This event will be every Sunday night (see schedule) at 6:00 server (4:00 PST website time)
A new concept for the Sunday night livestream that I hope will appeal to the players who want to have a more in-depth look at the lore of WoW.
The idea is that we get a team of five players each Sunday night to form a group and go through level appropriate instances while discussing the story of each.
As I get feedback this week we can determine tank, healer and so forth. Each character needs to be 15 by Sunday night. You may not exceed the max level listed for each dungeon.
Here's the schedule:
November 13th Deadmines (be level 15 - 19)
November 20th The Stockades (be level 20 - 30)
November 27th - this Holiday weekend I am leaving open since many folks may travel
December 6th - Gnomergan (be level 25-32)
So basically I am asking for a dedicated team of people who are willing to level a character exclusively with this group. It does NOT have to be the same five people each week, but the team needs to be planned ahead of time so we have a viable group that is level appropriate. No "powering" through the dungeon.