Gaiscioch Select Chapter


Dune Awakening
Once Human
Camelot Unchained
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen
Elder Scrolls Online
Black Desert
Guild Wars
Pax Dei
- Full List -
Chapter 8:
Conqueror's Blade (2019)
Chapter 7:
New World (2021)
Chapter 6:
World of Warcraft: Classic (2019)
Chapter 5:
Elder Scrolls Online (2014)
Chapter 4:
Guild Wars 2 (2012)
Chapter 3:
RIFT (2011)
Chapter 2:
Warhammer Online (2008)
Chapter 1:
Dark Age of Camelot (2001)


138 Tuatha Guilds:
9,134 Members:
13,976 Characters:
11,709 Items:

Gaiscioch General Store

Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Pile of Bloodstone Dust Materials 0 450 20
Ley Line Spark Materials 0 400 20
Crystalline Ore Materials 0 0 120
Dragonite Ore Materials 0 450 120
Glob of Elder Spirit Residue Materials 0 450 120
Empyreal Fragment Materials 0 450 120
Glob of Dark Matter Materials 0 450 120
Stabilizing Matrix Materials 0 500 120
Spiritwood Plank Materials 0 450 1,563
Deldrimor Steel Ingot Materials 0 450 3,823
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Pile of Lucent Crystal Materials 0 0 25
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Bolt of Jute Materials 0 0 5
Bolt of Wool Materials 0 75 10
Bolt of Cotton Materials 0 150 15
Bolt of Linen Materials 0 225 20
Bolt of Silk Materials 0 300 25
Bolt of Gossamer Materials 0 400 30
Bolt of Damask Materials 0 500 5,469
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Deldrimor Steel Chestplate Panel Materials 0 500 24,719
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
High-Quality Plastic Fangs Materials 0 400 100
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Bone Chip Materials 0 0 2
Tiny Claw Materials 0 25 2
Pile of Glittering Dust Materials 0 25 2
Tiny Fang Materials 0 50 2
Tiny Scale Materials 0 25 2
Tiny Totem Materials 0 25 2
Tiny Venom Sac Materials 0 0 2
Vial of Weak Blood Materials 0 0 2
Pile of Shimmering Dust Materials 0 100 4
Small Fang Materials 0 100 4
Small Scale Materials 0 100 4
Small Totem Materials 0 100 4
Small Venom Sac Materials 0 75 4
Vial of Thin Blood Materials 0 100 4
Bone Shard Materials 0 75 4
Small Claw Materials 0 75 4
Bone Materials 0 150 6
Claw Materials 0 150 6
Pile of Radiant Dust Materials 0 175 6
Fang Materials 0 175 6
Scale Materials 0 175 6
Totem Materials 0 175 6
Venom Sac Materials 0 150 6
Vial of Blood Materials 0 175 6
Heavy Bone Materials 0 225 8
Sharp Claw Materials 0 250 8
Pile of Luminous Dust Materials 0 250 8
Sharp Fang Materials 0 225 8
Smooth Scale Materials 0 225 8
Engraved Totem Materials 0 250 8
Full Venom Sac Materials 0 250 8
Vial of Thick Blood Materials 0 250 8
Large Bone Materials 0 300 10
Large Claw Materials 0 325 10
Pile of Incandescent Dust Materials 0 325 10
Large Fang Materials 0 300 10
Large Scale Materials 0 300 10
Intricate Totem Materials 0 325 10
Potent Venom Sac Materials 0 325 10
Vial of Potent Blood Materials 0 325 10
Karka Shell Materials 0 325 12
Pile of Foul Essence Materials 0 0 12
Pile of Filthy Essence Materials 0 0 12
Pile of Soiled Essence Materials 0 0 12
Watchwork Sprocket Materials 0 175 12
Ancient Bone Materials 0 400 12
Vicious Claw Materials 0 400 12
Pile of Crystalline Dust Materials 0 400 12
Vicious Fang Materials 0 400 12
Armored Scale Materials 0 400 12
Elaborate Totem Materials 0 400 12
Powerful Venom Sac Materials 0 400 12
Vial of Powerful Blood Materials 0 400 12
Pile of Vile Essence Materials 0 0 14
Pile of Putrid Essence Materials 0 0 14
Milling Stones Materials 0 400 15
Pristine Toxic Spore Sample Materials 0 0 20
Foxfire Cluster Materials 0 0 25
Mystic Coin Materials 0 0 30
Glacial Lonestone Materials 0 400 75
Glob of Ectoplasm Materials 0 400 100
Giant Eye Materials 0 400 100
