guild Mission system includes 5 types of missions. Before you can unlock these missions you must complete production on several key building elements. Below you will find a list of mission types and their requirements to unlock.

Guild Bounties

Track down and kill various outlaws for the Orders

Requires: 30,000 influence, 3 days to build, and Art of War V Unlocked
Once unlocked Guild Bounty Missions can be queued at 200 Influence and 12 Hours build time.

  • Guild Bounty Training: 1 Bounties in 15 Minutes | Player Reward: None | Guild Reward: 3,000 Influence
    Requires: 300 Influence, 3 Days to build, Art of War IV Unlocked
  • Tier 1: 2 Bounties in 15 Minutes | Player Reward: 2 Guild Commendation, 2 Rare+ Equipment, and 50 Silver | Guild Reward: 15 Guild Merits
  • Tier 2: 3 Bounties in 15 Minutes | Player Reward: 2 Guild Commendation, 2 Rare+ Equipment, and 50 Silver | Guild Reward: 20 Guild Merits
  • Tier 3: 6 Bounties in 15 Minutes | Player Reward: 2 Guild Commendation, 2 Rare+ Equipment, and 50 Silver | Guild Reward: 25 Guild Merits

Only 1 Reward will be granted per player regardless of the Tier. The Reward is granted on the first capture you participated in, in the form of a chest on the lower right side on your screen.
A guild can earn a max of 25 Guild Merits for completing a Tier 3, 20 Guild Merits for a Tier 2, or 15 Guild Merits for a Tier 1 each week.

Guild Trek

Find locations for the Tyrian Explorers Society.

Requires: 50,000 influence, 30 Guild Merits, 7 days to build, Economy VI Unlocked, and Guild Bounties Unlocked
Once unlocked Guild Trek Missions can be queued at 200 Influence and 12 Hours build time.

  • Tier 1: 5 Locations in 20 Minutes | Player Reward: None | Guild Reward: 5 Guild Merits
  • Tier 2: 10 Locations in 20 Minutes | Player Reward: None | Guild Reward: 7 Guild Merits
  • Tier 3: 20 Locations in 20 Minutes | Player Reward: None | Guild Reward: 10 Guild Merits

A guild can earn a max of 10 Guild Merits for completing a Tier 3, 7 Guild Merits for a Tier 2, or 5 Guild Merits for a Tier 1 each week.

Guild Rush

Survive difficult conditions running as a group.

Requires: 50,000 influence, 80 Guild Merits, 7 days to build, Politics VI Unlocked, and Guild Trek Unlocked
Once unlocked Guild Rush Missions can be queued at 200 Influence and 12 Hours build time.

  • Tier 1: Player Reward: 1 Guild Commendation, 2 Rare+ Equipment, and 50 Silver | Guild Reward: 15 Guild Merits

Guild Challenge

A guild focused extension to the existing event system.

Requires: 50,000 influence, 150 Guild Merits, 7 days to build, Art of War VI Unlocked, and Guild Rush Unlocked
Once unlocked Guild Challenge Missions can be queued at 200 Influence and 12 Hours build time.

  • Tier 1: Player Reward: 2 Guild Commendation, 2 Rare+ Equipment, and 50 Silver | Guild Reward: 30 Guild Merits

Guild Puzzle

Similar to jumping puzzles, but requiring coordinated effort.

Requires: 50,000 influence, 250 Guild Merits, 7 days to build, Architecture VI Unlocked, and Guild Challenge Unlocked
Once unlocked Guild Puzzle Missions can be queued at 200 Influence and 12 Hours build time.

  • Tier 1: Player Reward: 1 Guild Commendation, 2 Rare+ Equipment, and 50 Silver | Guild Reward: 30 Guild Merits

Additional Details

  • Guild Missions Rewards will only be received by representing members of the guild with the active mission.
  • Guild Missions Rewards can only be received once per week per account. Based on Player Account, NOT guild. You will not be able to receive multiple rewards by being in multiple guilds.
  • Guild Mission Reward Reset: Sunday 00:00 UTC – same time as the daily reset.
  • Guesting & Overflow: You can still receive credit while guesting or overflowed in another world.

Mission Waypoints

Below you will find a complete list of waypoints by zone which are near frequent mission locations. Before attending Guild Missions events it is advised that you collect all of these waypoints. Simply Copy and Paste the [&CODE=] into your Guild Wars 2 chat bar to reveal the location of an important waypoint.

  • Blazeridge Steppes [40]
    [&BPsBAAA=], [&BP0BAAA=], [&BAICAAA=], [&BP4BAAA=], [&BP8BAAA=], [&BAACAAA=], [&BAUCAAA=], [&BFIDAAA=], [&BFEDAAA=], [&BAECAAA=]
  • Brisban Wildlands [15]
  • Diessa Plateau [15]
    [&BLcAAAA=], [&BGQBAAA=], [&BF8BAAA=], [&BMkDAAA=], [&BN0AAAA=], [&BGMBAAA=], [&BN4AAAA=], [&BMUDAAA=]
  • Dredgehaunt Cliffs [40]
  • Fields of Ruin [30]
    [&BEsBAAA=], [&BEwBAAA=], [&BNQAAAA=], [&BFEBAAA=], [&BNMAAAA=], [&BD0EAAA=], [&BEoBAAA=], [&BNYAAAA=], [&BE0BAAA=]
  • Fireheart Rise [60]
  • Frostgorge Sound [70]
  • Gendarran Fields [25]
    [&BJQBAAA=], [&BI8BAAA=], [&BM0DAAA=], [&BIsBAAA=], [&BJMBAAA=], [&BI4BAAA=], [&BMwDAAA=]
  • Harathi Hinterlands [35]
    [&BKUAAAA=], [&BLIAAAA=], [&BMMAAAA=], [&BKcAAAA=], [&BKgAAAA=]
  • Iron Marches [50]
    [&BOoBAAA=], [&BOMBAAA=], [&BOkBAAA=], [&BOIBAAA=], [&BO4BAAA=], [&BOYBAAA=], [&BOQBAAA=], [&BOsBAAA=], [&BOcBAAA=], [&BOUBAAA=]
  • Kessex Hills [15]
    [&BAoAAAA=], [&BA4AAAA=], [&BAQAAAA=]
  • Lornar's Pass [30]
    [&BOkAAAA=], [&BFMGAAA=], [&BOgAAAA=], [&BJYBAAA=], [&BJkBAAA=], [&BJgBAAA=], [&BFIGAAA=], [&BOcAAAA=]
  • Mount Maelstrom [60]
    [&BNICAAA=], [&BM4CAAA=], [&BMwCAAA=], [&BNACAAA=], [&BMkCAAA=], [&BMoCAAA=], [&BNMCAAA=], [&BM0CAAA=], [&BMcCAAA=], [&BMsCAAA=]
  • Plains of Ashford [1]
  • Snowden Drifts [15]
    [&BLcAAAA=], [&BL8DAAA=],[&BLYAAAA=], [&BMIAAAA=], [&BLMAAAA=], [&BL8AAAA=]
  • Southsun Cove [80]
    [&BNAGAAA=], [&BNwGAAA=], [&BNgGAAA=]
  • Sparkfly Fen [55]
    [&BM0BAAA=], [&BMwBAAA=], [&BLQDAAA=], [&BMcBAAA=], [&BNABAAA=], [&BMgBAAA=], [&BMYBAAA=], [&BLMDAAA=], [&BE0DAAA=]
  • Timberline Falls [50]
    [&BEYEAAA=], [&BFUCAAA=], [&BFACAAA=], [&BEsCAAA=], [&BFECAAA=], [&BEwCAAA=]

Guild Bounties

For a complete guide of Guild Bounties see

Guild Bounties

Track down and kill various outlaws for the Orders

Requires: 30,000 influence, 3 days to build, and Art of War V Unlocked
Once unlocked Guild Bounty Missions can be queued at 200 Influence and 12 Hours build time.

