Bealtaine 2016 (May)
Cead Mile Failte!
Youch! Man is it Hot!
The Summer has arrived early this year and with it we will likely see the great migration to the outdoors. We can expect a dip in numbers as the sun fills our days and kites fill our sky. But that doesn't mean there's nothing going on! This month we're going to play with the event lineup a bit and try out some new community events.
Gaiscioch Family News
May 2016 Gaiscioch Family Summit
Join us on May 7th, 2016 at 5PM PT for this month's Gaiscioch Family Summit Livestream. Each month we cover the monthly news, events, and field questions from members and viewers about the Gaiscioch Family. Be sure to join us on Discord to participate and tune in to or to watch the stream.
Gaiscioch Family Promotions:
I wanted to take a moment to say congratulations to a few members this month for accepting their next credo and stepping into a new role in our family.
Guardians (Seaimpín)
The Gaiscioch Family Guardians are an advanced part of the Veteran Members group and serve as the front line of our family. They help newer members learn about the family, our website, and our belief system. They occasionally will need to help get conversations back on track, or report misdoing's to the family elders. They act as advisors, guidance providers, and overall protectors of the family name. By this time a member should be involved in the family for more than 6 months and has been an active attendee in family events. For those who prefer fellowship over leadership this is the last stop on the family tree. Members must prove their leadership ability to progress to the Leadership ranks through the accumulation of both Valor Points (Earned through leading events.) as well as earning Tokens of Valor from lower ranked members of the family.
» CaptCaveman
» kiltedpiper
» Lavum
» RatSandwich
» Sapheira
» Wheelgun
Veteran Members (Curadh)
Veteran Members have proven their devotion to the family by participating in events and contributing to the family's success. They have been active more than 90 days and have continued to be contributing members to the family.
» Bharat
» BunnehKat
» Kito
» Tiffany
» Wheelgun
Official Members (Lorgaire)
Official Members have earned the rank of Lorgaire and have accepted the Mark of the Kindred credo. They have officially decided to become members of the family and start their journey to ascend the roles of the Gaiscioch Family.
» Balena
» Bharat
» BrathairMor
» CerrisCharredOak
» Cerun
» Crusher
» HeideMoose
» Ian
» Kito
» MaliceSynn
» Pipann
» Rewards
» Sharry
» Sunnaia
Guild Wars 2 News
The Spring Update Is Here!
Before you panic, be sure to take a look at all the new updates. This patch in my opinion is the best patch they've released in years. As I can't list all of the updates here as the notes alone are 16,972 words in length. Here's some of the highlights:
Updates to Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Maps
Heart of Maguuma maps have been updated to make exploration more fun, whether you prefer solo or group play. Mordremoth's forces were driven back from crucial waypoints, adventures are more accessible, new events have been added, and scaling and reward structures have been adjusted to give you more control over how you spend your time in the jungle.
Max-Level Boost
Soar to level 80, and unlock your heroic potential! All players who have purchased Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns will receive one free Max-Level Boost, delivered in a permanent, account-wide inventory slot that's yours to keep. We'll equip your new max-level character with everything they need to join the battle against Mordremoth.
LFG Update—Squad Support and New Categories
Bring your squad into LFG to find new friends to play with in raids and large group content! We've also added new categories and subcategories to help you make connections and refine your search, whether you're hunting for achievements, seeking a mentor, or in need of role-playing companions.
Updates to World vs. World
World vs. World now features reward tracks, letting you make guaranteed progress toward the rewards you want most as you play. Through reward tracks, you can earn tomes of knowledge, crafting materials, and skins, including the new WvW-exclusive Triumphant armor set. We're also creating alliances between low-population worlds, giving them the necessary numbers to go head-to-head with existing high-population worlds.
World Linking (Alliances)
In an effort to help with population imbalances, ArenaNet has linked pairs of servers together matching their playtimes to give each server better coverage. Sanctum of Rall has allied with Dragonbrand and so far things are going well for us.
And much more!
- Legendary Fractal Back Item
- Legendary Short Bow
- Raid Lobby
- Daily Achievements and Rewards Additions
- Skills and Balance Updates
- Fractals of the Mists Polish
- PvP Map Changes
See the full list of changes at:
New Family Event Lineup for May 2016
With substantial changes and things about to get a lot grander in scale, I've been playing with the idea of changing up my events a bit for this month. I want to hit the new changes hard and see what we can do to get some new blood in the family. Additionally, aside from the ESO Social Adventure episodes, we aren't getting a lot of traction in viewers or in participants at the moment. I feel my time is better used back in Guild Wars 2 so starting in May I believe I will be placing the Social Adventures Livestream on hold for the time being.
So here's what I have planned to start in may.
- Tue @ 5-6PM PT - Speed Missions in SORC
- Tue @ 6-8PM PT - The Siege War Livestream in Guild Wars 2
- Thu @ 6-8PM PT - New Player World Boss Train - Every other Thursday - Will be running ESO New Player events on off weeks.
- Fri @ 6-8PM PT - ClubGaiscioch in WvW - Part 1 (no-livestream)
- Fri @ 11-1AM - ClubGaiscioch in WvW - Part 2 (no-livestream)
Please note starting in May I will only be running PvE missions on Tuesdays at 5PM. If anyone wants to pick up another missions run time on another day I welcome you to do so. I need to spend my time either with the new players or on the battlefield to bolster our numbers.
Additional Note: Terafer and I will be rotating Tuesdays for the Missions & WvW events. On my off weeks I'll be bringing the Siege War to new lands like ESO, WAR, and eventually BDO. Each week that I'm out of game Tuesday I'll be in game for the New Player Adventures.
Looking for Guild Mission Runners
For more than 2 years I've run Guild Missions 2-3 times per week. I enjoy running them but realize that I need to spend my time on the front lines bringing new blood into the family and also get back to getting people into SORC for our community events. I can't do that if I'm always running missions with my free time. Missions typically are sought after by gw2 veterans that already have committed to a guild. I need to target the new blood.
I'm looking for 1 or 2 people that can help me run Guild Missions off prime time to help build our numbers and give people more options for when they complete them. I can give you instructions on what to do and some pointers. Most of you probably have this process memorized and can do it in your sleep. If your interested please reach out to me so I can get you setup. I'd like to have 3 missions slots each week but I simply can't do them all.
Please Welcome Our Newest Members
Please welcome our newest members to our Guild Wars 2 family.
» Blore []
» CerrisCharredOak [Jacaranda.4967]
» Eallie [Eallie.1046]
» Gearman [Shredder Jr.8065]
» Hayword []
» HeideMoose [HeideMoose.3276]
» Helio [Eliah.9138]
» InkedExile [inkedexcile.9408]
» Kbuffalo []
» Lander7 [Sender.6159]
» MiaYow [Susan Michael.9236]
» Rivezu [rivezu.3589]
» Tristaris [Astry.9476]
Guild Wars 2 Events at a Glance
Top Guild Wars 2 News For April, 2016
- Guild Wars 2 Update: Game Update Notes - April 19, 2016
- Super Adventure Glider, Gwen’s Attire and Basic Leather Rack Home-Instance Node in the Gem Store!
- Guild Wars 2 Update: Game Update Notes - April 1, 2016 Part 2
- Community Showcase Live: April
- The Spring Quarterly Update is Coming
- Celebrate the Spring Quarterly Update With a Dev Chat
- Official Guild Wars 2 Merchandise from Cook & Becker and iam8bit
- On Point This Friday
- Additional Shared Inventory Slots, Spectral Weapon Collection, Sentinel Outfit, and More in the Gem Store!
- Tune in to On Point this Friday
Elder Scrolls Online News
The Dark Brotherhood Approaches