Watchwork Mechanism Materials 0 400 7,500
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Assassin's Intricate Linen Insignia Materials 0 275 300
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Stretched Rawhide Leather Square Materials 0 0 5
Cured Thin Leather Square Materials 0 75 10
Cured Coarse Leather Square Materials 0 150 15
Cured Rugged Leather Square Materials 0 225 20
Cured Thick Leather Square Materials 0 300 25
Cured Hardened Leather Square Materials 0 400 30
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Vital Green Inscription Materials 0 0 20
Mighty Green Inscription Materials 0 0 20
Malign Green Inscription Materials 0 0 20
Resilient Green Inscription Materials 0 25 20
Precise Green Inscription Materials 0 25 20
Healing Green Inscription Materials 0 25 20
Vigorous Soft Inscription Materials 0 75 39
Ravaging Soft Inscription Materials 0 75 39
Strong Soft Inscription Materials 0 100 39
Rejuvenating Soft Inscription Materials 0 100 39
Honed Soft Inscription Materials 0 100 39
Hearty Soft Inscription Materials 0 100 39
Vigorous Seasoned Inscription Materials 0 150 59
Ravenous Seasoned Inscription Materials 0 150 59
Strong Seasoned Inscription Materials 0 175 59
Rejuvenating Seasoned Inscription Materials 0 175 59
Honed Seasoned Inscription Materials 0 175 59
Hearty Seasoned Inscription Materials 0 175 59
Valkyrie Elder Inscription Materials 0 300 68
Knight's Elder Inscription Materials 0 300 68
Carrion Elder Inscription Materials 0 300 68
Rampager's Elder Inscription Materials 0 325 68
Cleric's Elder Inscription Materials 0 325 68
Berserker's Elder Inscription Materials 0 325 68
Vital Bronze Plated Inscription Materials 0 50 69
Mighty Bronze Plated Inscription Materials 0 50 69
Malign Bronze Plated Inscription Materials 0 50 69
Resilient Bronze Plated Inscription Materials 0 50 69
Precise Bronze Plated Inscription Materials 0 50 69
Healing Bronze Plated Inscription Materials 0 50 69
Valkyrie Hard Inscription Materials 0 225 78
Knight's Hard Inscription Materials 0 225 78
Carrion Hard Inscription Materials 0 225 78
Rampager's Hard Inscription Materials 0 250 78
Cleric's Hard Inscription Materials 0 250 78
Berserker's Hard Inscription Materials 0 250 78
Valkyrie Mithril Plated Inscription Materials 0 350 104
Rampager's Mithril Plated Inscription Materials 0 350 104
Knight's Mithril Plated Inscription Materials 0 350 104
Cleric's Mithril Plated Inscription Materials 0 350 104
Carrion Mithril Plated Inscription Materials 0 350 104
Berserker's Mithril Plated Inscription Materials 0 350 104
Valkyrie Mithril Imbued Inscription Materials 0 375 104
Rampager's Mithril Imbued Inscription Materials 0 375 104
Knight's Mithril Imbued Inscription Materials 0 375 104
Cleric's Mithril Imbued Insciption Materials 0 375 104
Carrion Mithril Imbued Inscription Materials 0 375 104
Berserker's Mithril Imbued Inscription Materials 0 375 104
Vigorous Iron Plated Inscription Materials 0 125 158
Ravaging Iron Plated Inscription Materials 0 125 158
Strong Iron Plated Inscription Materials 0 125 158
Rejuvenating Iron Plated Inscription Materials 0 125 158
Honed Iron Plated Inscription Materials 0 125 158
Hearty Iron Plated Inscription Materials 0 125 158
Vigorous Steel Plated Inscription Materials 0 200 213
Strong Steel Plated Inscription Materials 0 200 213
Rejuvenating Steel Plated Inscription Materials 0 200 213
Ravaging Steel Plated Inscription Materials 0 200 213
Honed Steel Plated Inscription Materials 0 200 213
Hearty Steel Plated Inscription Materials 0 200 213
Vigorous Iron Imbued Inscription Materials 0 125 310
Strong Iron Imbued Inscription Materials 0 125 310
Rejuvenating Iron Imbued Inscription Materials 0 125 310