  • Guild Bounty Training: 1 Bounties in 15 Minutes | Player Reward: None | Guild Reward: 3,000 Influence
    Requires: 300 Influence, 3 Days to build, Art of War IV Unlocked
  • Tier 1: 2 Bounties in 15 Minutes | Player Reward: 2 Guild Commendation, 2 Rare+ Equipment, and 50 Silver | Guild Reward: 15 Guild Merits
  • Tier 2: 3 Bounties in 15 Minutes | Player Reward: 2 Guild Commendation, 2 Rare+ Equipment, and 50 Silver | Guild Reward: 20 Guild Merits
  • Tier 3: 6 Bounties in 15 Minutes | Player Reward: 2 Guild Commendation, 2 Rare+ Equipment, and 50 Silver | Guild Reward: 25 Guild Merits

Only 1 Reward will be granted per player regardless of the Tier. The Reward is granted on the first capture you participated in, in the form of a chest on the lower right side on your screen.
A guild can earn a max of 25 Guild Merits for completing a Tier 3, 20 Guild Merits for a Tier 2, or 15 Guild Merits for a Tier 1 each week.

Type Name Location Notes Map Video
This defective prototype weather golem has been storming around Timberline Falls. Target needs to be brought in for a software patch.
Timberline Falls [50]
When shield is up, Kill sparks and throw them at 2-Multi to drop shield.
Ander "Wildman" Westward
Wanted for illegal trafficking of exotic wildlife. Suspected of attempting to wrangle karka in their island habitat.
Southsun Cove [80]
Inside a random Veteran Karka
Big Mayana
This voracious hylek is wanted for questioning about a recent poisoning. Target is thought to have taken refuge in the canopy of Sparkfly Fen.
Sparkfly Fen [55]
Hiding in a Suspicious Tree. Kick the tree and shake the frog out.
Bookworm Bwikki
Wanted for unauthorized removal and vandalism of books as well as nonpayment of library fines. Last seen fleeing down snow-covered slopes from a library.
Lornar's Pass [30]
Do not attack Bwikki when he has this Frost Aura on him.
Wanted for illegally attempting to keep a bear as a pet. Last seen fleeing a centaur encampment into the protection of other skritt.
Harathi Hinterlands [35]

Crusader Michiele
Crusader Michiele is a Vigil Crusader who was bitten by a Risen. Fearing for her life, she deserted her unit. She is wanted for desertion, spreading panic, and biting a superior officer. Reportedly wandering the coastal realm of the sunless undead champion.
Sparkfly Fen [55]

Deputy Brooke
Wanted for impersonating a deputy of the Lionguard. Last seen hassling travelers along the Drifts Detour.
Snowden Drifts [15]

Devious Teesa
Wanted for theft, attempted assassination, and incorrect filling of Patent Form 12.21-D. Recently sighted entering dredge-filled cavern by a kodan patrol.
Frostgorge Sound [70]

Diplomat Tarban
Wanted for impersonation of an ambassador. Suspected of planning fraudulent negotiations with the local skritt kingdom.
Brisban Wildlands [15]

Half Baked Kamali
Wanted for reckless endangerment and unlicensed geomantic experimentation, including a recent attempt to immerse an inquest engineer in a lava pool.
Mount Maelstrom [60]
Stack for Quick Kill
Wanted in connection with multiple harassment and public nuisance complaints. Last seen pestering tengu merchants at their trading post.
Kessex Hills [15]

Prisoner 1411
This fugitive escaped from Scourgejaw's Vault, an Iron Legion prison quarry. Target has thus far proven expert at evading local authorities.
Iron Marches [50]

Shaman Arderus
The rogue shaman Arderus is sought for his potential usefulness as an intelligence asset. Reported wandering the plains near the burning forest.
Fireheart Rise [60]
Stack for Quick Kill
Short-Fuse Felix
Wanted in connection with several proper-damage suits. Last seen behaving aggressively at Meatoberfest.
Diessa Plateau [15]

Sotzz the Scallywag
Wanted for theft, public intoxication, and lewdness. Target is known to “spirit” himself around the region north of Lion’s Arch in stolen barrels of ale.
Gendarran Fields [25]
Found inside of a "Suspicious Keg" in one of 300 locations
Tricksy Trekksa
This self-styled master of disguise is wanted for intelligence debriefing. Reports of out-of-place creatures wandering near Steeleye Span may be related.
Blazeridge Steppes [40]

Trillia Midwell
Wanted for questioning about attacks against charr merchants serving Ebonhawke peace delegations. Suspected of being a Separatist.
Fields of Ruin [30]

Yanonka the Rat-Wrangler
This rogue ogre is wanted for spying on and sabotaging various factions vying for control of the Fields of Ruin. Target is notorious for using pet rats to do her dirtiest work.
Fields of Ruin [30]


Guild Treks

For a complete guide of Guild Trek see

Guild Trek

Find locations for the Tyrian Explorers Society.

Requires: 50,000 influence, 30 Guild Merits, 7 days to build, Economy VI Unlocked, and Guild Bounties Unlocked
Once unlocked Guild Trek Missions can be queued at 200 Influence and 24 Hours build time.

  • Tier 1: 5 Locations in 20 Minutes | Player Reward: None | Guild Reward: 5 Guild Merits and 400 Influence
  • Tier 2: 10 Locations in 20 Minutes | Player Reward: None | Guild Reward: 7 Guild Merits and 500 Influence
  • Tier 3: 20 Locations in 20 Minutes | Player Reward: None | Guild Reward: 10 Guild Merits and 700 Influence

A guild can earn a max of 10 Guild Merits for completing a Tier 3, 7 Guild Merits for a Tier 2, or 5 Guild Merits for a Tier 1 each week.

Black Citadel
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Broken Falls Courtyard

Black Citadel [&BKwDAAA=] Ruins of Rin Waypoint  
Freestand Scaffold

Black Citadel [&BKwDAAA=] Ruins of Rin Waypoint  
Junker’s Apex

Black Citadel [&BKQDAAA=] Gladium Waypoint  
Scriptorium Nook

Black Citadel [&BKcDAAA=] Factorium Waypoint  
Sparwind’s Lounge

Black Citadel [&BK0DAAA=] Imperator's Waypoint  
Wheelport Pub

Black Citadel [&BKUDAAA=] Mustering Ground Waypoint  
Blazeridge Steppes
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Canyonweb Cave

Blazeridge Steppes [&BAQCAAA=] Brandview Waypoint  
Forgotten Grotto

Blazeridge Steppes [&BAECAAA=] Terra Carorunda Waypoint  
Sharkhallow’s Edge

Blazeridge Steppes [&BFEDAAA=] Splintercrest Fort Waypoint  
Steelband’s Tunnel

Blazeridge Steppes [&BPsBAAA=] Tumok's Waypoint  
Vacant Hermitage

Blazeridge Steppes [&BP8BAAA=] Guardian Stone Waypoint  
Bloodtide Coast
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Blood Ooze Gallery

Bloodtide Coast [&BKoBAAA=] Firthside Vigil Waypoint  
Castavall Corner

Bloodtide Coast [&BK4BAAA=] Castavall Waypoint  
Covington’s Stowage

Bloodtide Coast [&BKgBAAA=] Laughing Gull Waypoint  
Portmatt’s Promontory

Bloodtide Coast [&BKQBAAA=] Sorrowful Waypoint  
Risewild Green

Bloodtide Coast [&BKcBAAA=] Remanda Waypoint  
Brisban Wildlands
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
East End Falls

Brisban Wildlands [&BF0AAAA=] Wendon Waypoint    
Gallow’s Canyon

Brisban Wildlands [&BGMAAAA=] Gallowfields Waypoint    
Gnashar’s Viewpoint

Brisban Wildlands [&BF0AAAA=] Wendon Waypoint    
Tekki's Drawing Board

Brisban Wildlands [&BGUAAAA=] Ulta Metamagicals Waypoint    
Toxal Spill

Brisban Wildlands [&BHYAAAA=] Mirkrise Waypoint    
Ulta Scraproom

Brisban Wildlands [&BGUAAAA=] Ulta Metamagicals Waypoint    
Caledon Forest
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Briarthorn Barrier

