Benjamin created the Gaiscioch Social Gaming Community in November 2001 as a community based on the stories of Irish Mythology. His passion for his Irish heritage and upbringing gave him the perfect background to make a Celtic mythology infused gaming community. Since 2001 he has overseen the creation of many public community events including the "Battle for Badlands", "Telara Saga", "Great Tyrian Adventure", and "Chronicles of Tamriel" as well as launched a full fledged digital Magazine, and organized a full week lineup of livestreaming content.
In addition to building the entirety of the Gaiscioch website, leading the community, magazine, livestream, and athletics teams, he organizes the Gaiscioch Charity events. He also acts as a press liaison for the Gaiscioch communicating between press outlets and game studios. He participated in dozens of closed door focus groups, alphas, betas, and research projects to help make games and is an avid supporter of crowdfunding projects.
Over the years the Gaiscioch have recruited their most nurturing people into the eldership program. Players that not only excelled in their area of specialty but also helped others to achieve similar goals. The Gaiscioch Eldership is comprised of people who have proven their knowledge of the Gaiscioch way and have a natural affinity towards helping others. For each member to become an elder they have to display honor, integrity, fellowship, respect and the willingness to give without reward. While all of our elders may not be active all of the time we make sure to have enough man power overseeing the day to day operation to continue to stimulate community involvement and player interaction. Each Chapter is assigned 1 elder per 50 active members. Inactive elders whom have taken a break from one of our chapters, will return to the regular roster. If a former elder returns to an active chapter and a elder seat is available they may resume their eldership role.
Eldership is not a position of leading, it's a position of serving.
Learn more about the Eldership of Gaiscioch
Our Front-line Eldership Team who manage the day-to-day Chapter operations.
Chapter 5: |
Kitty |
SirHenryVale |
Akiran |
Chapter 7: |
Behind the Scenes Elders Who Provide Additional Support To The Community
These ascended members served pivotal roles in our community and will forever be remembered as part of our eldership team.
In Loving Memory
In Loving Memory
In Loving Memory
In Loving Memory
In Loving Memory
Special Events | Demographics |
About the Gaiscioch |
The Community |
Overview |
History |
The Mythology |
Activities |
Public Community Events |
Magazine |
Livestreams |
Pioneers |
Athletics |
Commitment to Community |
Charity Involvement |
Special Events |
Organization |
Leadership |
Demographics |
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Joining the Community |
Membership Information |
Gaiscioch Adventures |
The Tuatha Alliance |