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Arkfall Codes, and random stuff

Ban Caomhnoir de na Aracos Corcra
Ban Caomhnoir de na Aracos Corcra
  • GW2: Twilah.3609
  • ESO: @TwilahSilver
Posted On: 04/08/2013 at 04:23 AM
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I'm just getting into this game, but one thing I learned about this weekend (if you're new too) is to first of all register at

This is going to give you a great overview of the Defiance experience, let you register for updates on your favorite social media sites and also link your game to the main Defiance site.  One of the benefits of linking your game to the site is the ability to enter over 100 Arkfall codes which were released through beta and advertising pre-release.


These codes are readily found on the internet and if you chose to copy/paste them can give you some nice boosts for a new player.  You link accounts and enter codes under "My EGO".


There's a Season Pass available, if you play and you're really digging the game.  It gives you 5 DLC (downloadable content), a cool cap and an in game lockbox for $39.99.  Most of what you're paying for isn't available yet but it's like buying a season pass for your favorite sports team.  You've paid in advance for the first five content releases, got a nice little discount and some in game "stuff".


Then of course you can just buy in-game currency and lockboxes:


Seems game developers have finally closed the loop on how to get thier money on a free to play.  I love it though, because it gets rid of gold spammers.  If someone ever feels the need to "buy" in game funds with real life money there's an outlet that won't get you banned from the game.  Hopefully this won't give players with deep pockets an edge over the casuals who live on a budget (98% of us!).


*Random tip, if you have a USB keyboard simply hit the "Enter" button and start typing to use chat.  No special navigation to open the chat option needed.  I had an old G15 keyboard in the closet that worked great yesterday.


Here's a great summary, complete with a link to the Defiance Wiki at the bottom by Auroralyn:



Starting at the beginning. Defiance is not just a video game. It's also a TV show from the talented minds at SyFy Channel. The two worlds interconnect in many ways, but are both also capable of standing on their own feet.


The Story


Not too far in the future, a group of aliens collectively known as the Votans arrived on Earth. The Votans were seeking a new home after their own star system was destroyed. Tensions mounted and things got out of hand, ultimately leading to the Votan-Human conflict known as the Pale Wars. The Pale Wars only ended when the Arkfall happened.


The Arkfall occurred when the entire Ark fleet in orbit simultaneously exploded, raining Arks down upon the Earth and unleashing the terraforming technology within in an utterly chaotic manner. Gone were the plans that the Votans had of using the technology sparingly and cautiously. Mountain ranges were raised, gaping chasms were ripped from the land and the planet was burned. Life as we knew it ended.


After the Arkfall, a ceasefire was declared and Humans and Votans alike began to pick up the pieces of what was left. 


From the TV side of things, the story focuses on Joshua Nolan, who returns to his home town of St. Louis after the Pale Wars only to discover that it is completely changed from when he was young. The once-great city is little more than a border town, now, renamed Defiance. Nolan joins up as Chief Lawkeeper of the town and our SyFy story begins.


Trion Worlds takes a different route in the Defiance game, instead following you, the player, as you endeavor to become a great Ark Hunter. As Arks continue to fall, the valuable technology within is a much-desired commodity in this post-war world. Your job is to brave the terrain, monsters and enemy Ark Hunters as you strive to reclaim Arktech for your new boss Karl Von Bach and his organization, Von Bach Industries.





Through your connections at Von Bach Industries, players get access to a wide array of tools, vehicles and equipment to help them do their jobs to the utmost of their abilities. 


At the forefront of these abilities is your Environmental Guardian Online, or EGO for short. This alien technology unlocks dormant potential in the human body, making you capable of amazing feats and abilities. The four primary EGO abilities are Blur, Cloak, Decoy and Overcharge and you can find more information on these right here. These super-human abilities are a blast to use and the learning curve is not very steep before you get the hang of the mechanics.


Suffice it to say, EGO is a game changer in Defiance. There's a lot of first-person shooters out there and just as many open-world games, but none of them can boast the EGO system or the amazing story and game world that sets Defiance apart.


Shadow War



As with any good online game, players will be given a couple core game modes; Player vs Player and Player vs Environment.


On the PvP side of things, Defiance offers classic competitive multiplayer as well as the much-anticipated Shadow War.


While we love a good old-fashioned death match every now and then, it is Shadow War that really catches our interest. In this mode, players are assigned to two teams - both working as operatives of Echelon, a private military organization in Defiance. Both teams are directed towards a piece of fallen Arktech and instructed that whichever team reigns supreme will get to be the ones who claim the loot. The spoils include Echelon credits that can be used to purchase new weapons, armor and items for your player.


Perhaps the coolest aspect of Shadow War is that Trion Worlds simply layers this amazing experience on top of the already vibrant game world. So while you are engaging in this epic Shadow War match, you'll still have NPCs rolling around the map as well as other players completing their missions and quests around you. This is contrary to the way other games do things, where you'll often see instanced battle zones.


 On the other side of the game, you have the core storyline and PvE action going on. This is where the story will unfold as well as a wealth of additional content that can keep anyone going for hours upon hours. A challenge system enables you to test your skills for a chance to earn a spot on the global leaderboard and side missions complement the main story as you start taking contracts from various big shots in the Bay Area.


These side missions and core story quests are playable with a group, as well, bringing a layer of cooperative play that is an absolute must in a game like Defiance.





Perhaps one of the most exciting aspects of Defiance is the dynamic events system that comes in the form of Arkfalls. These are actually so awesome that we'll be dedicating a separate post to them during launch week (also known as this week right now [woot!]), but here's what you need to know in a nutshell:


Arkfalls are dynamic events in Defiance where wreckage from Votan ships in orbit comes crashing down to Earth. These Arks contain valuable alien technology, but they are fiercely guarded by Hellbugs. There are two types of Arkfall; minor and major. The first kind can be handled by a single Ark Hunter or maybe a couple, but certainly won't present a challenge to a group of die-hard players.


The major Arkfalls, however, are where things get interesting. The skies blacken over the area surrounding the Arkfall and your EGO will alert you to its presence (if you happen to miss it). These events call passionate Ark Hunters like moths to flame and there is something incredibly satisfying about teaming up with other players to fight tooth and nail for the mighty rewards that major Arkfalls always herald.


Again, more on Arkfalls this week!



Ultimately, Defiance is such a broad offering that it would be pointless to try and summarize it in a single blog entry. Trion Worlds has a winner on its hands and we can't wait to start playing with you guys this week!


Stay tuned to the Defiance Forums as we continue to cover Defiance all week long and onward! The Defiance program on SyFy will debut later this month, and we'll be right here to bring you the latest on that score as well.


Need information here in the first hours of the game? The Defiance Wiki has a full knowledge base to fill your noggin with. Stick with us, Ark Hunters, we're in it for the long haul. 


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