Caledon Forest [&BDUBAAA=] Spiral Waypoint  
Green Moa Paddock

Caledon Forest [&BDwBAAA=] Caledon Haven Waypoint  
Imphaunt Hallow

Caledon Forest [&BEEBAAA=] Wychmire Waypoint  
Soggorsort Rotunda

Caledon Forest [&BD0BAAA=] Titan's Staircase Waypoint  
Unseen Scratch

Caledon Forest [&BDoBAAA=] Mabon Waypoint  
Widd's Folly

Caledon Forest [&BDoBAAA=] Mabon Waypoint  
Cursed Shore
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Anthem's Hold

Cursed Shore Shipwreck Rock Waypoint  
Cache of the Pursued

Cursed Shore [&BBkDAAA=] Penitent Waypoint  
Sea Scorpion’s Eye

Cursed Shore [&BB4DAAA=] Meddler's Waypoint  
Tactical Retreat

Cursed Shore Shipwreck Rock Waypoint  
Verdance Font

Cursed Shore [&BBsDAAA=] Verdance Waypoint  
Winterknell Impasse

Cursed Shore [&BBkDAAA=] Penitent Waypoint  
Diessa Plateau
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Anya’s Patch
(Jumping Puzzle)
Diessa Plateau [&BN4AAAA=] Nolan Waypoint  
Blackblade Butte

Diessa Plateau [&BNwAAAA=] Font of Rhand Waypoint  
Blasted Sepulchre

Diessa Plateau [&BNoAAAA=] Blasted Moors Waypoint  
Drakehatch Shore

Diessa Plateau [&BGQBAAA=] Breachwater Waypoint  
Strongpaw’s Garden

Diessa Plateau [&BN0AAAA=] Nageling Waypoint  
Divinity’s Reach
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
East Lurk Alley

Divinity’s Reach [&BCMDAAA=] Dwayna Waypoint  
Grenth’s Pavillion

Divinity’s Reach [&BCQDAAA=] Grenth Waypoint  
Mina’s Target Shoot

Divinity’s Reach [&BCoDAAA=] Common's Waypoint  
Rurik’s View

Divinity’s Reach [&BCsDAAA=] Rurikton Waypoint  
Turai Tavern Stillroom

Divinity’s Reach [&BCgDAAA=] Balthazar Waypoint  
Dredgehaunt Cliffs
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Forager’s Midden

Dredgehaunt Cliffs [&BFsCAAA=] Steelbrachen Waypoint  
Foreman’s Recess

Dredgehaunt Cliffs [&BFgCAAA=] Dociu Waypoint  
Ramview Peak

Dredgehaunt Cliffs [&BGQCAAA=] Travelen’s Waypoint  
Scholar’s Blind

Dredgehaunt Cliffs [&BFwCAAA=] Toran Hollow Waypoint  
The Workers’ Stores

Dredgehaunt Cliffs [&BFoCAAA=] Grey Road Waypoint  
Fields of Ruin
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Brandstrike Digs

Fields of Ruin [&BEsBAAA=] Helliot Mine Waypoint  
Cymbel’s Glen

Fields of Ruin [&BE8BAAA=] Ogre Road Waypoint  
Drakecleft Shelf

Fields of Ruin [&BEwBAAA=] Fangfury Watch Waypoint  
Founder’s Flagon Hearth

Fields of Ruin [&BFEBAAA=] Fallen Angels Garrison Waypoint  
Hermit’s Roost
(Jumping Puzzle)
Fields of Ruin [&BNgAAAA=] Rosko’s Campsite Waypoint  
Fireheart Rise
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Heart Speaks Notch

Fireheart Rise [&BB0CAAA=] Apostate Waypoint  
Lily’s Bivvy

Fireheart Rise [&BCACAAA=] Icespear’s Waypoint  
Provatum Carcer

Fireheart Rise [&BCYCAAA=] Keeper’s Waypoint  
Skalefound Cove

Fireheart Rise [&BBgCAAA=] Tuyere Command Post Waypoint  
Tarstar Copse

Fireheart Rise [&BB0CAAA=] Apostate Waypoint  
Frostgorge Sound
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Broodmother Falls

Frostgorge Sound [&BIQCAAA=] Yak’s Bend Waypoint  
Corruption’s Teeth

Frostgorge Sound [&BIYCAAA=] Drakkar Waypoint  
Icewurm Trench

Frostgorge Sound [&BH8CAAA=] Dimotiki Waypoint  
Skelknest Borehole

Frostgorge Sound [&BHwCAAA=] Slough of Despond Waypoint  
Source of Lament

Frostgorge Sound [&BIECAAA=] Skyheight Steading Waypoint  
The People’s Deadlock

Frostgorge Sound [&BIUCAAA=] Blue Ice Shining Waypoint  
Gendarran Fields
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Cutthroat’s Rest

Gendarran Fields [&BM0DAAA=] Brigantine Waypoint  
Lawen Grotto

Gendarran Fields [&BIsBAAA=] First Haven Waypoint  
Raptor’s Perch

Gendarran Fields [&BO4AAAA=] Winter Haven Waypoint  
Stonebore Spiderhole

Gendarran Fields [&BIwBAAA=] Talajian Waypoint  
Wassa’s Terrace

Gendarran Fields [&BIsBAAA=] First Haven Waypoint  
Harathi Hinterlands
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Bandit’s Cabbage Patch

Harathi Hinterlands [&BKgAAAA=] Wynchona Rally Point Waypoint  
Elise’s Suprise

Harathi Hinterlands [&BKsAAAA=] Demetra Waypoint  
Fawcett’s Porch
(Jumping Puzzle)
Harathi Hinterlands [&BLIAAAA=] Arca Waypoint  
Guardian Overwatch

Harathi Hinterlands [&BKkAAAA=] Grey Gritta’s Waypoint  
Skyshrine Scratch

Harathi Hinterlands [&BKkAAAA=] Grey Gritta’s Waypoint  
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Brother’s Notch

Hoelbrak [&BIcDAAA=] Snow Leopard Waypoint  
Grimsdottir’s Duty

Hoelbrak [&BIwDAAA=] Legends Waypoint  
Kegbrawl Watch

Hoelbrak [&BJADAAA=] Hero’s Compass Waypoint  
Raven Hook

Hoelbrak [&BIgDAAA=] Raven Waypoint  
Trader’s Stash

Hoelbrak [&BI8DAAA=] Peeta’s Waypoint  
Iron Marches
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Dirtclaw Cleft

Iron Marches [&BOMBAAA=] Bloodfin Lake Waypoint  
Firewatch Flybridge

Iron Marches [&BO0BAAA=] Firewatch Encampment Waypoint  
Raptor’s Aerie

Iron Marches [&BOsBAAA=] Town of Cowlfang’s Star Waypoint  
Scourgejaw Watchtower

Iron Marches [&BOgBAAA=] Sleekfur Encampment Waypoint  
Sentinel Sink

Iron Marches [&BOkBAAA=] Brandwatch Encampment Waypoint  
Kessex Hills
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Defiled Delve

Kessex Hills [&BBEAAAA=] Darkwound Waypoint  
Kari’s Hot Spot

Kessex Hills [&BBIAAAA=] Cereboth Waypoint  
Lychcroft Wardenship

Kessex Hills [&BAwAAAA=] Shadowheart Site Waypoint  
Overlord Lodge

Kessex Hills [&BAQAAAA=] Overlord's Waypoint  
Tagotl Shore

Kessex Hills [&BBAAAAA=] Viathan Waypoint  
Lornar's Pass
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Cave Spider Nidus

Lornar's Pass [&BJgBAAA=] Pinnacle Enclave Waypoint  
Ettinbreath Lair

Lornar's Pass [&BOYAAAA=] Demon’s Maw Waypoint  
Mistriven Shelf

Lornar's Pass [&BJkBAAA=] Mistriven Waypoint  
Trolltrap Pit

Lornar's Pass [&BOkAAAA=] Durmand Priory Waypoint  
Venison Hollow

Lornar's Pass [&BOUAAAA=] Vanjir’s Stead Waypoint  
Malchor's Leap
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Captain’s Berth

Malchor's Leap [&BLICAAA=] Lights Waypoint  
Cathedral’s Cavity

Malchor's Leap [&BK0CAAA=] Lyssa Waypoint  
Delight’s Balcony

Malchor's Leap [&BKYCAAA=] Pagga's Waypoint  
Forbidden Shear

Malchor's Leap [&BLECAAA=] Versoconjouring Waypoint  
Spectrehaunt Socket
(Jumping Puzzle)
Malchor's Leap [&BLICAAA=] Lights Waypoint  
Metrica Province
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Fisher’s Crag

