Gaiscioch Select Chapter


Helldivers II
Once Human
Camelot Unchained
Ashes of Creation
Chrono Odyssey
Dune Awakening
Light No Fire
Elder Scrolls Online
Royal Quest Online
Final Fantasy XIV
Destiny 2
- Full List -
Chapter 8:
Conqueror's Blade (2019)
Chapter 7:
New World (2021)
Chapter 6:
World of Warcraft: Classic (2019)
Chapter 5:
Elder Scrolls Online (2014)
Chapter 4:
Guild Wars 2 (2012)
Chapter 3:
RIFT (2011)
Chapter 2:
Warhammer Online (2008)
Chapter 1:
Dark Age of Camelot (2001)


138 Tuatha Guilds:
9,109 Members:
13,758 Characters:
11,709 Items:

Gaiscioch Artificing Store

Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Mystic Curio Materials 0 450 1,382
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Bronze Trident Head Materials 0 0 13
+1 Agony Infusion
Usable on: Ascended Rings that are Infused
Consumable 100 0 20
Green Focus Core Materials 0 0 20
Green Scepter Core Materials 0 0 20
Green Staff Head Materials 0 0 20
Green Trident Shaft Materials 0 0 20
Green Focus Casing Materials 0 0 30
Green Scepter Rod Materials 0 0 30
Simple Artificer's Tools Materials 0 0 32
Soft Staff Head Materials 0 75 38
Soft Scepter Core Materials 0 75 38
Iron Trident Head Materials 0 75 38
Soft Trident Shaft Materials 0 75 38
Soft Focus Core Materials 0 75 38
Steel Trident Head Materials 0 150 43
Elder Trident Shaft Materials 0 300 46
Elder Staff Shaft Materials 0 300 46
Elder Staff Head Materials 0 300 46
Elder Scepter Rod Materials 0 300 46
Elder Scepter Core Materials 0 300 46
Elder Focus Core Materials 0 300 46
Elder Focus Casing Materials 0 300 46
Soft Scepter Rod Materials 0 75 57
Soft Focus Casing Materials 0 75 57
Seasoned Trident Shaft Materials 0 150 58
Seasoned Staff Head Materials 0 150 58
Seasoned Scepter Core Materials 0 150 58
Seasoned Focus Core Materials 0 150 58
Green Staff Shaft Materials 0 0 60
Mithril Trident Head Materials 0 300 63
Hard Staff Head Materials 0 225 75
Hard Focus Core Materials 0 225 75
Darksteel Trident Head Materials 0 225 75
Hard Scepter Core Materials 0 225 75
Hard Trident Shaft Materials 0 225 75
Orichalcum Trident Head Materials 0 400 75
Seasoned Scepter Rod Materials 0 150 87
Seasoned Focus Casing Materials 0 150 87
Sturdy Artificer's Tools Materials 0 75 94
Practical Artificer's Tools (Master) Materials 0 150 107
Soft Staff Shaft Materials 0 75 113
Hard Scepter Rod Materials 0 225 113
Hard Focus Casing Materials 0 225 113
Ancient Trident Shaft Materials 0 400 113
Ancient Staff Head Materials 0 400 113
Ancient Scepter Core Materials 0 400 113
Ancient Focus Core Materials 0 400 113
Ornate Artificer's Tools (Exotic) Materials 0 300 157
Ancient Scepter Rod Materials 0 400 169
Ancient Focus Casing Materials 0 400 169
Seasoned Staff Shaft Materials 0 150 173
Elegant Artificer's Tools (Exotic) Materials 0 400 188
Intricate Artificer's Tools (Rare) Materials 0 275 188
Hard Staff Shaft Materials 0 225 225
Ancient Staff Shaft Materials 0 400 338
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Harpy Totem Off Hand 10 25 23