Ravaging Iron Imbued Inscription Materials 0 125 310
Honed Iron Imbued Inscription Materials 0 125 310
Hearty Iron Imbued Inscription Materials 0 125 310
Valkyrie Darksteel Plated Inscription Materials 0 275 315
Rampager's Darksteel Plated Inscription Materials 0 275 315
Knight's Darksteel Plated Inscription Materials 0 275 315
Cleric's Darksteel Plated Inscription Materials 0 275 315
Carrion Darksteel Plated Inscription Materials 0 275 315
Berserker's Darksteel Plated Inscription Materials 0 275 315
Vigorous Steel Imbued Inscription Materials 0 200 418
Strong Steel Imbued Inscription Materials 0 200 418
Rejuvenating Steel Imbued Inscription Materials 0 200 418
Ravaging Steel Imbued Inscription Materials 0 200 418
Honed Steel Imbued Inscription Materials 0 200 418
Hearty Steel Imbued Inscription Materials 0 200 418
Valkyrie Darksteel Imbued Inscription Materials 0 275 620
Rampager's Darksteel Imbued Inscription Materials 0 275 620
Knight's Darksteel Imbued Inscription Materials 0 275 620
Cleric's Darksteel Imbued Inscription Materials 0 275 620
Carrion Darksteel Imbued Inscription Materials 0 275 620
Berserker's Darksteel Imbued Inscription Materials 0 275 620
Valkyrie Orichalcum Imbued Inscription Materials 0 400 2,107
Rampager's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription Materials 0 400 2,107
Knight's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription Materials 0 400 2,107
Cleric's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription Materials 0 400 2,107
Carrion Orichalcum Imbued Inscription Materials 0 400 2,107
Berserker's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription Materials 0 400 2,107
Apothecary's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription Materials 0 400 2,407
Angchu Cavalier Inscription Materials 0 500 24,696
Chorben's Soldier Inscription Materials 0 500 24,696
Hronk's Magi Inscription Materials 0 500 24,696
Leftpaw's Settler Inscription Materials 0 500 24,696
Mathilde's Dire Inscription Materials 0 500 24,696
Tonn's Sentinel Inscription Materials 0 500 25,596
Beigarth's Knight Inscription Materials 0 500 26,925
Coalforge's Rampager Inscription Materials 0 500 26,925
Occam's Carrion Inscription Materials 0 500 26,925
Soros' Assassin Inscription Materials 0 500 26,925
Stonecleaver's Valkyrie Inscription Materials 0 500 26,925
Theodosus' Cleric Inscription Materials 0 500 26,925
Ebonmane's Apothecary Inscription Materials 0 500 27,285
Zojja's Berserker Inscription Materials 0 500 29,532
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Vital Jute Insignia Materials 0 0 14
Mighty Jute Insignia Materials 0 0 14
Malign Jute Insignia Materials 0 0 14
Resilient Jute Insignia Materials 0 25 14
Precise Jute Insignia Materials 0 25 14
Healing Jute Insignia Materials 0 25 14
Vigorous Wool Insignia Materials 0 75 28
Ravaging Wool Insignia Materials 0 75 28
Strong Wool Insignia Materials 0 100 28
Rejuvenating Wool Insignia Materials 0 100 28
Honed Wool Insignia Materials 0 100 28
Hearty Wool Insignia Materials 0 100 28
Vital Embroidered Jute Insignia Materials 0 50 39
Mighty Embroidered Jute Insignia Materials 0 50 39
Malign Embroidered Jute Insignia Materials 0 50 39
Resilient Embroidered Jute Insignia Materials 0 50 39
Healing Embroidered Jute Insignia Materials 0 50 39
Precise Embroidered Jute Insignia Materials 0 50 39
Vigorous Cotton Insignia Materials 0 150 42
Ravaging Cotton Insignia Materials 0 150 42
Strong Cotton Insignia Materials 0 175 42
Rejuvenating Cotton Insignia Materials 0 175 42
Honed Cotton Insignia Materials 0 175 42
Hearty Cotton Insignia Materials 0 175 42
Valkyrie Linen Insignia Materials 0 225 55
Knight's Linen Insignia Materials 0 225 55
