Samhain, 2013 (November)
Cead Mile Failte!
As many of you know this month is a very special month for the Gaiscioch Family. It is the month that we seal our 12th year in the history books, and open our newest page for year 13. Our 12th year was… shall we say, educational.
We saw the family break the 5,000 registered member mark, attained the highest level of activity to date, and we expanded our developer network into several new titles. Overall, year 12 was a learning experience, a year of stabilization, and a year of preparation for our future.
This month also marks the date of our traditional State of the Family event, and also has our 2013 Extra Life charity event. This newsletter will be shorter than usual, as most of the "important" stuff will be saved for the State of the Family event. Let me jump into some of the highlights.
It's Baby Time! Congratulations to the new Gaiscioch Jr's out there!
This month we had several new babies join the family :D. Very exciting times for many of our Gaiscioch, as they welcome little ones into the fold.
Bloodmaw welcomed his newest into the world, as he works to complete a squad of top tier raiders single-handedly! Baby Sophia was born on October 21s and is 9lbs 2oz 21.5 inches tall.
Nostiger welcomed a baby girl, Artemis, to the family on October 25th at 4:39 AM, she was 6 pounds 8 oz and 19 inches long.
Klystora & Bivrip welcomed their little boy Mason on September 7th. Weighing in at 7lbs 2oz he measured 20 1/2".
Congratulations to all of you, and your families - I wish you many wonderful memories in your future together.

November 2nd, 2013: Gaiscioch 25-Hour Gaming Marathon for the Extra Life Charity Event
This is the final week to rally your friends, co-workers, and families to donate toward our 2013 Extra Life Charity fund. As a reminder anyone who signs up and collects one or more dollars, or donates one or more dollars will be receiving the full amount we gathered as a family in the form of contribution points. If we raise $2,000 everyone who helped raise that $2,000 will receive 2,000 Contribution Points and an Extra Life 2013 badge on their profile. Even if you are not playing Guild Wars 2, you are welcome to join us and play 25 hours in whatever game you're playing.
On November 2nd we will be hosting a full 25 hours of events hosted between PvE and WvW by your favorite event leaders.
- 12-3am: WvW Event with Foghladha - Streamed on:
- 3-6am: PvE Event with Ryokka in Queensdale (Welcoming crew for new players)
- 6-9am: WvW Event with Kaytlyn
- 9-12pm: PvE Event with Twilah in Queensdale (Welcoming crew for new players)
- 12-3pm: WvW Event with Jessica
- 3-6pm: PvE Event with Prissy in Queensdale (Welcoming crew for new players)
- 6-9pm: WvW Event with Spartan
- 9-12am: PvE Event including Guild Missions with Foghladha - Streamed on:
* Hosts & Times subject to change.

November 9th, 2013: Join us for our Annual State of the Family Livestream!
For the first time this year we will be livestreaming our Gaiscioch State of the Family on This annual event highlights our past year and discusses our immediate future. Be sure to attend this years event as we will be debuting the Year 12 Gaiscioch Family Trailer. In addition, we will have some very special announcements you do not want to miss!!!
Please join us at: on November 9th, 2013 at 5:00pm PST. Additionally you can join RaidCall: 1101 for post event question and answers. It's time to kick off year 13 and it is lining up to be one of our most epic to date. Be sure not to miss this event!
Mark Your Calendars: Gaiscioch Family Holiday Party - Portland, Oregon
For those who live in the pacific northwest, I welcome you to join me on December 14th, 2013 for the Gaiscioch Family Holiday Party at Thirsty Lion at Tanasbourne in Hillsboro, OR. Be sure to RSVP on our website to get on the guest list. I wanted to make sure to give everyone plenty of time to plan ahead.
When: December 14th 2013 @ 12PM PST Where: 2290 NW Allie Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon 97124
RSVP at:
Coming 2014 The Gaiscioch Family Magazine
I am currently experimenting with the idea of creating a Gaiscioch Family Magazine which will be a quarterly digital publication distributed through both our website, and on mobile devices. We are currently looking for Photographers, Editors, Copywriters, and page layout artists. I plan to cover a wide range of topics from the Main Chapters of our family to new games hitting the market on consoles, pcs, or mobile.
I will be allowing anyone in the family to submit reviews or articles and we will compile them all together for each issue. I will also be publishing some of the recipes we've collected over the years. All in all if it's Gaiscioch related, or related to something a Gaiscioch is enjoying doing we want to publish it. This may be the most scatterbrained, all over the place magazine, but it will be quite entertaining and most likely have something for everyone. If you have an idea you'd like to contribute please hop over to our forums and add your name to the list. We'd love for everyone to play a part in this.
Learn more at:
In Closing
I look forward to seeing you all at the State of the Family livestream and I cannot wait to join you in making 2014 the most epic year yet! Stay safe and I'll see you November 9th!
Slan Go Foill! (Goodbye For Now)
Benjamin "Foghladha" Foley
Ceannard De Gaiscioch Treubh