Mighty Crude Focus (Simple) Off Hand 5 0 65
Malign Crude Focus Off Hand 10 0 88
Resilient Crude Focus Off Hand 15 25 88
Healing Crude Focus Off Hand 15 25 88
Vital Crude Focus Off Hand 10 0 88
Mighty Crude Focus Off Hand 10 0 88
Precise Crude Focus Off Hand 15 25 88
Vital Crude Focus Off Hand 20 50 149
Resilient Crude Focus Off Hand 20 50 149
Precise Crude Focus Off Hand 20 50 149
Mighty Crude Focus Off Hand 20 50 149
Malign Crude Focus Off Hand 20 50 149
Healing Crude Focus Off Hand 20 50 149
Vigorous Simple Focus Off Hand 25 75 168
Ravaging Simple Focus Off Hand 25 75 168
Strong Simple Focus Off Hand 30 100 168
Rejuvenating Simple Focus Off Hand 30 100 168
Honed Simple Focus Off Hand 30 100 168
Hearty Simple Focus Off Hand 30 100 168
Rampager's Krait Star Off Hand 80 375 236
Valkyrie Krait Star Off Hand 80 375 236
Cleric's Elder Focus Off Hand 80 350 236
Knight's Elder Focus Off Hand 80 350 236
Apothecary's Krait Star Off Hand 80 375 238
Vigorous Focus Off Hand 40 150 255
Ravaging Focus Off Hand 40 150 255
Rejuvenating Focus Off Hand 45 175 255
Strong Focus Off Hand 45 175 255
Honed Focus Off Hand 45 175 255
Hearty Focus Off Hand 45 175 255
Honed Simple Focus Off Hand 35 125 317
Ravaging Simple Focus Off Hand 35 125 317
Hearty Simple Focus Off Hand 35 125 317
Rejuvenating Simple Focus Off Hand 35 125 317
Strong Simple Focus Off Hand 35 125 317
Vigorous Simple Focus Off Hand 35 125 317
Ravaging Focus Off Hand 50 200 448
Rejuvenating Focus Off Hand 50 200 448
Honed Focus Off Hand 50 200 448
Vigorous Focus Off Hand 50 200 448
Hearty Focus Off Hand 50 200 448
Strong Focus Off Hand 50 200 448
Hearty Dredge Canary Off Hand 50 200 704
Honed Dredge Canary Off Hand 50 200 704
Rejuvenating Dredge Canary Off Hand 50 200 704
Strong Dredge Canary Off Hand 50 200 704
Vigorous Dredge Canary Off Hand 50 200 704
Rampager's Hard Focus Off Hand 65 275 1,010
Assassin's Pearl Conch Off Hand 80 400 2,987
Cleric's Pearl Conch Off Hand 80 400 2,987
Valkyrie Pearl Conch Off Hand 80 400 2,987
Knight's Pearl Conch Off Hand 80 400 2,987
Carrion Pearl Conch Off Hand 80 400 2,987
Rampager's Pearl Conch Off Hand 80 400 2,987
Berserker's Pearl Conch Off Hand 80 400 2,987
Apothecary's Pearl Conch Off Hand 80 400 3,362
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Assassin's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription Materials 0 400 2,107
Deldrimor Steel Plated Dowel Materials 0 500 20,198
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Weak Potion of Nightmare Court Slaying Consumable 5 25 3
Weak Potion of Sons of Svanir Slaying Consumable 5 25 3
Weak Potion of Outlaw Slaying Consumable 5 25 3
Weak Potion of Centaur Slaying Consumable 5 25 3
Weak Potion of Grawl Slaying Consumable 10 50 3
Weak Potion of Demon Slaying Consumable 10 50 3
Minor Potion of Nightmare Court Slaying Consumable 20 100 4
Minor Potion of Sons of Svanir Slaying Consumable 20 100 4
Minor Potion of Outlaw Slaying Consumable 20 100 4
Minor Potion of Centaur Slaying Consumable 20 100 4
Minor Potion of Grawl Slaying Consumable 25 125 4