Metrica Province [&BK4EAAA=] Old Golem Factory Waypoint  
Jaguar Pride Den

Metrica Province [&BLMEAAA=] Artegon Waypoint  
Master Control LIN39

Metrica Province [&BEcAAAA=] Muridian Waypoint  
Soren Draa Rest Shop

Metrica Province [&BEAAAAA=] Soren Draa Waypoint  
Thaumanova Spillway

Metrica Province [&BEcAAAA=] Muridian Waypoint  
Wildflame Monitor

Metrica Province [&BEAAAAA=] Soren Draa Waypoint  
Mount Maelstrom
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Droknah’s Gate

Mount Maelstrom [&BNQCAAA=] Old Sledge Site Waypoint  
Fire Imp Pocket

Mount Maelstrom [&BM0CAAA=] Maelstrom’s Waypoint  
Rata Pten Portico

Mount Maelstrom [&BMkCAAA=] Criterion Waypoint  
Restless Springs

Mount Maelstrom [&BNICAAA=] Irwin Isle Waypoint  
Whitland Sinkhole

Mount Maelstrom [&BNQCAAA=] Old Sledge Site Waypoint  
Plains of Ashford
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Cademkrall Overlook

Plains of Ashford [&BIgBAAA=] Watchcrag Tower Waypoint  
Doefalls Court

Plains of Ashford [&BIcBAAA=] Ascalon City Waypoint  
Irondock Viewpoint

Plains of Ashford [&BIoBAAA=] Irondock Shipyard Waypoint  
Phasmatis Prospect

Plains of Ashford [&BIoBAAA=] Irondock Shipyard Waypoint  
Watchpoint Decimus

Plains of Ashford [&BJgDAAA=] Guardpoint Decimus Waypoint  
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Altar Brook Lair

Queensdale [&BPIAAAA=] Crossing Waypoint  
Claypool Bailey

Queensdale [&BPYAAAA=] Claypool Waypoint  
Destiny’s Guildhall

Queensdale [&BO8AAAA=] Shaemoor Waypoint  
Heartwood Honey Cache

Queensdale [&BPMAAAA=] Phinney Waypoint  
Lakebottom Underpass

Queensdale [&BPkAAAA=] Ojon's Lumbermill Waypoint  
Rata Sum
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Flakk’s Lapidary Nook

Rata Sum [&BLYEAAA=] Accountancy Waypoint  
Ideation Leap

Rata Sum [&BLUEAAA=] Incubation Waypoint  
Magihedron Corner

Rata Sum [&BBMEAAA=] Metrical Court Waypoint  
Port Authority Lost and Found

Rata Sum [&BAcFAAA=] Port Waypoint  
Skibo Hall Dormitory

Rata Sum [&BLkEAAA=] Auxillary Waypoint  
Snowden Drifts
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Badjelly Kelpbed

Snowden Drifts [&BLwAAAA=] Exile Waypoint  
Cave Bear Cache

Snowden Drifts [&BL8AAAA=] Snowhawk Landing Waypoint  
Hidden Owl Distillery

Snowden Drifts [&BMEAAAA=] Owl Waypoint  
Snowden Safehouse

Snowden Drifts [&BLkAAAA=] Snowdrift Waypoint  
Snowhowl Den

Snowden Drifts [&BL8AAAA=] Snowhawk Landing Waypoint  
Southsun Cove
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Steamy Steps

Southsun Cove [&BNAGAAA=] Lion Point Waypoint  
Sparkfly Fen
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Firefrog Springs

Sparkfly Fen [&BMwBAAA=] Flamefrog Waypoint  
Orvanic Sourcewaters

Sparkfly Fen [&BMkBAAA=] Ocean’s Gullet Waypoint  
Saltflood Altar

Sparkfly Fen [&BMcBAAA=] Saltflood Waypoint  
Shattered Loft

Sparkfly Fen [&BMUBAAA=] Fort Cadence Waypoint  
Siamoth Refuge

Sparkfly Fen [&BM0BAAA=] Darkweather Waypoint  
Straits of Devastation
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Drowned Plaza

Straits of Devastation [&BPMCAAA=] Royal Forum Waypoint  
Fathom Five Forcefield

Straits of Devastation [&BO4CAAA=] Fort Trinity Waypoint  
Lightfoot Dock

Straits of Devastation [&BPACAAA=] Thunderhead Waypoint  
Stentor Shelter

Straits of Devastation Signal Peak Waypoint  
Vizier’s Anteport

Straits of Devastation [&BPcCAAA=] Lone Post Waypoint  
The Grove
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Backroot Fountain

The Grove [&BLsEAAA=] Reckomer's Waypoint  
Black Lion Root Cellar

The Grove [&BLsEAAA=] Reckomer's Waypoint  
Constellation Parapet

The Grove [&BLsEAAA=] Reckomer's Waypoint  
Dawngleam Pergola

The Grove [&BLwEAAA=] Roman's Waypoint  
Gardenroot Alcove

The Grove [&BLsEAAA=] Reckomer's Waypoint  
Timberline Falls
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Frozen Antrum

Timberline Falls [&BE8CAAA=] White Paper Waypoint  
Meltwater Cave

Timberline Falls [&BEgCAAA=] Scale Strand Waypoint  
Skalesplash Falls

Timberline Falls [&BEcCAAA=] Coil Waypoint  
Talus Steps

Timberline Falls [&BEQCAAA=] Talus Waypoint  
Wikk’s Gate

Timberline Falls [&BEwCAAA=] Valance Tutory Waypoint  
Wayfarer Foothills
Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Arctodus Haunt

Wayfarer Foothills [&BH4BAAA=] Vendrake's Homestead Waypoint  
Lionguard Larder

Wayfarer Foothills [&BH0BAAA=] Twinspur Haven Waypoint  
Moleberia Prison

Wayfarer Foothills [&BHgBAAA=] Halvaunt Waypoint  
Osenfold Counterweights

Wayfarer Foothills [&BAEEAAA=] Osenfold Waypoint  
Reverberant’s Watch

Wayfarer Foothills [&BHUBAAA=] Darkriven Waypoint  

Guild Rush

For a complete guide of Guild Rush see

Guild Rush

Survive difficult conditions running as a group.

Requires: 50,000 influence, 80 Guild Merits, 7 days to build, Politics VI Unlocked, and Guild Trek Unlocked
Once unlocked Guild Rush Missions can be queued at 200 Influence and 24 Hours build time.

  • Tier 1: Player Reward: 1 Guild Commendation, 2 Rare+ Equipment, and 50 Silver | Guild Reward: 15 Guild Merits

Additional Note: All participants in guild and out, will be able to loot the reward chest at the finish line for completing the rush in transformed form.

Type Name Zone Chat Link Nearest Waypoint Map Video
Devourer Burrow
Diessa Plateau [&BMkDAAA=] Manbane's Waypoint  
Spider Scurry
Dredgehaunt Cliffs [&BF0CAAA=] Hessdallen Kenning Waypoint
Chicken Run
Fields of Ruin [&BEwBAAA=] Fangfury Watch Waypoint
Quaggan Paddle
Frostgorge Sound [&BIACAAA=] Twoloop Waypoint  
Ghost Wolf Run
Harathi Hinterlands [&BKUAAAA=] Faun's Waypoint  
Bear Lope
Lornar's Pass [&BOkAAAA=] Durmand Priory Waypoint
Crab Scuttle
Southsun Cove [&BNwGAAA=] Kiel's Outpost Waypoint  

Guild Challenges

For a complete guide of Guild Rush see

Guild Challenge

A guild focused extension to the existing event system.

Requires: 50,000 influence, 150 Guild Merits, 7 days to build, Art of War VI Unlocked, and Guild Rush Unlocked
Once unlocked Guild Challenge Missions can be queued at 200 Influence and 12 Hours build time.

