Is there another account that has a username similar to yours? I have noticed that my username is not always available on new sites and I have to modify it and later on when I go back I can't remember for the life of me what I changed it to. Maybe I should just change all my usernames to Iforgot.
I vaguely remember Fog doing a callout to comment to make a post about guild size on a particular thread on their forums. That's maybe when you did that (or possibly hacked I suppose)
(I do remember reading that line at the time ;) )
Salithrin, now that you mention it, I remember that also. Somehow when I read it, it just didn't seem like me. Perhaps there is an answer other than mysterious goings on. I am a bit less concerned now, thanks.
None of us would ever impersonate one of our members to boost any GSCH-interest posts and I highly doubt that someone would hack your account to post... well, that.
Maybe a roommate/family member, with access to your computer, who wanted to help us out?
Drunk post? (it happens more often than people want to admit)