Apprentice Tuning Crystal Consumable 0 0 4
Potent Potion of Nightmare Court Slaying Consumable 65 325 5
Potent Potion of Centaur Slaying Consumable 65 325 7
Potent Potion of Outlaw Slaying Consumable 65 325 7
Weak Potion of Flame Legion Slaying Consumable 5 25 7
Journeyman Tuning Crystals Consumable 15 75 7
Potent Potion of Dredge Slaying Consumable 70 350 8
Potent Potion of Ogre Slaying Consumable 70 350 8
Minor Potion of Flame Legion Slaying Consumable 20 100 8
Potent Potion of Demon Slaying Consumable 70 350 9
Potent Potion of Sons of Svanir Slaying Consumable 65 325 9
Standard Tuning Crystals Consumable 30 150 10
Potent Potion of Flame Legion Slaying Consumable 65 325 12
Artisan Tuning Crystals Consumable 45 225 13
Quality Tuning Crystals Consumable 60 300 15
Weak Potion of Elemental Slaying Consumable 10 50 18
Potent Master Tuning Crystal Consumable 80 400 23
Minor Potion of Elemental Slaying Consumable 25 125 27
Master Tuning Crystal Consumable 80 400 30
Weak Potion of Inquest Slaying Consumable 5 25 35
Powerful Potion of Grawl Slaying Consumable 80 400 35
Powerful Potion of Centaur Slaying Consumable 80 400 35
Powerful Potion of Dredge Slaying Consumable 80 400 45
Powerful Potion of Demon Slaying Consumable 80 400 48
Powerful Potion of Flame Legion Slaying Consumable 80 400 64
Powerful Potion of Krait Slaying Consumable 80 400 78
Potent Potion of Elemental Slaying Consumable 70 350 92
Potent Potion of Inquest Slaying Consumable 65 325 108
Powerful Potion of Destroyer Slaying Consumable 80 400 114
Powerful Potion of Ice Brood Slaying Consumable 80 400 127
Powerful Potion of Elemental Slaying Consumable 80 400 238
Powerful Potion of Inquest Slaying Consumable 80 400 263
Toxic Focusing Crystal Consumable 80 450 560
Infinite Molten Berserker Tonic Consumable 0 400 10,125
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Mighty Crude Scepter (Simple) Main Hand 5 0 65
Vital Crude Scepter Main Hand 10 0 88
Mighty Crude Scepter Main Hand 10 0 88
Malign Crude Scepter Main Hand 10 0 88
Resilient Crude Scepter Main Hand 15 25 88
Precise Crude Scepter Main Hand 15 25 88
Healing Crude Scepter Main Hand 15 25 88
Vital Crude Scepter Main Hand 20 50 149
Resilient Crude Scepter Main Hand 20 50 149
Precise Crude Scepter Main Hand 20 50 149
Mighty Crude Scepter Main Hand 20 50 149
Malign Crude Scepter Main Hand 20 50 149
Healing Crude Scepter Main Hand 20 50 149
Vigorous Simple Scepter Main Hand 25 75 168
Ravaging Simple Scepter Main Hand 25 75 168
Strong Simple Scepter Main Hand 30 100 168
Rejuvenating Simple Scepter Main Hand 30 100 168
Honed Simple Scepter Main Hand 30 100 168
Hearty Simple Scepter Main Hand 30 100 168
Carrion Krait Wand Main Hand 80 375 236
Valkyrie Krait Wand Main Hand 80 375 236
Apothecary's Krait Wand Main Hand 80 375 238
Rejuvenating Simple Scepter Main Hand 35 125 317
Honed Simple Scepter Main Hand 35 125 317
Hearty Simple Scepter Main Hand 35 125 317
Vigorous Simple Scepter Main Hand 35 125 317
Strong Simple Scepter Main Hand 35 125 317