Carrion Linen Insignia Materials 0 225 55
Rampager's Linen Insignia Materials 0 250 55
Cleric's Linen Insignia Materials 0 250 55
Berserker's Linen Insignia Materials 0 250 55
Valkyrie Silk Insignia Materials 0 300 69
Knight's Silk Insignia Materials 0 300 69
Carrion Silk Insignia Materials 0 300 69
Rampager's Silk Insignia Materials 0 325 69
Cleric's Silk Insignia Materials 0 325 69
Berserker's Silk Insignia Materials 0 325 69
Vigorous Embroidered Wool Insignia Materials 0 125 78
Strong Embroidered Wool Insignia Materials 0 125 78
Rejuvenating Embroidered Wool Insignia Materials 0 125 78
Ravaging Embroidered Wool Insignia Materials 0 125 78
Honed Embroidered Wool Insignia Materials 0 125 78
Hearty Embroidered Wool Insignia Materials 0 125 78
Apothecary's Mithril Imbued Inscription Materials 0 375 106
Strong Embroidered Cotton Insignia Materials 0 200 117
Rejuvenating Embroidered Cotton Insignia Materials 0 200 117
Ravaging Embroidered Cotton Insignia Materials 0 200 117
Honed Embroidered Cotton Insignia Materials 0 200 117
Hearty Embroidered Cotton Insignia Materials 0 200 117
Vigorous Embroidered Cotton Insignia Materials 0 200 117
Vigorous Intricate Wool Insignia Materials 0 125 150
Strong Intricate Wool Insignia Materials 0 125 150
Rejuvenating Intricate Wool Insignia Materials 0 125 150
Ravaging Intricate Wool Insignia Materials 0 125 150
Honed Intricate Wool Insignia Materials 0 125 150
Hearty Intricate Wool Insignia Materials 0 125 150
Rampager's Embroidered Linen Insignia Materials 0 275 155
Valkyrie Embroidered Linen Insignia Materials 0 275 155
Knight's Embroidered Linen Insignia Materials 0 275 155
Cleric's Embroidered Linen Insignia Materials 0 275 155
Carrion Embroidered Linen Insignia Materials 0 275 155
Berserker's Embroidered Linen Insignia Materials 0 275 155
Valkyrie Embroidered Silk Insignia Materials 0 350 194
Knight's Embroidered Silk Insignia Materials 0 350 194
Carrion Embroidered Silk Insignia Materials 0 350 194
Rampager's Embroidered Silk Insignia Materials 0 350 194
Cleric's Embroidered Silk Insignia Materials 0 350 194
Berserker's Embroidered Silk Insignia Materials 0 350 194
Settler's Intricate Gossamer Insignia Materials 0 400 209
Apothecary's Embroidered Silk Insignia Materials 0 350 219
Vigorous Intricate Cotton Insignia Materials 0 200 225
Strong Intricate Cotton Insignia Materials 0 200 225
Rejuvenating Intricate Cotton Insignia Materials 0 200 225
Ravaging Intricate Cotton Insignia Materials 0 200 225
Honed Intricate Cotton Insignia Materials 0 200 225
Hearty Intricate Cotton Insignia Materials 0 200 225
Valkyrie Intricate Linen Insignia Materials 0 275 300
Rampager's Intricate Linen Insignia Materials 0 275 300
Knight's Intricate Linen Insignia Materials 0 275 300
Cleric's Intricate Linen Insignia Materials 0 275 300
Carrion Intricate Linen Insignia Materials 0 275 300
Berserker's Intricate Linen Insignia Materials 0 275 300
Valkyrie Intricate Silk Insignia Materials 0 375 375
Knight's Intricate Silk Insignia Materials 0 375 375
Carrion Intricate Silk Insignia Materials 0 375 375
Rampager's Intricate Silk Insignia Materials 0 375 375
Cleric's Intricate Silk Insignia Materials 0 375 375
Berserker's Intricate Silk Insignia Materials 0 375 375
Sentinel's Intricate Gossamer Insignia Materials 0 400 1,000
Assassin's Intricate Gossamer Insignia Materials 0 400 1,188
Valkyrie Intricate Gossamer Insignia Materials 0 400 1,188
Knight's Intricate Gossamer Insignia Materials 0 400 1,188
Carrion Intricate Gossamer Insignia Materials 0 400 1,188
Rampager's Intricate Gossamer Insignia Materials 0 400 1,188
Cleric's Intricate Gossamer Insignia Materials 0 400 1,188
Berserker's Intricate Gossamer Insignia Materials 0 400 1,188
