So once again the brave heroes came together led by the Valiant Foghladha and his trusty Lt. GmaFoghladha.
They came together an quickly dispatched the Champions of Jormag and Primordus, with the ease of seasoned heroes. As the group climbed the steps of the Shiverpeak pass, the Commander had some technical issues, and a little language barrier, although slowed them down, it did not prevent them from claiming success and killing the Legendary Icebrood Construct.
They then headed to the Wizard's tower to work on helping Zojja close the rifts and defeat the Kryptis invasion. Through the fight, the commander showed off his acrobatic prowess by falling onto the bouncing mushroom, and thus saving himself from an embarrassing faceplant. Though once again some technical difficulties, they were overcome through having friends in the right place! The Kryptis, including the fearsome Hell Sister, stood no chance against our heroes.
From there the band of heroes headed back to Eye of the North to fight more of Jormag's minions. First to fall to our heroes was the corrupted Voice and Claw of Jormag. Although it wasn't the best fight for our heroes, they did prevail against these combined foes. They then went to face the Fraenir of Jormag. Although he thought he was a worthy opponent, it was no match for the heroes. They once again prevailed against this foe of Jormag.
From here the heroes decided they would not push their luck as they had in previous adventures and decided to head to their respective homes for some well deserved rest and accolades from the mighty deeds that they had accomplished, and the little bit of peace they created.
Obair mhaith a bhí ann ó thús deireadh!