Ravaging Simple Scepter Main Hand 35 125 317
Hearty Dredge Baton One Hand 50 200 704
Honed Dredge Baton One Hand 50 200 704
Ravaging Dredge Baton One Hand 50 200 704
Rejuvenating Dredge Baton One Hand 50 200 704
Strong Dredge Baton One Hand 50 200 704
Vigorous Dredge Baton One Hand 50 200 704
Berserker's Pearl Rod Main Hand 80 400 2,987
Carrion Pearl Rod Main Hand 80 400 2,987
Cleric's Pearl Rod Main Hand 80 400 2,987
Valkyrie Pearl Rod Main Hand 80 400 2,987
Knight's Pearl Rod Main Hand 80 400 2,987
Rampager's Pearl Rod Main Hand 80 400 2,987
Assassin's Pearl Rod Main Hand 80 400 2,987
Apothecary's Pearl Rod One Hand 80 400 3,362
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Major Sigil of Impact (Artificer)
Usable on: Weapon
Consumable 39 325 47
Superior Sigil of Luck
Usable on: Weapon
Consumable 60 400 183
Superior Sigil of Elemental Slaying
Usable on: Weapon
Consumable 60 400 257
Superior Sigil of Fragility
Usable on: Weapon
Consumable 60 400 257
Superior Sigil of Impact
Usable on: Weapon
Consumable 60 400 257
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Mighty Crude Staff (Simple) Two Handed 5 0 103
Vital Crude Staff Two Handed 10 0 125
Mighty Crude Staff Two Handed 10 0 125
Malign Crude Staff Two Handed 10 0 125
Resilient Crude Staff Two Handed 15 25 125
Precise Crude Staff Two Handed 15 25 125
Healing Crude Staff Two Handed 15 25 125
Mighty Crude Staff Two Handed 20 50 187
Precise Crude Staff Two Handed 20 50 187
Vital Crude Staff Two Handed 20 50 187
Resilient Crude Staff Two Handed 20 50 187
Healing Crude Staff Two Handed 20 50 187
Malign Crude Staff Two Handed 20 50 187
Rampager's Elder Staff Two Handed 75 325 228
Carrion Elder Staff Two Handed 70 300 228
Berserker's Krait Crook Two Handed 80 375 236
Carrion Krait Crook Two Handed 80 375 236
Valkyrie Krait Crook Two Handed 80 375 236
Carrion Elder Staff Two Handed 80 350 236
Honed Simple Staff Two Handed 30 100 238
Rejuvenating Simple Staff Two Handed 30 100 238
Strong Simple Staff Two Handed 30 100 238
Vigorous Simple Staff Two Handed 25 75 238
Ravaging Simple Staff Two Handed 25 75 238
Hearty Simple Staff Two Handed 30 100 238
Apothecary's Krait Crook Two Handed 80 375 238
Strong Simple Staff Two Handed 35 125 387
Vigorous Simple Staff Two Handed 35 125 387
Rejuvenating Simple Staff Two Handed 35 125 387
Ravaging Simple Staff Two Handed 35 125 387
Honed Simple Staff Two Handed 35 125 387
Hearty Simple Staff Two Handed 35 125 387
Berserker's Hard Staff Two Handed 60 250 473
Carrion Hard Staff Two Handed 55 225 473
Valkyrie Hard Staff Two Handed 55 225 473
Berserker's Hard Staff Two Handed 65 275 769
Ravaging Dredge Pillar Two Handed 50 200 812
Hearty Dredge Pillar Two Handed 50 200 812
Honed Dredge Pillar Two Handed 50 200 812
Strong Dredge Pillar Two Handed 50 200 812
Vigorous Dredge Pillar Two Handed 50 200 812
Rampager's Ogre Warstaff Two Handed 65 275 1,150
Valkyrie Pearl Quarterstaff Two Handed 80 400 2,525
Assassin's Pearl Quarterstuff Two Handed 80 400 3,198
Berserker's Pearl Quarterstaff Two Handed 80 400 3,198
