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Cead Mile Failte!Welcome to another edition of the Gaiscioch Community Notes. This month we've got a lot of fun lineup and should see some more action on our upcoming games testing. Camelot Unchained is plugging along on their quest for epic siege warfare all month with their CBTs while Conqueror's Blade ramps up to kick off their official CBT. Ashes of Creation is on the verge of allowing us access to their Siege Warfare test while Crowfall has made some massive improvements to their Beta bringing full on sieges into the game. Elder Scrolls Online announced their newest Chapter and Guild Wars 2 launched a new episode of the Living Story which will definitely kick you in the feels. All this and more will be covered in this weekends Gaiscioch Community Summit so be sure not to miss it! We'll keep you up to date on all of the news that's coming our way. Let's go ahead and dive into the news! DirectoryGet InvolvedGaiscioch Family NewsLet's Get Mobile!This past month I deployed our new navigation system and updated a few of the more trafficked pages on our site. While our site is nowhere near 100% mobile friendly it is a constant path I plan to be moving over the next year. We have 16 years of code to update so it's going to be a bit of an undertaking, but the navigation was the first step to allow us to enter the glorious mobile world. It also adds some pretty nifty features to help organize our site for easy browsability. I will be covering the change during the Winter Gaiscioch Community Summit on February 2nd, 2019 at 5PM PT. Be sure to attend as I explain some of the ins-and-outs of the new system. Some of the key features include:
Winter 2019 Gaiscioch Community SummitThis weekend we have our quarterly Gaiscioch Community Summit on February 2nd, 2019 at 5PM PT. Join us as we cover some of the latest news in our community and in the gaming world. This event typically runs 1-2 hours and includes live polling, giveaways, and a AMA session with myself Foghladha. This is a great opportunity to learn about our community and participate in some fun discussions about upcoming titles. The event will be streamed on Twitch at: https://gsch.info/twitch with voice support on Discord: https://gsch.info/ce Signups for 2019 Extra Life Charity Event are Now OpenFor those of you looking to join us in raising money for the the 2019 Extra Life Charity Event, November 1-3rd you can sign up now at: https://gsch.info/extralife-register. Over the next few months I'll be updating the site to include our new logo. This year we will be rebranding our "Gaiscioch Extra Life Charity Event Livestream" to become "Gaiscioch #ExtraLife". We are working toward including other charity events throughout the year as well, and this name change will allow us a lot more mobility in that department. If your interested in donating visit: https://gsch.info/extralife-donate Team information can be found at: https://gsch.info/extralife-team Inside the FamilyGaiscioch Family Promotions:I wanted to take a moment to say congratulations to a few members this month for accepting their next credo and stepping into a new role in our family. Veteran Members (Curadh)Veteran Members have proven their devotion to the family by participating in events and contributing to the family's success. They have been active more than 90 days and have continued to be contributing members to the family. » aefdez84 » Calsie » Vieramyst Official Members (Lorgaire)Official Members have earned the rank of Lorgaire and have accepted the Mark of the Kindred credo. They have officially decided to become members of the family and start their journey to ascend the roles of the Gaiscioch Family. » aefdez84 » BlancoPadre » Brinon » Fenris072 » Goarza » Husky » KarlKael » Koto » SEagle » Working Please Welcome Our Newest MembersGaiscioch By The Numbers
Member Rewards
Chapter 4:
Great Tyrian Adventure Season 5We've got 4 weeks left in the fifth season of the Great Tyrian Adventure chapter one. Which means you still have time to earn a Legendary weapon! Join us Saturdays at 12PM PT in game or on stream for your chance to win one of our many prizes. Each week we'll be raffling off some items and awarding grand prize raffle tickets which can be used for epic prizes. February Guild Hall Upgrade QuestThis month we are making a hard push to grow the 3 core room guild halls. We are working toward having all Crafting Materials up to Tier 5 and unlock all of the Auras for WvW objectives. This is quite a massive undertaking and will require a whole lot of help from the community. This month we will be focusing on Unlocking the WvW Auras. If you can check your banks and see if any of these you can help us with it would be a tremendous step forward. Send all donations to Foghladha.2506 for donation credit.
Additionally the following Bind to Account items are needed and can be deposited directly to the Guild Treasurer just inside the guild hall for each Core Room.
The Treasurer will only accept up to the total number needed so once the requirement is met you will not be able to donate any more. All Treasurer donations will not be tracked for contribution and will be simply to help out the community unlock better buffs and abilities. Each player should only be in 1 core room. These serve as your long term house for easy reinvites into Gaiscioch na Rall. Core Rooms:
Guild Wars 2 Events at a GlanceAll Times Pacific
Top Guild Wars 2 News For January, 2019
Legacy Chapter 5:
Elder Scrolls Online |
Fridays Saturdays |
With the Alliance moving alliance RvR to Wednesdays, the one night a week I can't play, I've decided to go back to a rotating schedule of T1 and T4 alternating weeks on Fridays at 6PM PT. I encourage you all to come out and support the alliance on Wednesday nights as it's sure to be a good time. Our first week on the new schedule will be Tier One on Feb 1st. I have posted the schedule on both our in game calendar and our website.
All Times Pacific
At this months Summit I'll be showing some trailers from some of our newest adventures. We've got some pretty cool games announced over the last quarter and some surprises in store. It seems the industry is trying to find that next big thing and many studios are looking to "make a lasting experience, not a cash grab". The past few years have been laced with quick buy-2-play early access, then the studio just moves on to the next thing. These quick cash grabs have decimated the number of people who are even willing to support a title before launch and more so have driven the financial gains away from the studios who actually need it and have long term plans.
A few studios are taking a hard stance on playing the long game rather than the quick and dirty. Many of us have been burned by studios promising big and delivering small. There's not a day that goes by when someone doesn't share a story of how they got burned by a game in our Discord. I personally welcome the change and will stand behind any company that chooses to take the long road rather than the quick and easy. Integrity needs to make a comeback.
Join us at the Winter Gaiscioch Community Summit on February 2nd, 2019 at 5PM PT on Twitch at: https://gsch.info/twitch for your chance to check out some of the games we're looking at.
All Times Pacific
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Over the past month, since launching the new Magazine style and issue we also retooled Gaiscioch.com to give a more mobile friendly feel. While reformatting the manager for mobile readiness, I have begun streamlining the process to allow for a more fluid publishing process. You can look forward to a vastly improved work environment soon. We have our first round of articles on their way through the manager now.
Be sure to check out our latest stories and gaming news at: https://www.gaisciochmagazine.com/
Over the past few months and I've been exploring streaming in other creative places. Select streams have been broadcast over Periscope, Facebook, and Steam during the past couple months. These non-traditional platforms have yielded some interesting results and we've actually had some good feedback come through. I have also made the switch from Restream.io to Castr for multi-broadcasting. With the new PC and new tools, I've been able to improve bitrate and bring a higher quality stream to life. Now the final step of this whole process is getting my studio in order to finally use my camera. Guess after 4 years it's safe to unpack the boxes :). After moving 6 times in 3 years it's hard to feel rooted. Rest assured you will see Fog soon with my many hats and awesome cats.
Slan Go Foill!
(Goodbye For Now)
Benjamin "Foghladha" Foley
Taoiseach de na Griobhta Glas