Greetings Everyone,
As many of you know, over the past month I stepped back in to lead GSCH and get us back on track with where I'd hoped we'd be. Since then we've really come together as a community and as we prepare for the Node Wars on June 15th a lot of excitement is building.
Over the course of the past month I have been working on establishing a new Officer core including: Isha, Belana, NobleSavage, Alana, Eiahn, Ludoki, Engwar, Selrina, Izzy, Seacoral, and Briseadh. I have also been working with Ludoki, one of my most trusted friends over the years who I've shared battles with dating back to 2009. Ludoki is a compassionate leader and I have full confidence that he is the right person to take on the helm of our ship. Being Guild Leaders will have a lot of responsibility in the new frontier, Ludoki has the best schedule to fit the needs of the community.
That said, he will miss the first few days of the Node War. So we will likely be targeting a Friday or Saturday objective. Ludoki has already began working with the other officers to discuss the battle plan and I am confident he will do a good job. I will still be around on the Officer core to offer up advice and join in some of the Node War battles but I will be letting Ludoki drive this ship moving forward and support him any way I can. Please take a moment to welcome Ludoki and get to know him. He is a hell of a guy and is a very calm and collected leader. We will have many enjoyable adventures in the future.