Rampager's Pearl Quarterstaff Two Handed 80 400 3,198
Cleric's Pearl Quarterstaff Two Handed 80 400 3,198
Knight's Pearl Quarterstaff Two Handed 80 400 3,198
Assassin's Pearl Quarterstaff Two Handed 80 400 3,198
Carrion Pearl Quarterstaff Two Handed 80 400 3,198
Apothecary's Pearl Quarterstaff Two Handed 80 400 3,573
Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Mighty Crude Trident (Simple) Aquatic 5 0 44
Vital Crude Trident Aquatic 10 0 67
Mighty Crude Trident Aquatic 10 0 67
Malign Crude Trident Aquatic 10 0 67
Healing Crude Trident Aquatic 15 25 67
Resilient Crude Trident Aquatic 15 25 67
Precise Crude Trident Aquatic 15 25 67
Vital Crude Trident Aquatic 20 50 128
Resilient Crude Trident Aquatic 20 50 128
Precise Crude Trident Aquatic 20 50 128
Mighty Crude Trident Aquatic 20 50 128
Malign Crude Trident Aquatic 20 50 128
Healing Crude Trident Aquatic 20 50 128
Strong Simple Trident Aquatic 30 100 144
Vigorous Simple Trident Aquatic 25 75 144
Ravaging Simple Trident Aquatic 25 75 144
Rejuvenating Simple Trident Aquatic 30 100 144
Honed Simple Trident Aquatic 30 100 144
Hearty Simple Trident Aquatic 30 100 144
Vigorous Trident Aquatic 40 150 200
Ravaging Trident Aquatic 40 150 200
Strong Trident Aquatic 45 175 200
Honed Trident Aquatic 45 175 200
Hearty Trident Aquatic 45 175 200
Rejuvenating Trident Aquatic 45 175 200
Valkyrie Elder inscription Aquatic 70 300 249
Knight's Elder Trident Aquatic 70 300 249
Carrion Elder Trident Aquatic 70 300 249
Rampager's Elder Inscription Aquatic 75 325 249
Berserker's Elder Trident Aquatic 75 325 249
Cleric's Elder Trident Aquatic 75 325 249
Valkyrie Krait Trident Aquatic 80 375 256
Rampager's Krait Trident Aquatic 80 375 256
Berserker's Krait Trident Aquatic 80 375 256
Valkyrie Hard Trident Aquatic 55 225 285
Knight's Hard Trident Aquatic 55 225 285
Carrion Hard Trident Aquatic 55 225 285
Rampager's Hard Trident Aquatic 60 250 285
Beserker's Hard Trident Aquatic 60 250 285
Cleric's Hard Trident Aquatic 60 250 285
Ravaging Simple Trident Aquatic 35 125 293
Vigorous Trident Aquatic 50 200 393
Strong Trident Aquatic 50 200 393
Ravaging Trident Aquatic 50 200 393
Honed Trident Aquatic 50 200 393
Rejuvenating Trident Aquatic 50 200 393
Valkyrie Hard Trident Aquatic 65 275 582
Knight's Hard Trident Aquatic 65 275 582
Rampager's Hard Trident Aquatic 65 275 582
Berserker's Hard Trident Aquatic 65 275 582
Ravaging Dredge Trident Aquatic 50 200 649
Hearty Dredge Trident Aquatic 50 200 649
Honed Dredge Trident Aquatic 50 200 649
Rejuvenating Dredge Trident Aquatic 50 200 649
Strong Dredge Trident Aquatic 50 200 649
Vigorous Dredge Trident Aquatic 50 200 649
Berserker's Pearl Trident Aquatic 80 400 2,197
Valkyrie Pearl Trident Aquatic 80 400 2,197
Cleric's Pearl Trident Aquatic 80 400 2,869
Assassin's Pearl Trident Main Hand 80 400 2,869
Knight's Pearl Trident Aquatic 80 400 2,869
Carrion Pearl Trident Aquatic 80 400 2,869
Rampager's Pearl Trident Aquatic 80 400 2,869
Apothecary's Pearl Trident Aquatic 80 400 3,244