  • Tier 1: Player Reward: 2 Guild Commendation, 2 Rare+ Equipment, and 50 Silver | Guild Reward: 30 Guild Merits
Type Name Zone Waypoint Notes Map Video
Blightwater Shatterstrike
Brand energies coursing through crystal nodes along Blightwater Basin in Blazeridge Steppes are reaching critical levels. Work together to destroy these crystal nodes and stop the energy buildup.
Blazeridge Steppes Tumok's Waypoint
Kill all five crystals within 30 seconds of each other in the timespan of 20 minutes  
Branded For Termination
Find and bring down a Branded ogre chieftain and his pet siege devourers in Varim’s Run in the Fields of Ruin.
Fields of Ruin Helliot Mine Waypoint
All 3 Champions must die within a 30 second window or they will heal 50%  
Deep Trouble
Krait have taken quaggans captive for ritual sacrifice in the Mire Sea in the Mount Maelstrom region. Rescue the captive quaggans before the krait execute them.
Mount Maelstrom Irwin Isle Waypoint
Rescue & Escort 10 Quaggan in 10 Minutes. If any Quaggan die and we fail the event.  
Save Our Supplies
Supply Master Sootspitter needs your help defending Iron Legion supplies bound for the front lines in Iron Marches. Help shore up his supply depot's defenses and repel any Flame Legion attacks.
Iron Marches Viper's Run Waypoint
Protect 20 barrels from the Flame Legion for 11 minutes and 40 seconds.  
Scratch Sentry Defense
An experimental device has enraged various creatures around Fionnghuala Scratch in Timberline Falls. Defend the skritt sentries stations outside the scratch until the researchers can shut down the device.
Timberline Falls Stromkarl Waypoint
Protect 3 Skritt against invading waves. The event will fail if one skritt sentry dies.  
Southsun Crab Toss
A crab-hunting quaggan needs your help to keep her catch alive on Southsun Cove while the karka close in.
Southsun Cove Lion Point Waypoint
Survive 5 Minutes holding onto the Karka Shell  

Guild Puzzle

For a complete guide of Guild Puzzles see

Guild Puzzle

Similar to jumping puzzles, but requiring coordinated effort.

Requires: 50,000 influence, 250 Guild Merits, 7 days to build, Architecture VI Unlocked, and Guild Challenge Unlocked
Once unlocked Guild Puzzle Missions can be queued at 200 Influence and 12 Hours build time.

  • Tier 1: Player Reward: 1 Guild Commendation, 2 Rare+ Equipment, and 50 Silver | Guild Reward: 30 Guild Merits
Type Name Zone Waypoint Notes Map Video
Angvar’s Trove
Snowden Drifts Scholar’s Cleft Waypoint
Complete this puzzle in under 30 minutes.
Langmar Estate
Plains of Ashford Guardpoint Decimus Waypoint
Stage 1: Match Charr Bow = Human Sword | Charr Sword = Human Staff | Charr Staff = Human Bow
Proxemics Lab
Brisban Wildlands Gallowfields Waypoint
Complete this puzzle in under 30 minutes.

Waypoint Directory

Simply copy and paste a chat link into the chat window to link the waypoint in the channel you are currently using.