Apothecary's Intricate Gossamer Insignia Materials 0 400 1,488
Gobrech's Valkyrie Insignia Materials 0 500 8,147
Beigarth's Knight Insignia Materials 0 500 8,147
Forgemaster's Rampager Insignia Materials 0 500 8,147
Occam's Carrion Insignia Materials 0 500 8,147
Saphir's Assassin Insignia Materials 0 500 8,147
Tateos's Cleric Insignia Materials 0 500 8,147
Zojja's Berserker Insignia Materials 0 500 8,147
Veldrunner Apothecary Insignia Materials 0 500 8,507
Zealot's Intricate Gossamer Insignia Consumable 80 400 10,488
Wei Qi's Sentinel Insignia Materials 0 500 22,659
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Bronze Ingot Materials 0 0 5
Copper Ingot Materials 0 0 5
Iron Ingot Materials 0 75 15
Steel Ingot Materials 0 150 17
Mithril Ingot Materials 0 300 25
Darksteel Ingot Materials 0 225 30
Orichalcum Ingot Materials 0 400 30
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Piece of Skyscale Food Trophy 0 0 1,338
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Badge of Tribute Materials 0 0 30
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Destroyer Sliver Materials 0 0 12
Large Skull Materials 0 0 12
Onyx Shard Materials 0 0 12
Molten Shard Materials 0 0 12
Crystal Shard Materials 0 0 12
Charged Shard Materials 0 0 12
Glacial Shard Materials 0 0 12
Destroyer Shard Materials 0 0 12
Corrupted Shard Materials 0 0 12
Crystal Sliver Materials 0 0 12
Onyx Core Materials 0 0 12
Molten Core Materials 0 0 12
Charged Core Materials 0 0 12
Glacial Core Materials 0 0 12
Crystal Core Materials 0 0 12
Corrupted Core Materials 0 0 12
Destroyer Core Materials 0 0 12
Onyx Sliver Materials 0 0 12
Molten Sliver Materials 0 0 12
Glacial Sliver Materials 0 0 12
Charged Sliver Materials 0 0 12
Corrupted Sliver Materials 0 0 12
Onyx Fragment Materials 0 0 12
Molten Fragment Materials 0 0 12
Charged Fragment Materials 0 0 12
Crystal Fragment Materials 0 0 12
Glacial Fragment Materials 0 0 12
Destroyer Fragment Materials 0 0 12
Corrupted Fragment Materials 0 0 12
Charged Quartz Crystal Materials 0 400 66
Glacial Lodestone Materials 0 0 75
Onyx Lodestone Materials 0 0 75
Molten Lodestone Materials 0 0 75
Charged Lodestone Materials 0 0 75
Crystal Lodestone Materials 0 0 75
Corrupted Lodestone Materials 0 0 75
Destroyer Lodestone Materials 0 0 75
Obsidian Shard Materials 0 450 120
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Superior Flame Ram Blueprints 0 0 20
Superior Catapult Blueprints 0 0 20
Superior Shield Generator Blueprints 0 0 20
Superior Arrow Cart Blueprints 0 0 20
Superior Ballista Blueprints 0 0 20
Guild Catapult Blueprints 0 0 25
Guild Arrow Cart Blueprints 0 0 25
Guild Ballista Blueprints 0 0 25
Guild Trebuchet Blueprints 0 0 25
Omega Siege Golem Blueprints 0 0 30
Superior Trebuchet Blueprints 0 0 140
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Superior Sigil of Agility Consumable 60 0 1,748
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Bowl of Mango Salsa Consumable 70 350 22
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Green Wood Plank Materials 0 0 8
Green Wood Dowel Materials 0 0 10
Soft Wood Plank Materials 0 75 15
Soft Wood Dowel Materials 0 75 19
Seasoned Wood Plank Materials 0 150 23
Seasoned Wood Dowel Materials 0 150 29
Hard Wood Plank Materials 0 225 30
Hard Wood Dowel Materials 0 225 38
Elder Wood Plank Materials 0 300 38
Bronze Plated Dowel Materials 0 50 39
Ancient Wood Plank Materials 0 400 45
Elder Wood Dowel Materials 0 300 46
Ancient Wood Dowel Materials 0 400 57
Mithril Plated Dowel Materials 0 350 76
Iron Plated Dowel Materials 0 125 94
Steel Plated Dowel Materials 0 200 122
Darksteel Plated Dowel Materials 0 275 188
Orichalcum Plated Dowel Materials 0 400 225