I think that are people in leadership positions, that don't understand our community. They seem to want to put themselves before the community and they don't understand why it's a problem.
Simply put: If you want to be a leader in GSCH, you can not be that type of person. You must be willing to put the community needs first, by sacrificing some of your wants and finding a compromise.
Being a leader in the Gaiscioch community means that you are willing to make sacrifices. If you are not comfortable with that, then you should not be a leader in our community. It's not a mark against your skills or personality, it just means that your needs and our needs are not a good match.
In Chapters, leaders are carefully chosen. However, this isn't happening in official social adventures, and it should. When a guild carries the GSCH brand name, people expect a particular gaming experience, one that they are familiar with in an official Chapter. They have every right to expect a GSCH experience. So putting folks in charge, who are not familiar with the Gaiscioch Way, is going to result in issues, such as this, as well as Aion, Archeage, RIFT (post-Chapter) etc.
We can't blame games and their designs for everything. Gaiscioch is supposed to be a social gaming community, and we have to take responsibility for being able to adapt to these adversities.
Read your credos. They are the best guide you will have, as to what is expected of you, whether you are a leader or a member, if you're in a Chapter or in a Social Adventure.