In what I believe is the most exciting patch to date, the Dark Brotherhood brings with it the single most important feature we never knew we needed. Nameplates. Yes that's right! Finally our kindness can go recognized, our prowess will be known and people can begin recognizing our community from a distance. Why is this a big change for us? Well because since the game launched we have had a terrible time building name recognition as we don't spam chat channels to get new members. This allows us to actually have a face in the game. If all goes well we can expect to see an increase in population within the family.
That is just one tiny feature coming with the free part of the patch. The full DLC is set to go live May 31st and is available on the PTS server now. For more information about the DLC head over to:
New Player Events & AvA with Foghladha
You may have been joining me for my run through the Aldmeri starter zone over the past few months. Well coming in May I plan to do an accelerated tour focusing on the Dark Anchors, Skyshards, Group Events and waystones.
In May we will be running 2 events. The first in Stonefalls on Thursday May 5th from 6-8PM PT, the second in AvA on Azura's Star on Tuesday May 10th from 6-8PM PT. This will be a public event and we will be trying to impress the locals by our kindness and helpfulness. Feel free to join me for some fun social play.
Please Welcome Our Newest Members
Please welcome our newest members to our Elder Scrolls Online family.
» AlliStargazer [@AlliStargazer]
» GoodKarma [thiefsguild]
» Lexi [@theHollow]
» Snow [@JosephSnow]
Elder Scrolls Online Events at a Glance
Top Elder Scrolls News For April, 2016
- ESO Community Headquarters at PAX East 2016
- ESO’s Two-Year Anniversary Retrospective
- Dark Brotherhood: First Look
- Dark Brotherhood: Launch Details
Social Adventures News
Black Desert Community Update