Black Citadel
Waypoint Chat Link
Bane Waypoint [&BKoDAAA=]
Diessa Gate Waypoint [&BKgDAAA=]
Factorium Waypoint [&BKcDAAA=]
Gladium Waypoint [&BKQDAAA=]
Hero’s Waypoint [&BKsDAAA=]
Imperator’s Waypoint [&BK0DAAA=]
Junker’s Waypoint [&BDcEAAA=]
Ligacus Aquilo Waypoint [&BKkDAAA=]
Memorial Waypoint [&BKYDAAA=]
Mustering Ground Waypoint [&BKUDAAA=]
Ruins of Rin Waypoint [&BKwDAAA=]
Blazeridge Steppes
Waypoint Chat Link
Behem Waypoint [&BP0BAAA=]
Brandview Waypoint [&BAQCAAA=]
Brokentooth Waypoint [&BAICAAA=]
Expanse Waypoint [&BP4BAAA=]
Gastor Gullet Waypoint [&BE8DAAA=]
Guardian Stone Waypoint [&BP8BAAA=]
Kinar Fort Waypoint [&BFADAAA=]
Kindling Waypoint [&BAMCAAA=]
Lowland Burns Waypoint [&BE4DAAA=]
Lunk Kraal Waypoint [&BAACAAA=]
Refuge Sanctum Waypoint [&BAUCAAA=]
Soot Road Waypoint [&BFIDAAA=]
Splintercrest Fort Waypoint [&BFEDAAA=]
Steeleye Waypoint [&BPoBAAA=]
Terra Carorunda Waypoint [&BAECAAA=]
The Last Whiskey Bar Waypoint [&BPkBAAA=]
Tumok’s Waypoint [&BPsBAAA=]
Twin Sisters Waypoint [&BPwBAAA=]
Bloodtide Coast
Waypoint Chat Link
Archen Foreland Waypoint [&BKMBAAA=]
Barrier Camp Waypoint [&BKkBAAA=]
Bogside Camp Waypoint [&BKwBAAA=]
Castavall Waypoint [&BK4BAAA=]
Deadend Waypoint [&BAsEAAA=]
Firthside Vigil Waypoint [&BKoBAAA=]
Jelako Waypoint [&BK8BAAA=]
Laughing Gull Waypoint [&BKgBAAA=]
Lostwreck Waypoint [&BKsBAAA=]
Marshwatch Haven Waypoint [&BKYBAAA=]
Mournful Waypoint [&BK0BAAA=]
Remanda Waypoint [&BKcBAAA=]
Sorrowful Waypoint [&BKQBAAA=]
Stormbluff Waypoint [&BKUBAAA=]
Whisperwill Waypoint [&BLABAAA=]
Brisban Wildlands
Waypoint Chat Link
Brilitine Waypoint [&BGEAAAA=]
East End Waypoint [&BGAAAAA=]
Gallowfields Waypoint [&BGMAAAA=]
Hillstead Waypoint [&BF8AAAA=]
Mirkrise Waypoint [&BHYAAAA=]
Mrot Boru Waypoint [&BHUAAAA=]
Seraph Observers Waypoint [&BGIAAAA=]
Triforge Point Waypoint [&BGQAAAA=]
Tunnels Waypoint [&BF4AAAA=]
Ulta Metamagicals Waypoint [&BGUAAAA=]
Watchful Source Waypoint [&BFwAAAA=]
Wendon Waypoint [&BF0AAAA=]
Caledon Forest
Waypoint Chat Link
Astorea Waypoint [&BDQBAAA=]
Brigid’s Overlook Waypoint [&BDgBAAA=]
Caer Astorea Waypoint [&BDYBAAA=]
Caledon Haven Waypoint [&BDwBAAA=]
Falias Thorp Waypoint [&BD4BAAA=]
Gleaner’s Cove Waypoint [&BDcBAAA=]
Hamlet of Annwen Waypoint [&BD8BAAA=]
Kraitbane Haven Waypoint [&BEABAAA=]
Lionguard Waystation Waypoint [&BEwDAAA=]
Mabon Waypoint [&BDoBAAA=]
Sleive’s Waypoint [&BP4FAAA=]
Sperrins Waypoint [&BDkBAAA=]
Spiral Waypoint [&BDUBAAA=]
Titan’s Staircase Waypoint [&BD0BAAA=]
Town of Cathal Waypoint [&BDsBAAA=]
Twilight Arbor Waypoint [&BNMBAAA=]
Wardenhurst Waypoint [&BEIBAAA=]
Wychmire Waypoint [&BEEBAAA=]
Citadel of Flame
Waypoint Chat Link
Chamber of Might Waypoint [&BGkCAAA=]
Cursed Shore
Waypoint Chat Link
Anchorage Waypoint [&BB8DAAA=]
Arah Waypoint [&BCADAAA=]
Caer Shadowfain Waypoint [&BCEDAAA=]
Gavbeorn’s Waypoint [&BBoDAAA=]
Jofast’s Waypoint [&BB0DAAA=]
Meddler’s Waypoint [&BB4DAAA=]
Murdered Dreams Waypoint [&BCIDAAA=]
Penitent Waypoint [&BBkDAAA=]
Pursuit Pass Waypoint [&BBcDAAA=]
R&D Waypoint [&BBgDAAA=]
Shelter’s Gate Waypoint [&BBwDAAA=]
Verdance Waypoint [&BBsDAAA=]
Diessa Plateau
Waypoint Chat Link
Blackblade Waypoint [&BEIEAAA=]
Blasted Moors Waypoint [&BNoAAAA=]
Bloodcliff Waypoint [&BMQDAAA=]
Bloodsaw Mill Waypoint [&BNsAAAA=]
Breached Wall Waypoint [&BGEBAAA=]
Breachwater Waypoint [&BGQBAAA=]
Butcher’s Block Waypoint [&BF8BAAA=]
Charradis Estate Waypoint [&BGABAAA=]
Charrgate Haven Waypoint [&BNkAAAA=]
Dawnright Estate Waypoint [&BJoDAAA=]
Font of Rhand Waypoint [&BNwAAAA=]
Incendio Waypoint [&BGIBAAA=]
Manbane’s Waypoint [&BMkDAAA=]
Nageling Waypoint [&BN0AAAA=]
Nemus Grove Waypoint [&BGMBAAA=]
Nolan Waypoint [&BN4AAAA=]
Oldgate Waypoint [&BF4BAAA=]
Redreave Mill Waypoint [&BMYDAAA=]
Sanctum Waypoint [&BMUDAAA=]
Divinity's Reach
Waypoint Chat Link
Balthazar Waypoint [&BCgDAAA=]
Collapse Waypoint [&BCwDAAA=]
Commons Waypoint [&BCoDAAA=]
Dwayna Waypoint [&BCMDAAA=]
Grenth Waypoint [&BCQDAAA=]
Kormir Waypoint [&BCUDAAA=]
Lyssa Waypoint [&BCYDAAA=]
Melandru Waypoint [&BCcDAAA=]
Ministers Waypoint [&BOQEAAA=]
Ossan Waypoint [&BC0DAAA=]
Palace Waypoint [&BCkDAAA=]
Rurikton Waypoint [&BCsDAAA=]
Salma Waypoint [&BC4DAAA=]
Dredgehaunt Cliffs
Waypoint Chat Link
Dociu Waypoint [&BFgCAAA=]
Frostland Waypoint [&BFcCAAA=]
Granite Citadel Waypoint [&BO4EAAA=]
Graupel Waypoint [&BGICAAA=]
Grey Road Waypoint [&BFoCAAA=]
Havfrue Basin Waypoint [&BGMCAAA=]
Hessdallen Kenning Waypoint [&BF0CAAA=]
Kenning Testing Ground Waypoint [&BF4CAAA=]
Mountain’s Tail Waypoint [&BGECAAA=]
Nottowr Fault Waypoint [&BGACAAA=]
Seven Pines Waypoint [&BFkCAAA=]
Sorrow’s Embrace Waypoint [&BEoAAAA=]
Steelbrachen Waypoint [&BFsCAAA=]
Toran Hollow Waypoint [&BFwCAAA=]
Travelen’s Waypoint [&BGQCAAA=]
Tribulation Waypoint [&BFYCAAA=]
Wide Expanse Waypoint [&BF8CAAA=]
Wyrmblood Waypoint [&BGUCAAA=]
Fields of Ruin
Waypoint Chat Link
Deathblade’s Watch Waypoint [&BNQAAAA=]
Fallen Angels Garrison Waypoint [&BFEBAAA=]
Fangfury Watch Waypoint [&BEwBAAA=]
Forlorn Gate Waypoint [&BCMCAAA=]
Hawkgates Waypoint [&BNMAAAA=]
Helliot Mine Waypoint [&BEsBAAA=]
Kestrel Waypoint [&BD0EAAA=]
Ogre Road Waypoint [&BE8BAAA=]
Rosko’s Campsite Waypoint [&BNgAAAA=]
Skoll’s Bivouac Waypoint [&BEoBAAA=]
Spotter’s Waypoint [&BDwEAAA=]
Summit Waypoint [&BNUAAAA=]
Tenaebron Waypoint [&BNcAAAA=]
Thunderbreak Waypoint [&BD4EAAA=]
Tyler’s Bivouac Waypoint [&BNYAAAA=]
Vulture’s Waypoint [&BE0BAAA=]
Wreckage of Bloodgorge Watch Waypoint [&BE4BAAA=]
Fireheart Rise
Waypoint Chat Link
Apostate Waypoint [&BB0CAAA=]
Breaktooth’s Waypoint [&BBoCAAA=]
Forlorn Waypoint [&BFABAAA=]
Havoc Waypoint [&BBsCAAA=]
Icespear’s Waypoint [&BCACAAA=]
Keeper’s Waypoint [&BCYCAAA=]
Pig Iron Waypoint [&BBcCAAA=]
Rustbowl Waypoint [&BB4CAAA=]