We currently have GSCH and Teaghlach (means family in Irish) as very active guilds that look forward to PvP Node Wars (no date set yet for game inclusion) as much as they want to enjoy all the PvE content of the game. PvP is open world at level 45, but we only end up with sporadic things happening due to people who rather PK then invite a stranger to a group. There is nothing real to fight over yet.
Due to being a sandbox we have people who are ultimate gatherers, horse breeders, fishers and cooks, while still managing to level and explore the world. Everyone can play in the sandbox how they want, when they want. Everyone seems to be having fun and we figured out this diverse sandbox also leads to “Squirrel Moments”, where you wind up doing several other things before you get to what you planned to do in the first place. Plenty of help can be found in guild chat and on Discord. We try to be on Discord a lot in order to cross communicate between the guilds as there is no in game mechanic for that. Alliance mechanics may come with Node Wars, but nothing definitive yet.
Our current activity is staying at 90+ members in GSCH with at least 85 of them signing on most days. The inactivity time has been increased to 14 days and seems best with how this impacts the guild with in-game mechanics and for having a rather stable member rate. Teaghlach is at about 38 and pushing 40. Now that we are nearly through month two, the new and shiny is starting to wear off, and the true excitement of this game is keeping us here at a stable attendance.
GSCH and Teaghlach have been starting subjugation missions and doing boss scrolls for a little while now. We are hoping to get more people up to 50 in order to take place in these events, but we completely understand that the nature of the game makes you just take your time and have fun.
If interested, don’t hesitate to jump in Discord. We have a great crew of people who are all willing to work together and do the things needed even if the family had to buy a second house to fit us all.
Black Desert Expands
Over the past month we've seen 2 free expansions to Black Desert. The first was a huge addition opening up Mediah a new region of the game filled with over 1,000 new quests, a new boss, new guild missions, a 40v40 battlefield, new items and craftable goods. All in all it expanded the world by 30%. The second, released on April 20th added two new classes the Musa and the Maehwa. Be sure to login and check out the latest updates. Be sure to join discord if you need an invite to any of our guilds.
Warhammer Online
It's been a fun few weeks in Warhammer Online, but with the Social Adventures being put on hold our events will move from Thursday nights. We will instead be running them as part of our Siege War livestream on Tuesday the 24th at 6PM.
The Tuesday Night Siege War livestream will rotate between Guild Wars 2, ESO and Warhammer Online for the month of May as a trial. If things go well, we may continue our adventures. Be sure to keep an eye on the calendar for the new event lineup. If this works out as a better day for everyone we will continue this moving forward.
We currently have about 48 active people in the guild, however i'm only seeing about 5 on our event nights. I'm hoping a move to Tuesday can help bolster our numbers, if not I'll have to move this event out of Warhammer Online into something that draws a bigger crowd. There's a lot of active people atm, but i think were just too spread apart level and playtime wise.
Coming Soon to Social Adventures
Riders of Icarus
You guys know me, I'm not one for PvE, but this game has something about it that draws me to it. I have had the opportunity to test it with a few of you and plan to get a GSCH open when it goes open beta. This game has some real nice features in it and is breathtakingly beautiful. I plan to host a few events in here and see if it's something we'd like to play. Unfortunately I can't say much about it as i'm under NDA, but once it's lifted I'll be streaming it quite a bit.
World of Warcraft
Just a note to say that I know most of you have played WoW and always asked why there was no Gaiscioch in WoW. Well Twilah has taken it on herself to fix that by opening a GSCH on the Alliance Faction on the Kirin Tor (RP) server. If you interested in joining the GSCH Social Adventure in World of Warcraft be sure to connect with Twilah. If we generate enough interest it will become an official part of our Social Adventure lineup.
Bless Online
This month we finally saw the publisher for Bless Online. It is Aeria Games, who may have a long history of making Pay-2-Win games, however their direction has changed recently with the launch of Echo of Soul and a few others that are bringing it more in line with how ArenaNet, ZeniMax, Trion, NEXON, and DAUM are doing their transaction. Things like bag/storage space, cosmetic items, special mounts, etc are the focus of their newer games cash shops. They have publicly said that they are aiming to remove Pay-2-Win from all of their newer titles.
So things are looking scary but good for Bless. The even better news is that our family built a huge connection to Aeria when we delivered on the promise to help test Echo of Soul. We're now on the A list for testing Bless thanks to all of your hard work. This goes to show that sometimes testing a game you aren't interested can help get you into one that you are. As soon as we're able to get our hands on this one it will become a Social Adventure. There are a few items that are standing in it's way from becoming a full chapter and only time will tell if it could be chapter eligible.
New Adventures
Popular Adventures
Join a Social Adventure Today!
Gaiscioch Magazine News
Issue 9 Enters Production Phase
This issue is shaping up nicely and we are set to release the last monday of June. In this issue we look at Exploring Futures. I have decided to share with our readers the process that Gaiscioch goes through when selecting chapters to best enable our success for the first time in this issue. This will feature our full comparative matrix and the process in which we run through to identify and select optimal chapters. In addition we have interviews from a professional livestreamer and the team behind Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen. Be sure to stay tuned for more exciting news.
First Video Interviews Make Their Appearance
Our very own Ed "Screenag3r" Orr took to the floor at EGX Rezzed to get us some in person interviews. Be sure to check these out!
Be sure to check out our latest stories and gaming news at:
Gaiscioch Livestream News
Mondays at 6PM PT Streams of Epic Adventure
Episode 56:

May 2nd
Episode 57:

May 9th
Episode 58:

May 16th
Episode 59:

May 30th
Recent Episodes
Episode 55:

Apr 25th
Episode 54:

Apr 18th
Episode 53:

Apr 11th
Episode 52:

Apr 4th
» Learn More
Tuesdays at 6PM PT The Siege War
Recent Episodes
Apr 20th
The Siege War of Sanctum of Rall
Apr 12th
4/12 The Siege War of Sanctum of Rall -
Apr 5th
The Siege War of Sanctum of Rall
Mar 30th
3/29: The Siege War - SoR vs BP vs DR
» Learn More
Saturday at 11AM PT Weekend Warriors
Episode 5:

May 7th
Episode 6:

May 14th
Episode 7:

May 21st
Episode 8:

May 28th
Recent Episodes
Episode 4:

Apr 23rd
Episode 3:

Apr 9th
Episode 2:

Apr 2nd
Episode 1:

Apr 2nd
» Learn More
Daily at 3PM PT Side Quests
Dec 31st
inFAMOUS Second Son
Dec 31st
The Last of Us
Dec 31st
Assassin's Creed Syndicate
Dec 31st
UNCHARTED 4: A Thief’s End
» Learn More
Sunday at 8AM PT Smitty Streams
Episode 25:

Apr 29th
Episode 26:

May 6th
Episode 27:

May 13th
Episode 28:

May 20th
Recent Episodes
Episode 24:

Apr 15th
Episode 23:

Apr 8th
Episode 22:

Apr 1st
Episode 21:

Mar 25th
» Learn More
Closing Notes
I do hope that you all have a wonderful May and I look forward to sharing adventures with you all. Whether it's in our Social Adventures, Chapters, or Livestreams i'm certain that glorious battles and epic memories will be shared by all.
Slan Go Foill! (Goodbye For Now)
Benjamin "Foghladha" Foley
Ceannard De Gaiscioch Treubh