Sati Waypoint [&BBYCAAA=]
Senecus Castrum Waypoint [&BCQCAAA=]
Severed Breach Waypoint [&BBkCAAA=]
Simurgh Waypoint [&BCUCAAA=]
Snow Ridge Camp Waypoint [&BCECAAA=]
Switchback Waypoint [&BB8CAAA=]
Tuyere Command Post Waypoint [&BBgCAAA=]
Vidius Castrum Waypoint [&BBwCAAA=]
Vorgas Garrison Waypoint [&BCICAAA=]
Frostgorge Sound
Waypoint Chat Link
Arundon Waypoint [&BHgCAAA=]
Blue Ice Shining Waypoint [&BIUCAAA=]
Dimotiki Waypoint [&BH8CAAA=]
Drakkar Waypoint [&BIYCAAA=]
Earthshake Waypoint [&BHoCAAA=]
Groznev Waypoint [&BHkCAAA=]
Highpeaks Waypoint [&BIICAAA=]
Ice Floe Waypoint [&BH4CAAA=]
Path of Starry Skies Waypoint [&BHsCAAA=]
Ridgerock Camp Waypoint [&BIMCAAA=]
Skyheight Steading Waypoint [&BIECAAA=]
Slough of Despond Waypoint [&BHwCAAA=]
Twoloop Waypoint [&BIACAAA=]
Watchful Waypoint [&BH0CAAA=]
Yak's Bend Waypoint [&BIQCAAA=]
Gendarran Fields
Waypoint Chat Link
Almuten Waypoint [&BJQBAAA=]
Applenook Hamlet Waypoint [&BJEBAAA=]
Ascalon Settlement Waypoint [&BI8BAAA=]
Blood Hill Waypoint [&BI0BAAA=]
Bloodfields Waypoint [&BAIEAAA=]
Brigantine Waypoint [&BM0DAAA=]
Broadhollow Waypoint [&BOEAAAA=]
Cornucopian Fields Waypoint [&BOMAAAA=]
First Haven Waypoint [&BIsBAAA=]
Icegate Waypoint [&BJMBAAA=]
Junction Haven Waypoint [&BO0AAAA=]
Lionbridge Waypoint [&BJsDAAA=]
Nebo Terrace Waypoint [&BI4BAAA=]
Northfields Waypoint [&BJABAAA=]
Oogooth Waypoint [&BOIAAAA=]
Provern Shore Waypoint [&BOQAAAA=]
Snowblind Waypoint [&BMwDAAA=]
Stoneguard Gate Waypoint [&BOAAAAA=]
Talajian Waypoint [&BIwBAAA=]
Traveler’s Dale Waypoint [&BN8AAAA=]
Vigil Keep Waypoint [&BJIBAAA=]
Winter Haven Waypoint [&BO4AAAA=]
Harathi Hinterlands
Waypoint Chat Link
Arca Waypoint [&BLIAAAA=]
Arcallion Waypoint [&BMMAAAA=]
Barricade Camp Waypoint [&BK0AAAA=]
Bridgewatch Camp Waypoint [&BK8AAAA=]
Cloven Hoof Waypoint [&BLEAAAA=]
Demetra Waypoint [&BKsAAAA=]
Faun’s Waypoint [&BKUAAAA=]
Grey Gritta’s Waypoint [&BKkAAAA=]
Junction Camp Waypoint [&BLAAAAA=]
Nightguard Waypoint [&BKoAAAA=]
Recovery Camp Waypoint [&BKwAAAA=]
Seraph’s Landing Waypoint [&BKcAAAA=]
Shieldbluff Waypoint [&BKYAAAA=]
Trebusha’s Overlook Waypoint [&BK4AAAA=]
Wynchona Rally Point Waypoint [&BKgAAAA=]
Waypoint Chat Link
Bear Waypoint [&BIkDAAA=]
Eastern Watchpost Waypoint [&BI0DAAA=]
Great Lodge Waypoint [&BNUDAAA=]
Hero’s Compass Waypoint [&BJADAAA=]
Legends Waypoint [&BIwDAAA=]
Might and Main Waypoint [&BIUDAAA=]
Peeta’s Waypoint [&BI8DAAA=]
Raven Waypoint [&BIgDAAA=]
Shelter Rock Waypoint [&BIsDAAA=]
Snow Leopard Waypoint [&BIcDAAA=]
Southern Watchpost Waypoint [&BI4DAAA=]
Trade Commons Waypoint [&BIYDAAA=]
Upper Balcony Waypoint [&BAgFAAA=]
Wolf Waypoint [&BIoDAAA=]
Iron Marches
Waypoint Chat Link
Bloodfin Lake Waypoint [&BOMBAAA=]
Brandwatch Encampment Waypoint [&BOkBAAA=]
Bulwark Waypoint [&BOwBAAA=]
Dewclaw Waypoint [&BOIBAAA=]
Firewatch Encampment Waypoint [&BO0BAAA=]
Gladefall Waypoint [&BO4BAAA=]
Grostogg’s Kraal Waypoint [&BO8BAAA=]
Hellion Waypoint [&BOYBAAA=]
Old Piken Ruins Waypoint [&BOQBAAA=]
Sleekfur Encampment Waypoint [&BOgBAAA=]
Town of Cowlfang’s Star Waypoint [&BOsBAAA=]
Village of Scalecatch Waypoint [&BOcBAAA=]
Viper's Run Waypoint [&BOoBAAA=]
Warhound Village Waypoint [&BOUBAAA=]
Kessex Hills
Waypoint Chat Link
Cavernhold Camp Waypoint [&BBUAAAA=]
Cereboth Waypoint [&BBIAAAA=]
Darkwound Waypoint [&BBEAAAA=]
Delanian Waypoint [&BAgAAAA=]
Fort Salma Waypoint [&BAMAAAA=]
Gap Waypoint [&BLoDAAA=]
Greyhoof Camp Waypoint [&BBYAAAA=]
Halacon Waypoint [&BAYAAAA=]
Ireko Tradecamp Waypoint [&BAoAAAA=]
Kessex Haven Waypoint [&BBQAAAA=]
Meadows Waypoint [&BAUAAAA=]
Moogooloo Waypoint [&BA4AAAA=]
Overlake Haven Waypoint [&BBMAAAA=]
Overlord’s Waypoint [&BAQAAAA=]
Shadowheart Site Waypoint [&BAwAAAA=]
Sojourner’s Waypoint [&BAcAAAA=]
Viathan Waypoint [&BBAAAAA=]
Lion’s Arch
Waypoint Chat Link
Bloodcoast Ward Waypoint [&BA4EAAA=]
Canal Ward Waypoint [&BAwEAAA=]
Claw Island Portage Waypoint [&BA8EAAA=]
Diverse Ledges Waypoint [&BC0EAAA=]
Eastern Ward Waypoint [&BDEEAAA=]
Farshore Waypoint [&BDMEAAA=]
Fort Marriner Waypoint [&BDAEAAA=]
Gate Hub Plaza Waypoint [&BBEEAAA=]
Lion’s Shadow Inn Waypoint [&BDIEAAA=]
Sanctum Harbor Waypoint [&BC8EAAA=]
Smuggler’s Waypoint [&BA0EAAA=]
Trader’s Forum Waypoint [&BBAEAAA=]
Western Ward Waypoint [&BC4EAAA=]
Lornar's Pass
Waypoint Chat Link
Afgar’s Waypoint [&BFMGAAA=]
Cascade Bridge Waypoint [&BFQGAAA=]
Demon’s Maw Waypoint [&BOYAAAA=]
Durmand Priory Waypoint [&BOkAAAA=]
False Lake Waypoint [&BOgAAAA=]
Guutra’s Homestead Waypoint [&BJYBAAA=]
Icedevil's Waypoint [&BFEGAAA=]
Lamentation Waypoint [&BOoAAAA=]
Mistriven Waypoint [&BJkBAAA=]
Nentor Waypoint [&BOwAAAA=]
Pinnacle Enclave Waypoint [&BJgBAAA=]
Refuge Peak Waypoint [&BFIGAAA=]
Stonescatter Waypoint [&BJcBAAA=]
Thunderhorns Waypoint [&BOsAAAA=]
Vanjir’s Stead Waypoint [&BOUAAAA=]
Winterthaw Waypoint [&BOcAAAA=]
Malchor’s Leap
Waypoint Chat Link
Colonnade Waypoint [&BKkCAAA=]
Doric’s Waypoint [&BKcCAAA=]
Lights Waypoint [&BLICAAA=]
Lyssa Waypoint [&BK0CAAA=]
Pagga’s Waypoint [&BKYCAAA=]
Tempests Waypoint [&BLACAAA=]
Union Waypoint [&BKsCAAA=]
Valley of Lyss Waypoint [&BKoCAAA=]
Versoconjouring Waypoint [&BLECAAA=]
Waste Hollows Waypoint [&BKgCAAA=]
Wren Waypoint [&BKwCAAA=]
Metrica Province
Waypoint Chat Link
Akk Wilds Waypoint [&BEIAAAA=]
Anthill Waypoint [&BLAEAAA=]
Artegon Waypoint [&BLMEAAA=]
Arterium Haven Waypoint [&BEQAAAA=]
Cautl Waypoint [&BLIEAAA=]
Desider Atum Waypoint [&BEgAAAA=]
Hexane Regrade Waypoint [&BEUAAAA=]
Hydrone Unit Waypoint [&BPcEAAA=]
Jeztar Falls Waypoint [&BEEAAAA=]
Loch Waypoint [&BK8EAAA=]
Michotl Grounds Waypoint [&BLEEAAA=]
Muridian Waypoint [&BEcAAAA=]
Old Golem Factory Waypoint [&BK4EAAA=]
Rana Landing Complex Waypoint [&BEMAAAA=]
Soren Draa Waypoint [&BEAAAAA=]
Survivor’s Encampment Waypoint [&BEYAAAA=]
Mount Maelstrom
Waypoint Chat Link
Ashen Waypoint [&BM4CAAA=]
Avernan Waypoint [&BM8CAAA=]
Bard’s Waypoint [&BMwCAAA=]
Broken Arrow Waypoint [&BNACAAA=]
Criterion Waypoint [&BMkCAAA=]
Crucible Access Waypoint [&BJUBAAA=]
Eternity's Focus Waypoint [&BJoBAAA=]
Firebreak Fort Waypoint [&BMoCAAA=]
Gauntlet Waypoint [&BNMCAAA=]
Govoran Waypoint [&BMgCAAA=]
Irwin Isle Waypoint [&BNICAAA=]
Judgement Waypoint [&BNUCAAA=]
Maelstrom’s Waypoint [&BM0CAAA=]
Magmatic Waypoint [&BNYCAAA=]
Murkvale Waypoint [&BMcCAAA=]
Old Sledge Site Waypoint [&BNQCAAA=]
Oxbow Isle Waypoint [&BNECAAA=]
Spaecia Illogica Waypoint [&BMsCAAA=]
Plains of Ashford
Waypoint Chat Link
Adorea Waypoint [&BIUBAAA=]
Ascalon City Waypoint [&BIcBAAA=]
Ascalonian Catacombs Waypoint [&BIYBAAA=]
Ashford Waypoint [&BIQBAAA=]
Duskrend Overlook Waypoint [&BIkBAAA=]
Feritas Waypoint [&BJcDAAA=]
Greysteel Armory Waypoint [&BIEBAAA=]
Guardpoint Decimus Waypoint [&BJgDAAA=]
Irondock Shipyard Waypoint [&BIoBAAA=]
Langmar Estate [&BPgGAAA=]
Loreclaw Waypoint [&BMcDAAA=]
Martyr’s Waypoint [&BIIBAAA=]
Phasmatis Waypoint [&BMgDAAA=]
Smokestead Waypoint [&BIABAAA=]
Spirit Hunter Camp Waypoint [&BJkDAAA=]
Temperus Point Waypoint [&BIMBAAA=]
Vault Waypoint [&BHIEAAA=]
Vir’s Gate Waypoint [&BH8BAAA=]
Watchcrag Tower Waypoint [&BIgBAAA=]
Waypoint Chat Link
Beetletun Waypoint [&BPoAAAA=]
Claypool Waypoint [&BPYAAAA=]
Crossing Waypoint [&BPIAAAA=]
Fields Waypoint [&BPAAAAA=]
Garrison Waypoint [&BPEAAAA=]
Godslost Waypoint [&BPwAAAA=]
Heartwood Pass Camp Waypoint [&BPUAAAA=]
Krytan Waypoint [&BPgAAAA=]
Ojon’s Lumbermill Waypoint [&BPkAAAA=]
Orchard Waypoint [&BEQDAAA=]
Phinney Waypoint [&BPMAAAA=]
Scaver Waypoint [&BEUDAAA=]
Shaemoor Waypoint [&BO8AAAA=]
Swamplost Haven Waypoint [&BPcAAAA=]
Tunwatch Redoubt Waypoint [&BPsAAAA=]
Vale Waypoint [&BPQAAAA=]
Rata Sum
Waypoint Chat Link
Accountancy Waypoint [&BLYEAAA=]
Apprentice Waypoint [&BLcEAAA=]
Auxiliary Waypoint [&BLkEAAA=]
Incubation Waypoint [&BLUEAAA=]
Magicat Court Waypoint [&BLQEAAA=]
Magustan Court Waypoint [&BBQEAAA=]
Metrical Court Waypoint [&BBMEAAA=]
Port Waypoint [&BAcFAAA=]
Research Waypoint [&BLgEAAA=]
Snowden Drifts
Waypoint Chat Link
Exile Waypoint [&BLwAAAA=]
Frozen Sweeps Waypoint [&BL8DAAA=]
Highpass Haven Waypoint [&BLUAAAA=]
Isenfall Waypoint [&BLgAAAA=]
Lornar’s Waypoint [&BLQAAAA=]
Lost Child’s Sorrow Waypoint [&BLYAAAA=]
Njordstead Waypoint [&BL0AAAA=]
Owl Waypoint [&BMEAAAA=]
Podaga Steading Waypoint [&BMIAAAA=]
Reaver’s Waypoint [&BMAAAAA=]
Scholar’s Cleft Waypoint [&BLcAAAA=]
Seraph Outrider’s Waypoint [&BLoAAAA=]
Skradden Waypoint [&BLMAAAA=]
Snowdrift Waypoint [&BLkAAAA=]
Snowhawk Landing Waypoint [&BL8AAAA=]
Soderhem Steading Waypoint [&BL4AAAA=]
Torstvedt Homestead Waypoint [&BLsAAAA=]
Valslake Waypoint [&BMADAAA=]
Southsun Cove
Waypoint Chat Link
Kiel’s Outpost Waypoint [&BNwGAAA=]
Lion Point Waypoint [&BNAGAAA=]
Owain’s Refuge Waypoint [&BNgGAAA=]
Pride Point Waypoint [&BNIGAAA=]
Sparkfly Fen
Waypoint Chat Link
Aleem’s Waypoint [&BM8BAAA=]
Brackwater Waypoint [&BM4BAAA=]
Braggi’s Stead Waypoint [&BMYBAAA=]
Brooloonu Waypoint [&BNEBAAA=]
Caer Brier Waypoint [&BLMDAAA=]
Darkweather Waypoint [&BM0BAAA=]
Dryground Waypoint [&BE0DAAA=]
Flamefrog Waypoint [&BMwBAAA=]
Fort Cadence Waypoint [&BMUBAAA=]
Forvar’s Waypoint [&BMoBAAA=]
Mire Waypoint [&BLQDAAA=]
Ocean’s Gullet Waypoint [&BMkBAAA=]
Orvar’s Glen Waypoint [&BMQBAAA=]
Saltflood Waypoint [&BMcBAAA=]
Splintered Coast Waypoint [&BNABAAA=]
Toade’s Head Waypoint [&BMsBAAA=]
Zintl Holy Grounds Waypoint [&BMgBAAA=]
Straits of Devastation
Waypoint Chat Link
Bramble Pass Waypoint [&BOwCAAA=]
Brassclaw Waypoint [&BPQCAAA=]
Broken Spit Waypoint [&BPECAAA=]
Conquest Marina Waypoint [&BPYCAAA=]
Dire Shoal Waypoint [&BOUGAAA=]
Fort Trinity Waypoint [&BO4CAAA=]
Glorious Victory Waypoint [&BPoCAAA=]
Lone Post Waypoint [&BPcCAAA=]
Plinth Timberland Waypoint [&BFgGAAA=]
Royal Forum Waypoint [&BPMCAAA=]
Sentry Waypoint [&BPsCAAA=]
Thorn Pass Waypoint [&BO8CAAA=]
Thunderhead Waypoint [&BPACAAA=]
Tughra Waypoint [&BPUCAAA=]
Underbelly Waypoint [&BFoGAAA=]
Vesper Bell Waypoint [&BPICAAA=]
Waywarde Waypoint [&BPgCAAA=]
Xenarius Waypoint [&BPkCAAA=]
The Grove
Waypoint Chat Link
Caledon Waypoint [&BBIEAAA=]
Reckoner’s Waypoint [&BLsEAAA=]
Ronan’s Waypoint [&BLwEAAA=]
Upper Commons Waypoint [&BLoEAAA=]
Timberline Falls
Waypoint Chat Link
Coil Waypoint [&BEcCAAA=]
Concordia Waypoint [&BFUCAAA=]
Eztlitl Grounds Waypoint [&BEoCAAA=]
Foundation 86 Waypoint [&BE4CAAA=]
Gentle River Waypoint [&BFACAAA=]
Gyre Rapids Waypoint [&BEsCAAA=]
Iron Veil Waypoint [&BFMCAAA=]
Krongar Waypoint [&BFICAAA=]
Nonmoa Waypoint [&BEkCAAA=]
Ogduk Waypoint [&BE0CAAA=]
Okarinoo Waypoint [&BEYCAAA=]
Rankor Ruins Waypoint [&BFQCAAA=]
Scale Strand Waypoint [&BEgCAAA=]
Serpent Waypoint [&BEUCAAA=]
Stromkarl Waypoint [&BEYEAAA=]
Talus Waypoint [&BEQCAAA=]
Thistlereed Waypoint [&BFECAAA=]
Valance Tutory Waypoint [&BEwCAAA=]
White Paper Waypoint [&BE8CAAA=]
Twilight Arbor
Waypoint Chat Link
Hall of Heart's Remorse Waypoint [&BEcDAAA=]
Lake of Fear Waypoint [&BEgDAAA=]
Peatrot Gallery Waypoint [&BEYDAAA=]
Wayfarer Foothills
Waypoint Chat Link
Crossroads Haven Waypoint [&BHkBAAA=]
Darkriven Waypoint [&BHUBAAA=]
Dawnrise Waypoint [&BHoBAAA=]
Dolyak Pass Waypoint [&BHsBAAA=]
Grawlenfjord Waypoint [&BMMDAAA=]
Halvaunt Waypoint [&BHgBAAA=]
Hero’s Moot Waypoint [&BHMBAAA=]
Horncall Waypoint [&BHQBAAA=]
Krennak’s Homestead Waypoint [&BMIDAAA=]
Lostvyrm Cave Waypoint [&BMEDAAA=]
Osenfold Waypoint [&BAEEAAA=]
Outcasts Waypoint [&BHIBAAA=]
Solitude Waypoint [&BHwBAAA=]
Talgan Waypoint [&BHYBAAA=]
Twinspur Haven Waypoint [&BH0BAAA=]
Vendrake’s Homestead Waypoint [&BH4BAAA=]
Zelwchor Hot Springs Waypoint [&BHcBAAA=]